Sieghardt Rupp

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Sieghardt Rupp burial site

Sieghardt Rupp (born June 14, 1931 in Bregenz ; † July 20, 2015 in Vienna ) was an Austrian actor .


Sieghardt Rupp attended the University of World Trade (today: Vienna University of Economics and Business ), but quickly broke off the training. The son of a school principal then received an acting training at the Max Reinhardt Seminar . In 1954 he made his debut in Klagenfurt . From 1956 he played at the Salzburger Landestheater and in 1958 at the Landestheater Linz . In 1959 he was a guest at the Bad Hersfeld Festival and from 1959 he was employed by the Vienna Volkstheater .

It was at this time that he received his first film roles. Due to his pithy voice and his distinctive external appearance, he was particularly suitable for the role of a villain, whom he portrayed in two Karl May films or the spaghetti western for a handful of dollars . In the French comedy Drei Bruchpiloten in Paris (1966) he played a Wehrmacht officer and in the German drama Bübchen (1968) an overstrained family man.

Sieghardt Rupp became well known in the 1970s for his role as customs investigator Kressin in the ARD crime scene series . In seven episodes as the main investigator and with other guest appearances, he shaped the image of an investigator, previously unknown on German television, who could defy official channels and devote himself to his private life while on duty.

After leaving the crime scene , he turned back primarily to theater work. Until 1985 he worked at the Theater in der Josefstadt . He also went on numerous tours.

In 1995 he retired from the theater and film business. In 1997 he was awarded the Kainz Medal for his portrayal of the conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler in the play Der Fall Furtwängler (Original: Taking Sides ) by Ronald Harwood in the Rabenhoftheater , which was a subsidiary of the theater in der Josefstadt until 2000 .

From the late 1960s, Rupp lived (initially with his family) continuously in Vienna-Pötzleinsdorf , Khevenhüllerstraße  17. He died in a Viennese hospital. At his request, this was not made known to the media and the funeral took place in silence. His death only became public knowledge after more than ten months, when he was to be honored on the occasion of his 85th birthday. His supervisor from Caritas , who was his contact person for the last four years of his life, said she had to promise not to make his death public. Rupp appointed Caritas as the main heir.

Sieghardt Rupp's marriage to Gotlinde ("Linde"), an actress, had a daughter, Iris (-) Angela Rupp (1956–2013), who took over her father's former residence, Vienna-Mariahilf , Loquaiplatz  3.

The Sieghardt Rupps urn was buried in the closest family circle and quietly in the Neustifter Friedhof (group U6, number 24) in Vienna.

Filmography (selection)


  • Josef Treitl (collection): Sieghardt Rupp. Collection of newspaper articles . (Countless newspaper clippings in 1 folder). Vienna 1990, OBV .

Web links

Commons : Sieghardt Rupp  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Former "Tatort" star dead for almost a year. Report on, June 1, 2016. Accessed June 1, 2016.
  2. Actor Sieghardt Rupp is dead . In: Der Standard, May 29, 2016
  3. His cressin was loud, his death was quiet: Sieghardt Rupp . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, June 1, 2016. From:, accessed on June 1, 2016
  4. Alexander Rost: 007 from Customs . In: Die Zeit, May 7, 1971. From:, accessed on June 1, 2016
  5. Hayo Matthiesen: Little Bond . In: Die Zeit, June 2, 1972. From:, accessed on June 1, 2016
  6. ^ The quiet death of the film crook Sieghardt Rupp ( Memento from June 2, 2016 in the Internet Archive ). In: Frankfurter Rundschau, June 1, 2016. From:, accessed on June 1, 2016
  7. Hanns-Georg Rodek: The strange death of the cult inspector Kressin. In: . May 31, 2016, accessed June 1, 2016 .
  8. kae / dpa: "Tatort" commissioner Kressin: Sieghardt Rupp is dead. In: June 1, 2016, accessed June 2, 2016 .
  9. Georg Markus : The silent death of a star , in the series stories with history , daily newspaper Kurier , Vienna, May 29, 2016, p. 32 f.
  10. ^ Sieghardt Rupp as Kressin . In: Tatort eV: , accessed on March 20, 2017.
  11. HD Kub: A look into the private world of the "gangster scare" Rupp: sabers, angels and a tired smile for love . In: Liselotte Krakauer (Red.): Bravo , Heinrich Bauer, Hamburg 1971, ISSN  0406-9595 , issue before May 3, 1971. (Occasion: First broadcast of Kressin stops the Nordexpress on May 2, 1971).
  12. ^ The grave of Sieghardt Rupp