Vicariate Apostolic Jaén en Peru o San Francisco Javier

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Vicariate Apostolic Jaén en Peru o San Francisco Javier
Basic data
Country Peru
Apostolic Vicar Gilberto Alfredo Vizcarra Mori SJ
Vicar General Francisco Muguiro Ibarra SJ
surface 32,572 km²
Parishes 28 (31.12.2015 / AP2017 )
Residents 550,000 (December 31, 2015 / AP2017 )
Catholics 460,000 (December 31, 2015 / AP2017 )
proportion of 83.6%
Diocesan priest 13 (31.12.2015 / AP2017 )
Religious priest 14 (31.12.2015 / AP2017 )
Catholics per priest 17,037
Permanent deacons 1 (31.12.2015 / AP2017 )
Friars 18 (December 31, 2015 / AP2017 )
Religious sisters 93 ( 12/31/2015 / AP2017 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Spanish
address Diego Palomino 1750
Apartado 6
Jaén, Via Chiclayo

The Apostolic Vicariate of Jaen en Peru o San Francisco Javier ( lat. : Apostolicus Vicariatus apostolicus Vicariatus Giennensis in Peruvia seu Sancti Francisci Xaverii ) is in Peru located Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate with headquarters in Jaén .


The Vicariate Apostolic consists of:


The Apostolic Vicariate Jaén en Peru o San Francisco Javier was on January 11, 1946 by Pope Pius XII. Established with the Apostolic Constitution In orbis catholici from cessions of territory of the dioceses of Cajamarca and Chachapoyas and the Apostolic Vicariate of San Gabriel de la Dolorosa del Marañón as the Apostolic Prefecture of San Francisco Javier . On April 24, 1971, the Apostolic Prefecture of San Francisco Javier by Pope Paul VI. with the Apostolic Constitution Cum raised to the Apostolic Vicariate.

On November 22, 1980, the name of the Vicariate Apostolic San Francisco Javier was changed to Vicariate Apostolic Jaén en Peru o San Francisco Javier .

Ordinaries of Jaén en Peru o San Francisco Javier

Apostolic Prefects

Vicars Apostolic

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pius XII: Const. Apost. In orbis catholici , AAS 38 (1946), n.13, p. 416f.
  2. Paul VI: Const. Apost. Cum die , AAS 63 (1971), n.11, pp. 805f.