Anton Krempl

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Anton Krempl (born January 29, 1790 in Pöllitschberg ; † December 21, 1844 in Kleinsonntag) was a Slovenian poet and writer , historian and Catholic priest who made a significant contribution to the development of Slovenian national consciousness and Styrian historiography .

Anton Krempl: Farmešter per mali Nedli v 'slovenjih Goricah, sočlan znotrajno austrianske dogodivšinske družbe.
Anton Krempl: Gravestone in the parish of Mala Nedelja, Slovenia.


Anton Krempl was born in Pöllitschberg in Lower Styria (today Polički vrh near Gornja Radgona in Slovenia ) not far from the town of Radkersburg and grew up on the modest farm of his parents, Michael Krempl and Magdalena, née Semlitsch (Zemljič). First he attended the trivial school of the parish St. Peter near Oberradkersburg , later the grammar school in Marburg (today Maribor in Slovenia) and the last two classes in Graz . In 1811 he enrolled in theology at the Graz Lyceum .

During his studies in Graz, Krempl had close contact with Peter Dainko (Dajnko) and Koloman Quaß (Kvas) - he knew both of them from the Marburg high school - and Johann Leopold Schmigoz (Janez Šmigoc), who also came from Lower Styria . Under the impression of Romanticism and the Enlightenment , this group dealt intensively with questions of Alpine Slavic history and topography as well as with the Slavic languages and dialects of the region between the Mur , Drava and Sava .

The so-called Societas slovenica was also founded in this era by the 25-year-old law student Johann Nepomuk Primiz ( Janez Primic ) from Lower Carniola on May 13, 1810 in Graz, a private company for the promotion of the Slovene language, whose main endeavor was “that a Slovenian professorship would be built ". While the Societas Slovenica the first - in October 1810 four participants faced the resolution that "Windische voice pulpit" could Slovenistik - Chair record in April 1812 60 student teaching - worldwide. Krempl was most likely personally involved in these epoch-making processes and directly involved in the processes, but no written records have been preserved. Through the acquaintance with Albert Muchar and attending his lectures at the Graz Lyceum, Krempl also found access to Styrian historiography.

On September 21, 1814, Krempl received the sacrament of ordination to the priesthood in St. Andrä in Lavanttal and was assigned as chaplain to the parish "All Saints" near Friedau (today Svetinje near Ormož in Slovenia) after completing his studies . On September 7, 1815, he took up spiritual care and school lessons. After only six months he was transferred to the parish of St. Jakobus in the city of Friedau (today Ormož in Slovenia). Here he taught at the elementary school and supported the pastor Georg Wagner with pastoral care .

When a chaplaincy became vacant in the town of Pettau (today Ptuj in Slovenia), the dean's seat, in November 1820 , Krempl took advantage of this opportunity and moved to the main and town parish of St. Georg. He soon made friends with Simon Povoden , who lived here , “the priest and historian who was so highly deserved around Pettau”, and he renewed relationships with his friend from Graz, Johann Leopold Schmigoz, who was the district commissioner in the city.

In 1822 Krempl was listed as a prenumerant in the historical work Historisch Topographisches Lexicon von Steyermark by Carl Schmutz : "Krempl Anton, town chaplain and catechist, curat beneficiary, supreme teacher of the third class and corps father in the civil corps of the kk chamber town of Pettau." On October 26, 1824, Krempl was appointed vicar and at the same time received the title of "choir master". This made him the right hand of the pastor and district dean Josef Meglitsch.

Two years later, on September 11, 1826, Anton Krempl received the parish of St. Lorenzen in Windischbüheln (today Sv. Lovrenc, Juršinci in Slovenia). This parish was subordinate to the deanery Pettau and extended over 48 km². The parish included 15 villages and consisted of about 2,400 believers. The parish church and the rectory were in the village of Jurschinzen, which also had a one-class trivial school, at which around 90 children were taught at the time. In 1828 Krempl and the parish celebrated the 300th anniversary of the parish church, which was thoroughly renovated during his era as pastor, and he also made it possible to expand the rectory. When Krempl was recalled here at the turn of the year 1835 after serious differences with his superiors, he left his successor a well-ordered parish.

On January 28, 1836, Anton Krempl held a festive investiture in the Holy Trinity Parish in Little Sunday's Sunday (now Mala Nedelja near Ljutomer in Slovenia) . At first he felt depressed in his new sphere of activity and as a " parochus coactus " (forced priest ), later he found the "sweet peace of heart" here and confidently called himself "Farmešter per mali Nedli v 'slovenjih Goricah" (pastor of Kleinsonntag in the Windischbüheln).

The Sprengel belonged to the diocese of Seckau and was subordinate to the Dean's Office Luttenberg (today Ljutomer in Slovenia). Krempl had about 2000 souls to look after in his office. The parish extended over 29 km² and included seven localities. There was a trivial school in the parish, which was attended by around 70 children. Anton Krempl lived and worked here until his death on December 21, 1844.

He died of pneumonia and was buried in the cemetery next to the parish church.


  • Cerkvene pesme za vse nedele po evangelih. (1816).
  • Nemško-slovenski Katekizmuš. (German-Slovenian catechism, 1826).
  • Molitvena knižica. (Prayer book, 1827).
  • Male molitvenice. (Prayer booklet, 1837).
  • Kratke preach. (Short sermons, 1839).
  • Dogodivšine štajerske zemle. Z 'posebnim pogledom na Slovence. (Events in the Styrian country. With special consideration of the Slovenes). Graz 1845. Facsimile reprint, Verlag Dr. Dr. Rudolf Trofenik, Munich 1974.
  • Prislovice štajerskih Slovencev. (Sayings of the Styrian Slovenes). Publications in the magazine: Kmetijske in rokodelske novice , volumes 1844, 1846–1848.


  • Joachim Hösler: From Carniola to Slovenia. Munich 2006, ISBN 3-486-57885-5 .
  • Anton Slodnjak: Whether stotridesetletnici smrti (...) Antona Krempla. Preface to the facsimile edition: Dogodivščine štajerske zemlje. Publishing house Dr. Dr. Rudolf Trofenik, Munich 1974, ISBN 3-87829-080-7 .
  • Hans Pirchegger: Explanations to the Hist. Atlas of the Austrian Alpine countries. The church and county map. Vienna 1940.
  • Anton Medved: Anton Krempl. In: Dom in svet (1895) p. 641 ff.
  • KK Central Statistical Commission: Special-Orts-Repertorien. IV. Styria. Vienna 1883.
  • Josef Andreas Janisch: Topographical-statistical lexicon of Styria. Vol. I./III. Graz 1878–1885.
  • Franz Miklosich: Barth. Kopitar's smaller fonts. 1st chapter. Vienna 1857.
  • Carl Schmutz: Historically Topographical Lexicon of Steyermark. Vol. I./IV. Graz 1822-1823.

Web links

Commons : Anton Krempl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files