The devil (1966)

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Original title The devil
Country of production Austria
original language German
Publishing year 1966
length 91 minutes
Director Georg Tressler
script Adolf Opel ,
Georg Tressler
production Otto Dürer
music Carl de Groof
camera Sepp Reef
cut Hermione Diethelm

Der Weibsteufel (reference title: Unter our Himmel ) is an Austrian feature film by Georg Tressler from 1966 with Maria Emo , Sieghardt Rupp and Hugo Gottschlich in the leading roles. The script was written by Adolf Opel and the director. It is based on the play of the same name by the Austrian playwright Karl Schönherr .

The film by Vienna-Film Produktion was premiered in Austria on April 29, 1966 in the Tabor cinema in Vienna. In the Federal Republic of Germany it was shown for the first time on June 30, 1966 at the International Film Festival in Berlin . It was first broadcast on German television on August 16, 1970 on ARD and again on ZDF on February 19, 1973 .


Up on the mountain is the farm, the "vulture's nest", whose owner enjoys marriage to a much younger, attractive woman as well as the lucrative smuggling, with the proceeds of which he would one day buy the village pub. The young gendarme, on the other hand, is both a thorn in the side: he wants to put an end to this marriage and smuggling - on the one hand because he likes the mountain beauty himself, on the other hand he needs a professional success in order to be promoted . However, both of them did the math without the third - the woman who is increasingly uneasy about being used by the gendarme as a decoy against her own husband and smuggler, and by her husband as a distraction against the gendarme. In this way she mobilizes her feminine feelings against both of them and sets them off at each other with the knife. Her husband finds death in the process; the gendarme is arrested.


“Striving for modernity, but hopelessly out of date and often involuntarily funny in terms of psychological motivation. Mediocre pastime, no reason to advise against the age of 18. "

- Protestant film observer

“Remake of the rural triangular drama by Karl Schönherr. Through skillful processing and modernization, it is psychologically credible, staged in a closed manner and played convincingly. "

Fritz Goettler from the Filmarchiv Austria certified that the film was “staged with stunning images and cast with excellent actors”. Tressler turns “Karl Schönherr's earthy stage template into a dazzling triangular drama that radically breaks the alluded genre of Heimatfilm in terms of narrative style and formal design. Der Weibsteufel [is] not only Tressler's most mature work, but also one of the most remarkable films that Austrian cinema produced in the post-war period ”.

Further films

Before this 1966 film version, the following three films had been made:

There are also three other film adaptations of the play for television and a movie from 2012:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Long review in the Evangelisches Film-Beobachter , Evangelischer Presseverband München, Review No. 280/1966, p. 529.
  2. The devil. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  3. Der Weibsteufel - rororo-Taschenbuch No. 3174 (1988), p. 4220.
  4. The Devil Woman criticism from . Retrieved June 30, 2016.