Edgar Loening

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Edgar Loening

Edgar Loening (also: Edgar Löning ; born June 14, 1843 in Paris ; † February 19, 1919 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German legal scholar .


Löning's father Karl Friedrich Loening was a co-founder of Rütten & Loening . As a Jew , he and his son were baptized Protestants in 1847 . The mother was Anna Luise (Nanette) geb. Reinach . After attending schools, he attended high schools in Frankfurt am Main and Bonn . After graduating from high school, from 1862 he studied philology , history and law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . In 1863 he moved to the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . During his studies he became a member of the Allemannia Heidelberg fraternity .

After returning to Bonn, he was embroiled in the Bonn Philology War in 1864/65 , in which he emerged as a partisan of Friedrich Ritschl . Under dramatic circumstances he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD. He continued his studies at the University of Leipzig , where he was awarded a Dr. iur. PhD. He completed his habilitation in Heidelberg in 1868 and became a private lecturer . An educational trip took him to Austria, Belgium, Italy and France.

In 1870 he took a position in the district government of Lower Alsace , where he was awarded the Iron Cross on the White Ribbon for his work .

In 1872 he became an associate professor of law at the Kaiser Wilhelms University of Strasbourg . In 1877 he followed the call of the University of Dorpat to its chair for constitutional and international law. In 1883 he moved to Rostock University as full professor for constitutional and church law . In 1886 he finally went to the Friedrichs University in Halle as full professor for state, administrative, international and church law .

In Halle, he worked on the profiling of the still young administrative law and devoted himself to questions of constitutional law. He helped to transform the law faculty into a law and political science faculty. He was elected rector for the academic year 1899/1900 . From 1901 he sat in the Prussian mansion

His son Otto Loening also became a legal scholar and politician.


Works (selection)

Loening was co-editor of the year books for national economy and statistics and participated in the publication of the state dictionary by Johann Caspar Bluntschli . He has also written a number of books that dealt mainly with administrative law.

  • The hereditary brotherhoods between the houses of Saxony and Hesse and Saxony, Brandenburg and Hesse. Heidelberg 1867.
  • Administration of the General Government in Alsace. Strasbourg 1874.
  • History of German Canon Law. Strasbourg 1878, 2 volumes
  • State liability for unlawful acts by the official. Frankfurt am Main 1879.
  • Textbook of German administrative law. Leipzig 1884.
  • Rudolf v. Gneiss. 1895.
  • The community constitution of early Christianity. Hall 1888.
  • The representative constitution in the 19th century. 1900.
  • Basic features of the constitution of the German Empire. BG Teubner, 1901.
  • Jurisdiction over foreign states and sovereigns. 1903.
  • The autonomy of the noble houses of Germany according to the law of the present. 1905.
  • with Konrad Elster, Johannes Conrad and Wilhelm Hector Richard Albrecht Lexis: Handbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 1896-1901 et al. (on-line)
  • Emperor and Empire, 1888–1913 Speech given in the auditorium of the Royal Friedrichs University, Halle-Wittenberg, on June 16, 1913. Halle 1913.
  • The civil arbitration and the judgment of the royal Bavarian Supreme Court of February 24, 1913. Halle ad S., 1917.
  • The Prussian law of June 10, 1834 regarding the declaration of the constitutional document. Hall 1913.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christoph Schwingenstein:  Loening, Carl Friedrich. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 15, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-428-00196-6 , p. 50 ( digitized version ).
  2. Paul Hintzelmann: The matriculation at the University of Heidelberg. Verlag C. Winter, 1907, part 6, p. 466.
  3. http://www.allemannia.de/fileadmin/bilder_inhalt/Dateien/Max_Weber_Allemannia_Reinbach.pdf
  4. ^ Philosophical dissertation: De pace domestica
  5. ^ Habilitation thesis: The hereditary brotherhoods between the houses of Saxony and Hesse and Saxony, Brandenburg and Hesse
  6. Rector's speeches (HKM)