August Wilhelm von Braun

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August Wilhelm von Braun (* 1701 in Giersleben ; † June 28, 1770 in Groß-Glogau ) was a Prussian lieutenant general , chief of infantry regiment No. 37 and knight of the order Pour le Mérite .



His parents were Adam Friedrich von Braun (* December 24, 1661 in Voigtstedt ; † 12 November 1738 in Giersleben), Mr. greed life and anhaltinisch-Köthener Amtshauptmann , and his wife Anna Margarethe, born of Lattorff made by Click (* 2 November 1668; † June 5, 1706). You were based in Anhalt-Koethen . The future Prussian general of the infantry Heinrich Gottlob von Braun (1714–1798) was his stepbrother.

Military career

Braun was employed in 1719 as a private corporal in the "Anhalt" infantry regiment of the Prussian Army . In the course of his military career he rose to captain and company commander until July 1740 . In the 1741/42 campaign , Braun was in the camp near Brandenburg an der Havel . During the Second Silesian War he took part in the siege of Prague and the battles at Hohenfriedberg and Soor and was then promoted to major on April 9, 1746 .

In the 1756/63 campaign , Braun fought near Lobositz and was wounded in front of Prague and then near Kolin . On March 6, 1758 he was appointed commander of his regiment, and on October 24 of the same year he was promoted to major general. The king appointed Brown on December 8, 1758 as Chief of Füsilierregiments "of Kurssel" and awarded him for his bravery during the battle of chasing the Order Pour le Mérite.

During the campaign, Braun and Major General Wobersnow arrested Prince Sulkowski because of his support for the Russian troops in his residence in Lissa and brought him to Glogau .

On July 30, 1767, Braun was promoted to lieutenant general. After his death he was buried on July 2, 1770 in the school church in Halle (Saale).


Braun had married Gisela Henriette von Wuthenow, widowed von Zehmen , in 1752 . On July 1, 1770, his three stepdaughters received permission to call themselves von Zehmen gen. Von Braun.


Individual evidence

  1. after: Anna Margarethe von Lattorf
  2. ^ Continued new genealogical-historical news . tape XIV . Johann Samuel Heinsii Erben, Leipzig 1763 ( Sulkowski in the Google book search).