Dunster Castle

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Dunster Castle

Dunster Castle was a castle and is now a mansion in the village of Dunster in the English county of Somerset . The house is on a steep hill called The Tor . The property had been fortified since the end of the Anglo-Saxon period. After the Norman conquest of England in the 11th century, William de Mohun had a wooden castle built there to help pacify Somerset. At the beginning of the 12th century a stone donjon was built on a mound and this castle survived a first siege in the first years of anarchy . At the end of the 14th century, the De Mohans sold the castle to the Luttrell family , who owned it until the end of the 20th century.

The Luttrell family had the castle expanded several times in the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1617 they had a large manor house built in the lower courtyard, which was extensively modernized in the 1630s and 1760s. The medieval castle walls were destroyed after a siege at the end of the English Civil War, after Parliament ordered the demolition of the defenses so that the castle could no longer be used. In the 1860s and 1870s, the architect Anthony Salvin was hired to remodel the mansion to bring it into Victorian style. This work changed the appearance of Dunster Castle significantly, making it appear more Gothic and Picturesque style.

After Alexander Luttrell's death in 1944, the family was unable to raise inheritance tax on the property. They sold Dunster Castle and the surrounding land to a real estate company and lived in the mansion as tenants. The Luttrells bought Dunster Castle back in 1954, and in 1976 Colonel Walter Luttrell assigned it to the National Trust , which now operates it as a tourist attraction. English Heritage has listed it as a Grade I Historic Building and it is a Scheduled Monument .


11th and 12th centuries

Dunster Castle was built on a steep 60 meter high hill above the village of Dunster. In the early Middle Ages the sea broke at the base of the hill near the mouth of the Avill , providing natural protection for the castle and turning the village of Dunster into an inland port. Various ramparts were built near Dunster during the Iron Age , e.g. B. Bat's Castle , Black Ball Camp and Grabbist Hill , but the earliest evidence of a fortress in Dunster was that of an Anglo-Saxon burgh . This stood on the top of the hill and was supposed to protect the region against attacks from the sea. By the middle of the 11th century it was under the control of a nobleman named Aelfric .

Map of Dunster Castle and the immediate area: A - Mound; B - water mill; C - castle; D - Great Gatehouse; E River Avill

In 1066 the Normans invaded the south-east of England and defeated the English forces at the Battle of Hastings . As a result, William the Conqueror entrusted his half-brother Robert de Conteville with the conquest of the south-west of England. De Conteville expected fierce opposition as he marched west to Somerset and was supported by troops led by Walter de Donai , who invaded from the north. A third force, led by William de Moyon, landed by sea on the Somerset coast. De Moyon was given 68 manors in the area and by 1086 he had had a castle built in Dunster. This was to be both the caput (main castle) of his new lands as well as ward off attacks from the sea and protect the coastal road from Somerset to Gloucestershire . This first castle was a motte built on the foundations of an earlier Anglo-Saxon burgh . The top of the hill The Tor was ditched and formed the mound or "upper courtyard". The area below was designed in such a way that it formed the outer bailey or the "lower courtyard".

After the invasion and the fruitless rebellion against Norman rule in 1068, Somerset became more stable. At that time it was customary for the Normans to found abbeys next to the larger castles, and so William de Moyon furnished a Benedictine priory in Dunster in 1090 , together with their mother house in Bath . The Avill River was important to trade; the Dunster region was rich in fishing grounds and vineyards, and Dunster Castle prospered. Stone fortifications were added to the property in the early 12th century, presumably a donjon around the top of the mound.

In the late 1130s, England began the period of civil war known as Anarchy , during which King Stephen's supporters fought against those of Empress Matilda for supremacy in the country. William de Moyon's eldest son, also called William , was a staunch supporter of Matilda and Dunster was considered one of the strongest castles in their faction in the southwest. In 1138, Stephen's forces besieged the castle; a siege castle was built nearby, but no trace of it can be found today. William de Mohun held the castle and was named Earl of Somerset by the grateful Matilda . Chroniclers complained that he later attacked the region during the war and ruled by force, with which he destroyed a lot. After the conflict, William de Mohun's son, another William, inherited the castle from Henry II after a brief interlude of royal ownership . William appears to have insisted that his tenants help repair and maintain the castle walls as part of their feudal service.

13th to 17th centuries

The Great Gatehouse from the 14th century; initially the outer bailey was on the right side at the same level as the entrance to the castle.

In the 13th century the outer bailey ("lower court") was rebuilt in stone at the behest of Reynold Mohun . De Mohun raised the cost of this in part by converting his tenants' duty to maintain the castle walls into a one-off payment to their master and in part by marrying a wealthy local heiress. A report on dei castle dating back to 1266 describes that the "upper court" at the top of the Mounds a room with a wine cellar, a pantry, a kitchen, a bakery, a the St. Stephen consecrated chapel and a knight's hall , guarded by three towers, contained. The "lower courtyard" contained a granary , two towers and a gatehouse; one of the towers called Fleming Tower served as a prison. The stables were outside the fortifications, further down the slope. At the end of the 13th century, some of the roofs were covered with lead, while other roofs still had wooden shingles.

In 1330 Sir John de Mohun inherited the castle; Although he was a well-known knight, he remained childless and went into debt considerably. His wife Joan took over the running of their lands, and when John de Mohun died in 1376 she agreed to sell the castle to Lady Elizabeth Luttrell , matron of another important Norman family. The purchase price was 5,000 marks and the castle was to be transferred to Elizabeth after Joan's death. During this period, more stone buildings were erected in the “lower courtyard” on the side of the present mansion and there are records of a moat running around the base of The Tor in the 14th century .

Joan de Mohun survived Elizabeth Luttrell and finally Sir Hugh Luttrell , Seneschal to King Henry V in Normandy , took over the castle after Joan de Mohun's death in 1404. Dunster Castle had suffered from neglect of investment during the last few years of De Mohans ownership and Lutterell had the castle repaired and expanded for £ 252, adding a Great Gatehouse and Barbican between 1419 and 1424 . The new entrance building was at right angles to the old one, was three stories high, made of imported red sandstone from Bristol , and contained extensive living spaces. It made a great, but difficult to defend, ceremonial path into the castle. The roofs of the castle were re-covered with Cornish stone slabs. By the 15th century the sea had withdrawn and the Luttrells had a deer park created for the castle in Marshwood . Such a park was a prestige object, allowed the Luttrells to hunt , provided the castle with a venison supply and generated income for its owners.

Floor plan of the manor house from the 17th century with the additions from the 18th century: A - living room; B - hall; C - small living room; D - steward's room; E - chapel; F - kitchen; G - wings for the servants

In the 15th century, England was torn apart by the Wars of the Roses : the Luttrells supported the House of Lancaster . In 1461 Sir James Luttrell died after a defeat by the Lancastrians in the Second Battle of St Albans , and his family lost their lands to the Yorkist King Edward IV. The king gave the castle to William Herbert in 1465 , but the Luttrells got it back in 1485 when the Lancastrian Henry VII came to the English throne. Dunster Castle was returned to James Luttrell's son, Sir Hugh Luttrell . Hugh Luttrell had the chapel repaired and in the early 16th century his son, Sir Andrew Luttrell , had a new wall built on the east side of the castle. Andrew Luttrell's son John Luttrell , who inherited the castle, was a noted soldier, diplomat, and courtier under Kings Henry VIII and Edward VI. and served in France and Scotland in the Rough Wooing conflicts . In 1542 the historian John Leland reported that the keep and the buildings of the castle, with the exception of the chapel, were in considerable disrepair, and after the death of Sir John Luttrell the castle was leased for several years, first by his daughter Mary and then by his brother Thomas .

When George Luttrell inherited the castle in 1571, it was in considerable disrepair and the family preferred to live in their home, now the Court House in East Quantoxhead . In 1617, George Luttrell commissioned the architect William Arnold to design a new house in the “lower courtyard” of the castle. Arnold was a well-known architect in southwest England and had directed the construction of Montacute House and the remodeling of the nearby Cranborne Manor House . The new building extended to some of the existing buildings and walls so that a 16th century Jacobean mansion with a symmetrical facade and square towers could be created between the walls of the old castle, which was dominated by the donjon. The building has been furnished according to the latest fashions, including ornamental stucco ceilings. The project was nearly three times as expensive as originally planned and cost Luttrell more than £ 1200.

English Civil War and Stuart Restoration

Original wrought iron gate from the 13th century

In the 1640s the English civil war broke out between the supporters of King Charles I and those of Parliament. Thomas Luttrell , the eldest son of George Luttrell, initially supported the cause of the parliamentarians and after the outbreak of the civil war, William Russell , the Duke of Bedford and parliamentary commander in Devon and Somerset, ordered him to strengthen the garrison at Dunster Castle to the extent that it could withstand a possible royalist attack. Royalist commander William Seymour , the Duke of Somerset , attacked the castle in 1642 but was repulsed by the garrison led by Thomas Luttrell's wife Jane . The fortunes of war in the southwest turned in favor of the king and on June 7th 1643 the royalists gathered their forces to attack the castle again. This time Luttrell had to give up, switched sides and supported the royalists until his death the following February. Colonel Wyndham was appointed royalist governor of the castle. The young Prince Karl, later King Karl II , stayed at the castle in May 1645.

In 1645 the royalist cause was largely lost and Colonel Robert Blake led a parliamentary force against Dunster Castle in October. The siege of the castle began in November; Blake had artillery set up in the village and tunnels dug to place mines under the castle walls. The castle was briefly detained by auxiliaries in February 1646, but in April the Roundhead siege resumed and the royalists' situation became untenable - an honorable surrender of the castle was negotiated and a parliamentary garrison was installed at Dunster Castle. After the end of the Second English Civil War in 1649, Parliament decided that the defenses of castles in important royalist areas should be razed , including in the south-west of the country. In the case of Dunster Castle, Thomas Luttrell's son George was able to convince the authorities that only the medieval defensive walls should be destroyed and not the entire castle. Dunster Castle remained damaged after the last siege, but was still habitable. The walls were torn down by 300 workers for twelve days in August 1650. The only parts of the medieval walls that remained were the Great Gatehouse and the foundations of two towers in the “lower courtyard”.

George Luttrell died childless and Dunster Castle fell to his brother Francis , who had survived the political storms of the Commonwealth years and the Stuart Restoration in 1660. Francis' heir, another Francis , married a wealthy heiress who had an annual income of £ 2,500 (around £ 331,000 in 2009), and with that income he had the castle modernized in the 1680s. In particular, he had a large staircase built in the latest style. Francis Luttrell was a Colonel in the local militia and in 1688 he supported the Glorious Revolution of William of Orange , in which King James II wanted to drive out. When William landed in Devon, Luttrell offered a number of infantry companies at Dunster Castle on November 19 to assist him. These later formed the basis for the Green Howards Regiment. At that time there were still 43 muskets in the armory of the castle . Francis Luttrell died deeply in debt in 1690 and his widow Mary had the castle furnishings moved to London, where it was destroyed in a fire in 1696.

18th century

The castle in 1733. You can see the then newly laid out New Way , the manor house (left), the great gatehouse (center) and the stables (right). The mound with the pleasure house is visible in the background.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Luttrells and Dunster Castle found themselves in a difficult financial situation. Francis Luttrell's son Alexander inherited the castle when he came of age in 1704, but it was mostly empty and encumbered with large debts. Alexander Luttrell died young in 1711 and it took his widow, Dorothy , nearly 20 years to pay off the debt. Dorothy Luttrell had a new white Portland chapel designed by James Thornhill built at the rear of the mansion at a cost of £ 1,300 (£ 178,000 in 2009). Few documents of this have survived, but the interior is believed to have resembled the Wimpole Hall chapel . A safer, albeit less magnificent, access road to the castle called New Way was laid out, the remains of the “upper courtyard” on the summit of the Mound were leveled and the area was used as a bowling green with an octagonal pleasure house. Dorothy's son, Alexander Luttrell , took over the castle in 1726 but accumulated new debts and the castle had to be turned over to an insolvency administrator .

Henry Fownes Luttrell , who married Margaret , Alexander Luttrell's daughter, and took the name Luttrell, moved to Dunster Castle in 1747. The couple had the castle rebuilt and refurbished in the Rococo style. The recently invented and ultra-modern wallpapers were increasingly used. Henry Fownes Luttrell raised the level of the "lower courtyard" between 1764 and 1765 so that he could extend the New Way all the way to the main facade of his mansion. He had additional decorative towers attached to the inside of the Great Gatehouse. One folly , the Conygar Tower , was built by architect Richard Phelps to add a more beautiful view from the castle, and a larger, 141-hectare park was created south of the castle. Some farms had to give way to tenants.

19th and 20th centuries

Justice's Desk in the Justice Room

Henry Fownes Luttrell's son John inherited the castle in 1780, but when his son, also John , inherited it in 1816, he chose one in London rather than living at Dunster Castle. He opened Dunster Castle to the public. In 1845 it appeared to visitors to the castle that it was past its prime: only two of John Luttrell's sisters still lived there; there were no horses or hunting dogs on the castle grounds and the remaining servants had little to do. John Luttrell's brother Henry inherited the property in 1857, but also lived in London and not at Dunster Castle.>

George Luttrell inherited the castle in 1867 and began extensive modernization work, the costs of which were covered by proceeds from the extensive Dunster lands. At a time of the agricultural boom in England, the farms generated an annual income of £ 22,000 (£ 1.49 million in 2010). By the mid- Victorian period it was fashionable to rebuild castles in the Neo-Gothic or Picturesque style and a committed history scholar George Luttrell decided to follow this trend at Dunster Castle. He also hoped to accommodate the larger household and facilities that a landowner needed in the 19th century: in 1881 the castle alone needed 15 servants to live there. He commissioned Anthony Salvin , a famous architect, then known for his work on Alnwick Castle , to carry out the work between 1868 and 1872 at a cost of £ 25,350 (£ 1.76 million 2010). The work also included the construction of an underground water reservoir for 180,000 liters of drinking water for the castle and village.

Salvin endeavored to create a castle that looked like it had grown organically over time, but still matched Victorian tastes of the time. Therefore a large, square tower was built on the west side of the castle and another, smaller one on the east side; both created additional space but made the castle unbalanced. The 18th century chapel at the back of the mansion was demolished and replaced with another tower along with a modern greenhouse . A series of windows in the style of different historical periods were built into the walls; On the other hand, the most modern technologies were used at the time, such as gas lighting , which was fed by a city ​​gas plant in the basement, central heating and new kitchens. The roof of the Great Gatehouse was raised to create a more uniform appearance of the battlements , and a great hall was built for the crops of the local farmers. A new wing for the servants was built into the hill. It stretched over two stories and led away from the main part of the mansion.

Floor plan of the castle after 1872: A - dining room; B - rooms for the servants and stairs to the wing for the servants; C - inner hall; D - entrance lobby; E - outside hall; F - salon; G - billiard room; H - greenhouse; I - "Justice Room"; J - library

Inside, Salvin broke through walls to create the Outer Hall, a new gallery on the 1st floor, a billiard room, a new library and a salon. Most of the wooden panels from the 17th century in the reception room and in the hall had to be removed as part of the renovation. In the course of his work, Salvin appears to have used a series of rolled wrought iron beams to bridge the resulting imperfections in the structure of the building, an early application of this technology at the time. After its completion, the house was furnished with newly acquired art objects from the 16th and 17th centuries, two Italian bronze cannons and a stuffed polar bear .

Alexander Luttrell, who inherited Dunster Castle in 1910, lived in East Quantoxhead , and so the castle remained empty until Geoffrey Luttrell moved there again in 1920, had some rooms set up in the style of the 1920s, and a polo field was created at the castle. The castle and the surrounding landscape were very popular with the Lutterells for hunting and shooting. During the Second World War , the castle served as a rest home for wounded British naval officers and US officers in 1943 and 1944.

Alexander Luttrell died in 1944 and inheritance tax proved crippling for his son Geoffrey. In 1949 he sold the castle and 3,480 acres of land to the Ashdale Property Company , keeping the lease on the castle itself. Crown Estate bought the property from Ashdale and sold the castle back to Geoffrey Luttrell in 1954. His son, Colonel Sir Walter Luttrell , did not live in Dunster, and after the death of his mother, the last inhabitant of the castle from the Luttrell family, he transferred the castle and most of its contents to the National Trust in 1976 .


The castle 2011, on the left the Great Gatehouse and on the right the main part of the castle.

Today the National Trust operates Dunster Castle as a landmark . With the exception of the Great Gatehouse and the remains of some towers in the “lower courtyard”, little remains of the medieval castle. The core of the castle today is the mansion from the 17th century, which has been rebuilt. The main features of the castle are the original gates from the 13th century and various works of art, e.g. For example, a copy from the Tudor period of Hans Eworth's famous allegorical portrait by Sir John Luttrell and a series of leather paintings depicting scenes from the story of Antony and Cleopatra . In the castle there is a piano that once belonged to the composer Vivian Ellis . The gardens around the castle cover about 6 hectares and are home to the British national plant collection of strawberry trees . The remaining parkland covers 277 hectares. The park and gardens are listed as Grade II * in the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England .

Directly south of the castle is a restored water mill from the 18th century. In 2010 128,342 visitors were counted in the castle. English Heritage has listed Dunster Castle as a Grade I Historic Building and it is a Scheduled Monument . The castle needs ongoing maintenance work, especially on its roofs, which are themselves an important historical facility. Attempts have been made to restore the mansion in the style of the original construction period by using reproductions of original wallpaper and other materials. The National Trust installed solar panels on the roof behind the battlements in 2008 to make the property environmentally friendly. Dunster Castle was the first Grade I property that the National Trust did. The solar cells are said to save 1714 kg / year of carbon dioxide . In 2015, the National Trust announced that it would open the 19th century reservoir to the public.

Individual references and comments

  1. ^ A b James D. Mackenzie: The Castles of England: Their Story and Structure . Volume II. Macmillan, New York 1896. p. 54. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  2. Geologically, the hill is a protrusion of the Hangman Grit , a type of red sandstone .
  3. Dunster Castle Roof Repairs 2006–2008 . Michael Heaton Heritage Consultants, September 2011. p. 1. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  4. ^ A b c d Robert Dunning: Somerset Castles . Somerset Books, Tiverton 1995. ISBN 978-0-86183-278-1 . Pp. 37-39.
  5. Oliver Hamilton Creighton: Castles and Landscapes: Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England . Equinox, London 2005. ISBN 978-1-904768-67-8 . Pp. 41-42. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  6. ^ Black Ball Camp . Arts and Humanities Data Service. Retrieved September 28, 2007.
  7. ^ Hillfort . Arts and Humanities Data Service. Retrieved September 28, 2007.
  8. Clare Gathercole: An archaeological assessment of Dunster . Somerset County Council. ( Memento of the original from July 17, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved October 1, 2011.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. a b c Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 38.
  10. Stuart Prior: The Norman Art of War: a Few Well-Positioned Castles . Tempus, Stroud 2006. ISBN 0-7524-3651-1 . Pp. 74-75. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  11. Stuart Prior: The Norman Art of War: a Few Well-Positioned Castles . Tempus, Stroud 2006. ISBN 0-7524-3651-1 . P. 75. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  12. Stuart Prior: The Norman Art of War: a Few Well-Positioned Castles . Tempus, Stroud 2006. ISBN 0-7524-3651-1 . P. 76. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  13. Stuart Prior: The Norman Art of War: a Few Well-Positioned Castles . Tempus, Stroud 2006. ISBN 0-7524-3651-1 . P. 108. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  14. William de Moyon also had the neighboring Montacute Castle built in Somerset.
  15. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: Dunster and its Lords in The Archaeological Journal . Issue 37 (1880). P. 59.
  16. Oliver Hamilton Creighton: Castles and Landscapes: Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England . Equinox, London 2005. ISBN 978-1-904768-67-8 . P. 187. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  17. a b H.C. Maxwell Lyte: Dunster and its Lords in The Archaeological Journal . Issue 37 (1880). P. 60.
  18. Stuart Prior: The Norman Art of War: a Few Well-Positioned Castles . Tempus, Stroud 2006. ISBN 0-7524-3651-1 . Pp. 108-109. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  19. ^ A b James D. Mackenzie: The Castles of England: Their Story and Structure . Volume II. Macmillan, New York 1896. p. 58. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  20. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 5.
  21. a b H.C. Maxwell Lyte: Dunster and its Lords in The Archaeological Journal . Issue 37 (1880). P. 61.
  22. Oliver Hamilton Creighton: Castles and Landscapes: Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England . Equinox, London 2005. ISBN 978-1-904768-67-8 . P. 56. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  23. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: Dunster and its Lords in The Archaeological Journal . Issue 37 (1880). P. 62.
  24. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. p. 350.
  25. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. pp. 349-352.
  26. a b c Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 30.
  27. a b c H. C. Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. p. 353.
  28. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 38-39.
  29. a b c d Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 39.
  30. It is impossible to accurately compare prices and incomes from the 14th century with today's prices and incomes. As a comparison, however, the fact that 5000 marks in the 14th century was £ 3333, three times the average annual income of a baron in the early 15th century.
  31. ^ Norman John Greville Pounds: The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: a social and political history . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994. ISBN 978-0-521-45828-3 . P. 148. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  32. Historian Oliver Garnett notes that this real estate sale from one woman to another woman was extremely unusual at this time.
  33. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. pp. 354, 362.
  34. a b c d Anthony Emery: Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300-1500: Southern England . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006. ISBN 978-0-521-58132-5 . P. 677. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  35. It is impossible to accurately compare prices and incomes from the 14th century with today's prices and incomes. As a comparison, however, £ 252 was about one-tenth the cost of rebuilding most of Hadleigh Castle in the 1360s.
  36. ^ Magnus Alexander, Susan Westlake: Hadleigh Castle Essex, Earthwork Analysis: Survey Report . English Heritage Research Department Report 32/2009. ISSN 1749-8775. P. 14.
  37. ^ Anthony Emery: Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500: Southern England . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006. ISBN 978-0-521-58132-5 . Pp. 677-678. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  38. Dunster New Park, Dunster . Somerset Historic Environment Record. Somerset County Council. ( Memento of the original from February 25, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved March 15, 2016.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  39. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 29.
  40. Oliver Hamilton Creighton: Castles and Landscapes: Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England . Equinox, London 2005. ISBN 978-1-904768-67-8 . Pp. 190-191. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  41. Oliver Hamilton Creighton, Robert Higham: Medieval Castles . Shire Publications, Princes Risborough 2003. ISBN 978-0-7478-0546-5 . P. 57. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  42. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. p. 364.
  43. ^ Gervase Phillips: The Anglo-Scots Wars 1513-1550: a Military History . Boydell Press, Woodbridge 1999. ISBN 0-85115-746-7 . Pp. 197, 207.
  44. a b Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 30, 39.
  45. Luttrell, Thomas (d.1571), of Marshwood and Dunster Castle, Som . The History of Parliament Trust. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  46. a b c d Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 31.
  47. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 5, 31.
  48. a b H. C. Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. p. 365.
  49. It is difficult to accurately compare 17th-century prices and incomes with today's prices and incomes. £ 1200 today can range from £ 171,000 to £ 2.14 million depending on what scale you use.
  50. ^ A b c d Lawrence H. Officer: Five Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a UK Pound Amount, 1830 to Present . MeasuringWorth. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  51. ^ A b c Susan Carter: Dunster Castle during the Civil War in Fortified England . Issue 5 (3), 2011. p. 2.
  52. a b c d Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 40.
  53. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 45.
  54. ^ A b c Susan Carter: Dunster Castle during the Civil War in Fortified England . Issue 5 (3), 2011. p. 3.
  55. ^ MW Thompson: The Decline of the Castle . Harveys Books, Leicester 1994. ISBN 1-85422-608-8 . P. 154. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  56. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 40-41.
  57. ^ MW Thompson: The Decline of the Castle . Harveys Books, Leicester 1994. ISBN 1-85422-608-8 . P. 156. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  58. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. p. 367.
  59. a b c d Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 41.
  60. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. p. 368.
  61. ^ A b Felicity Baber, Brian Godwin: National Trust Arts, Buildings, Collections Bulletin, February 2011 . The National Trust. P. 3. ( Memento of the original from June 26, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved September 24, 2011.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  62. a b c d e f Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 42.
  63. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 31, 41.
  64. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. p. 373.
  65. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. pp. 372-373.
  66. ^ Dunster Castle's portraits of noteworthy Luttrells: Margaret and Henry Fownes Luttrell (m.1747) . The National Trust. ( Memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved March 12, 2015.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  67. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. p. 376.
  68. ^ HC Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. pp. 378-379.
  69. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 27, 29.
  70. Justice Room and Justice's Desk were as to the function of George Luttrell magistrate ( Justice of Peace named).
  71. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 44, 48.
  72. a b c Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 44.
  73. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 32, 35.
  74. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 32.
  75. ^ A b Dunster Castle to open underground Victorian reservoir . BBC News, January 1, 2016. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  76. MSO10036 - Reservoir, Dunster Castle . Exmoor National Park. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  77. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 32-33.
  78. a b Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 33.
  79. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 27.
  80. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 36.
  81. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 6, 16, 21-24.
  82. a b H. C. Maxwell Lyte: A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun and Luttrell . Volume 2. St. Catherine Press, London 1909. p. 382.
  83. Dunster Castle Roof Repairs 2006–2008 . Michael Heaton Heritage Consultants. P. 17. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  84. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 6.
  85. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 29, 33, 46.
  86. a b c d Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 47.
  87. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 9, 16-17, 30.
  88. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 13.
  89. Explore the Garden . National Trust. ( Memento of the original from October 23, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved September 24, 2011.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  90. Dunster Castle . Parks and Gardens UK. Parks and Gardens Data Services. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  91. Dunster Castle . Historic England. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  92. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . P. 28.
  93. Visits Made in 2010 to Visitor Attractions with ALVA . Association of Leading Visitor Attractions. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  94. Dunster Castle and gatehouse . Historic England. Images of England. English Heritage. ( Memento of the original from June 22, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved March 16, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  95. Dunster Castle . Historic England. Pastscape. English Heritage. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  96. Dunster Castle Roof Repairs 2006–2008 . Michael Heaton Heritage Consultants. P. 4, 15. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  97. Oliver Garnett: Dunster Castle, Somerset . The National Trust, London 2003. ISBN 978-1-84359-049-1 . Pp. 15, 21.
  98. ^ Steven Morris, The 1,000-year-old Castle Fighting Climate Change in The Guardian . February 7, 2008. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  99. Sustainable Technology Case Study . National Trust.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved September 24, 2011.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  

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Commons : Dunster Castle  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 10 ′ 51.2 "  N , 3 ° 26 ′ 41.6"  W.