Eugen von Wulffen

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Coat of arms of those von Wulffen

Eugen Joseph Nikolaus Konstantin von Wulffen (born June 30, 1846 in Mainz , † June 28, 1925 ) was a Prussian officer , most recently major general .



He came from the Anhaltinian - Magdeburg noble family von Wulffen . His father was the lieutenant colonel a. D. and district commander of Hirschberg Ludwig Konstantin von Wulffen (* October 12, 1814 in Lips ; † April 17, 1882 in Hirschberg), his mother was Katharina Antonie, née Wurtz (* October 10, 1823 in Mainz; † May 13, 1891 ibid).

Military career

After his education in the Cadet Corps , Wulffen was transferred as a Second Lieutenant on May 2, 1863 to the 3rd Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment No. 50 of the Prussian Army in Breslau . With this he fought in the German-Danish War , as well as during the German War in 1866 in the battle of Königgrätz . From April 1, 1867, he was adjutant to the battalion , before Wulffen went to the Walstatt Cadet House from April 1, 1868 to May 1, 1872 as an educator . There he was promoted to Prime Lieutenant on September 2, 1870 . He also worked as an educator from August 1, 1872 to March 31, 1874 in the Berlin Cadet House. While being promoted to captain , he was appointed company commander in the 3rd Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment No. 50 on May 15, 1875 . From September 20 to 26, 1885, he took part in a tactical training trip. On March 22, 1887 he was promoted to redundant major and aggregated to the regiment .

Wulffen was transferred to the 2nd Hanseatic Infantry Regiment No. 76 and placed in the 1st captain's position on April 14, 1887. On August 10, 1888, he was appointed commander of the 1st battalion in Hamburg . From October 13 to 23, 1890, he was assigned to attend an information course at the infantry shooting school in Spandau . On May 17, 1892, Wulffen was transferred to the infantry regiment "von Wittich" (3rd Hessian) No. 83 to Kassel , under the assignment of performing the function of a regular staff officer . With his promotion to lieutenant colonel , he was made a regular staff officer. On March 22, 1895 he was promoted to colonel . As such, on April 18, 1895, he was appointed commander of Infantry Regiment No. 138 in Strasbourg . On July 20, 1898, when he was promoted to major general, he was appointed commander of the 72nd Infantry Brigade in Deutsch Eylau . With the approval of his resignation request, Wulffen was put up for disposal on December 16, 1899 with the statutory pension .




Individual evidence

  1. Dermot Bradley (Ed.), Günter Wegner: Occupation of the German Army 1815-1939. Volume 1: The higher command posts 1815-1939. Biblio Publishing House. Osnabrück 1990. ISBN 3-7648-1780-1 . P. 301.
  2. a b Harry von Rège: Officer list of the infantry regiment No. 76. Mauke, Hamburg 1902. P. 127.