Gascony (noble family)

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Gascogne was a family of the southwestern French, Gascon , perhaps also Basque nobility, who ruled Aquitaine in the 8th century , but above all Gascogne up to the 11th century, as counts or dukes . Century is possible.

A compilation going back further into the past, but also the connection to the later Counts of Bigorre and Vice- Counts of Béarn , is made more difficult by forged documents, such as the Charter of Alaon , which are still in use despite the proven inauthenticity.

The dukes of Aquitaine

  1. Eudo of Aquitaine , Duke of Aquitaine, attested probably 715/717 and probably 725, † 735 or † before 736
    1. Hunald , 735–745 Duke of Aquitaine; after Waifar's death in 768, Hunoald reappeared as duke, rose against Charlemagne, was defeated and extradited by Duke Lupus of Gascony when the Franks threatened to invade Gascony; ⚭ NN, † after 768
      1. Waifar , † June 2, 768 , 745 Duke of Aquitaine
      2. Daughter, † after 768
      3. Daughter, † after 768
    2. Hatto
    3. Remistanius, † executed in 768
    4. Daughter; ⚭ Munusa

The descendants of Loups II. (1st version)

The first part of this section comes from the Alaon Charter as reproduced in Medieval Genealogy. Data obtained from real sources are given in brackets.

  1. Loup († 775), Duke, ("Wasconum dux Lupus" in the year 770 by Einhard )
    1. Adalric, Duke of Gascogne, ("Chorso dux Tholosanus" was defeated by "cuiusdam Wasconis, Adelerici", in: Vita Hludowici Imperatoris)
      1. Seguin (Jimeno) († after 814/815), Herzog, (Einhard: the "Vascones" rebelled against "ducem suum ... Sigiwinum" in 816; Ademar von Chabannes reports on the death of "Sigiwinus comes Burdigalensis et Sanctoniciensis", Bordeaux, in 846) and Saintes , against the Vikings; a letter from Abbot Lupus von Ferrières to Archbishop Wenilo von Sens from 846 contains that "Ducem Vasconum Siguinum" was killed by the "Normannos inter Burdegalam et Santones ", which suggests the identity of the two people)
        1. Garcia, (no mention outside of the charter)
      2. Centulle, (known only as the father of Loup)
        1. Loup Centulle († after 819), (Einhard: "Berengario Tolosæ et Warino Arverni comite" fought against "Lupus Centulli Wasco" in 819, and Gersand, Loup's brother, was killed - "in quo et fratrem Garsandum ... interitum fuit")
          1. Donat Loup († probably before 865), (Vita Hludowici Imperatoris: Emperor Ludwig the Pious sent (probably 827) "Elisachar abbatem et Hildebrandum comitem ... et Donatum" to suppress the uprising of Aizone in the Spanish Mark , probably in 838 he sent " Bonifatius comes et Donatus… comes… et Adrebaldus Flaviniacensis monasterii abbas "as missi to Septimania), ⚭ Faquila, daughter of Mansio (see above), (" Dompna Faquilo "gave the monastery Saint-Orens de Lavédan property for the salvation of" Mansionis… Donati Lupi comiti… et filiis meis et filias ", the document probably dates from December 865 and is signed with" Dattonis Donati comitis, Luponis, Luponis Centuli ") - descendants are the Counts of Bigorre
          2. Centulle Loup († around 844), (without the patronym "Loup" only known as the father of Loup Centulle)
            1. Loup Centulle († around 905), ("Dompna Faquilo" gave the monastery Saint-Orens de Lavedan property for the salvation of "Mansionis ... Donati Lupi comiti ... et filiis meis et filias", the document is dated December 865 and is with "Dattonis Donati comitis, Luponis, Luponis Centuli" signed) - Descendants: the Vice Counts of Béarn
        2. Gersand († 819), (Einhard: "Berengario Tolosæ et Warino Arverni comite" fought against "Lupus Centulli Wasco" in 819, and Gersand, Loup's brother, was killed - "in quo et fratrem Garsandum ... interitum fuit")
    2. Loup Sanche (probably more like: Sanche Loup), ( Ermold Le Noir mentions "Loup Sancion" and "Sancion prince des Gascons", who was brought up at the court of Charlemagne and sworn allegiance to him) - the second verifiable part of the Trunk list (see below)
      1. Aznar Sanche († 836), Count in the Basque Country, died as Count of Gascon north of the Pyrenees (Vasconia), near Schwennicke without heirs
        1. Garcia Aznar, (no mention outside of the charter)
          1. Aznar Garcia, (no mention outside of the charter)
            1. Loup Aznar, ( Flodoard von Reims reports that "Lupus quoque Acinarius Vasco" swore allegiance to Hugo (936 dux Francorum) and King Rudolf (Raoul) in 932 )
              1. Aznar, Count of Comminges ("Vicecomes… Asnarius" founded (probably around 915) the Peyrissas monastery after returning from a trip to Rome and placed it under the protection of the "comiti Comunensis", the Count of Comminges, according to Jaurgain, J. de (1898 ) La Vasconie, étude historique et critique, deuxième partie (Pau), p. 287, which quotes a "préambule d´une charte de Lézat de 1105 ou environ"; the father of Count Arnaldo von Comminges and Couserans († before 957) was probably called Aznar, see House Comminges , his descendants are the Counts of Carcassonne up to the middle of the 11th century and the Counts of Foix )
        2. Marie, ⚭ Wandregisel, Count on the Hispanic border, descendant of Duke Eudo of Aquitaine (only one mention: the editor of Vita Hludowici Imperatoris reports in a footnote: "Asenarius comes de Iacca filiam suam Mariam" married "Wandregisilo limitis Hispanici comitis, qui from Eudone Aquitaniæ ducis genus ducebat ", without naming a source)
      2. Sanche Sanche, called M (end) itarra, attested in 839/852 - for descendants see below .
      3. Daughter, probably Sancha, ⚭ Emenon , Count of Périgord ( Gellones ), (her filiation results from the data on her son Arnaldus)
        1. Arnaldus († 864), (The Translatio Reliquiarum S. Faustæ reports that Arnaldus received "apud Gascones ... Ducatus", that he was "filius cuiusdam comitis Petragoricensis ... Imonis" and the successor of "avunculo suo Sanctioni")
    3. Adela, ⚭ Waifar , Duke of Aquitaine (X 768), (specified above)

Without connection:

  • Totilo († after 815), Duke
  • Seguin († after 816), Duke (not identical to the above-mentioned Seguin)
  • Donat, (descendants: the Count of Bailo)
  • Guillaume, Count, probably Count of Bordeaux and probably Duke of Gascogne (the Chronicon Fontanellense reports that "ducem eiusdem Guilhelmum" was captured when the Normans conquered Bordeaux in 848; his death is not recorded)

Root list for the 9-11 century

This section comes from Schwennicke and can be considered secured

  1. Sancho
    1. Aznar Sánchez , Count in the Basque Country († 836 as Count of Gascony north of the Pyrenees (Vasconia))
    2. Sancho Sánchez , 836/852 count
      1. ? Garcia Sanchez , called le Tors, 885 / 887–904 Count (Duke) of Gascony
        1. ? Sancho Garcez, Graf († probably before 950/955)
          1. Sancho Sanchez
          2. Wilhelm (Guillén) Sanchez († probably 996), Count (Duke) around 970, ⚭ after December 14, 972 Urraca Garcés Infanta of Navarre († July 12, 1041), daughter of Garcia III. Sanchez , King of Navarre , ( House of Jiménez ), widow of Fernán González , Count of Castile , ( House of Castile )
            1. Bernardo Guillén († 1009 after April 3), Count
            2. Sancho Guillén (attested in 992, † 1032), count 1009, around 1026 Duke of Gascony
              1. Garcia (Sancha) († before 1021), ⚭ around 1018 Berenguer Ramón el Curvo († May 26, 1035), 1018 Count of Barcelona , House of Barcelona
              2. Alausia, ⚭ around 1020 Audouin II, Count of Angoulême , ( House Taillefer )
                1. ? Berenguer († 1036/37), 1032 Duke of Gascony
            3. Sancha (Brisca) († before 1018), ⚭ beginning of 1011 Guillaume III. (V.) le Grand († January 31, 1030), 999 Duke of Aquitaine , Count of Poitou , ( Ramnulfiden )
            4. Gersenda, ⚭ before June 992 Henry the Great († October 15, 1002), Duke of Burgundy , ( Robertiner )
          3. Gombald, Bishop and Duke of Gascony 978
            1. Hugo, Bishop of Agen, probably around 1011 or around 1022
    3. Sancha, ⚭ Emenon , Count of Périgueux and Angoulême ( Gellones )
      1. Arnaldus († 885/887), Count (Duke) of Gascony

The descendants of Loups II. (2nd version)

This section is taken from the Alaon Charter as reproduced at web.genealogie. This version obviously serves primarily to include the Gascon (and Spanish) nobility in the tribe list: The Counts of Armagnac from the House of Lomagne , the House of Albret , the Count of Fézensac , Astarac and Alava , the House of Comminges with the County of Foix, the kings of Navarre from the house of Jiménez , the counts of Aragón from the house of Galíndez , and the counts of Bigorre and the vice counts of Béarn .

The connection to Alava, Aragón, Béarn, Bigorre, Comminges and Navarre

  1. Loup II , Duke of Gascony 735-778
    1. Semen / Seguin / Jimeno, Duke of Gascon 812–816, ⚭ Onneca
      1. Garcia I, Duke of Gascony 816–818
        1. Eneco (Iñigo), Duke of Navarrais 850–850, ⚭ Semena (Jiména)
          1. Garcia, Duke of Navarrais 850–852, ⚭ Onneca, daughter of Musa
        2. Sanche
        3. Semen († 855), Count of Alavais, ⚭ Sancia, daughter of Aznar, Count of Gascogne
          1. Garcia († 860)
          2. Sancho III. Menditarrat (Sancho Sanchez), Duke of Gascogne 872-893; ⚭ Quisilo, daughter of Garcia, Count von Bueil - descendants see below
          3. Dadilde, ⚭ Musa
          4. Vela I., Count of Alava - Descendants: The Counts of Alava
          5. Roderich, Count
            1. Diego, Count
      2. Eneco (Iñigo)
        1. Onneca, ⚭ Musa ibn Musa ( Banu Qasi )
        2. Eneco (Iñigo) Arista , King of Navarre 824–852, ⚭ Onneca - Descendants: the kings of Navarre from the House of Jiménez
      3. Garcia
      4. Fortun, X 842
    2. Sancho I, Duke of Gascony 778-812
      1. Aznar I, Count of Gascony 819–836
        1. Garcia, Count of Comminges and Couserans 836–870
          1. Aznar II, Count of Comminges and Couserans 870–905
            1. Loup-Aznar, Count of Comminges and Couserans 905-935
              1. Aznar III, Count of Comminges and Couserans from 935, resigns and becomes Abbot of Lezat - presumably descendants: the House of Comminges (Count Arnaldo of Comminges and Couserans († before 957), was probably the son of an Aznar)
        2. Galindo I, Count of Aragon 836–867 - descendants: the House of Galíndez (Count Galindo of Aragón was the son of Count Aznar and grandson of Galindo, and not, as here, the grandson of Sancho)
        3. Sancia, ⚭ Jimeno (Semen), Count of Alavais († 865)
        4. Matrona, ⚭ Garcia el Malo (the bad one), Count of Aragon († 844)
      2. Sancia, ⚭ Emenon , Count of Angoulême († 866), family of the Wilhelmids (Gellones)
        1. Arnaud, Duke of Gascony 855–864
    3. Centulle († 812)
      1. Loup III, Duke of Gascony 812–819, resigned
        1. Donat, Count of Bigorre, ⚭ Faquilo, daughter of Mancion II. (See above) - Descendants: the Counts of Bigorre
        2. Centulle I., Vicomte de Béarn (819–866) - Descendants: the Vice Counts of Béarn
      2. Garcia (Garsend) († 819)
    4. Donat, Count of Bueil
      1. Daton, Count of Bueil († 850)
        1. Garcia, Count of Bueil
          1. Quisilo, ⚭ Sancho III, Duke of Gascogne († 893)
    5. Adele; ⚭ Waifar , Duke of Aquitaine († 768), (see above)

The connection to Albret, Armagnac (and Foix), Astarac, Fézensac etc.

  1. Sancho III. Menditarrat (Sancho Sanchez), Duke of Gascogne 872–893, ⚭ Quisilo, daughter of Garcia, Count von Bueil - ancestors see above
    1. Garcia II. Le Courbé (Garcia Sanchez), Duke of Gascogne 893–920, ⚭ Aminiane, daughter of Guillaume I Comte de Bordeaux
      1. Sancho IV (Sancho Garcez), Duke of Gascony 920–961
        1. Sancho V. (Sancho Sanchez), Duke of Gascony 961–961
        2. Guillén (Guillén Sanchez), Duke of Gascogne 961–967, ⚭ Urraca daughter of Garcia , King of Navarre († 1041), ( House of Jiménez )
          1. Gersende, ⚭ 992, divorced 996 Heinrich the Great , Duke of Burgundy († 1002)
          2. Bernard I († 1009), 997 Duke of Gascony, ⚭ Garcie
          3. Sanche VI. († 1032), 1009 Duke of Gascony
            1. Alausie, ⚭ Alduin II. Count of Angoulême († 1030), ( House Taillefer )
          4. Brisca, ⚭ 1011 Guillaume V , Duke of Aquitaine , ( Ramnulfiden )
        3. Donat - Descendants: The House of Lomagne
        4. Aner I., Vicomte de Dax - Descendants: House Dax
        5. Amanieu
          1. Utzan / Vezian († 978)
            1. Aymon, Vicomte de Bezaume et de Bénauges , ⚭ Rosemberge
              1. Guillaume, Viscount de Bezaume et de Bénauges
              2. Rodolphe / Artaud, Viscount de Bénauges et de Bezaume
                1. Amauvine, Vicomtesse de Bénauges et de Bezaume, ⚭ Guillaume I. d'Albret, ( House Albret )
            2. Amanieu I., Seigneur d'Albret - Descendants: House of Albret
        6. Gombaud († 992), Count of Agen , then Bishop of Gascogne, then Bishop of Toulouse
          1. Hugues, Bishop of Agen
        7. Ezi, Vicomte de Marsan - Descendants: The Vice Counts of Marsan and Maremne, † 1153
      2. Guillém I, Count of Fézensac and Armagnac († 960) - descendants: the Counts of Fézensac
      3. Arnaud I. Nonnat, Count of Astarac († 960) - descendants: the Counts of Astarac
      4. Acibella, ⚭ Galindo II, Count of Aragón († 928)
      5. Garsinde, ⚭ Raymond Pons I , Count of Toulouse , ( House of Toulouse )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fredegar , IV, Continuator, 10, MGH SS rer Merov II, p. 174
  2. ^ Fredegar, IV, Continuator, 13, MGH SS rer Merov II, p. 175
  3. "Eodo Dux", Annales Metenses 735, MGH SS I, p. 325, † without the year, Fredegar, IV, Continuator, 15, MGH SS rer Merov II, p. 175
  4. ^ "Karolus dimicabat contra filios Eodonis", Annales Petaviani 736, MGH SS I, p. 9
  5. "Hunaldo filio Eodonis", Annales Mettenses 735, MGH SS I, S. 325, "Chunoaldo duce filio Eudone" Fredegar, IV, Continuator, 25, MGH SS rer Merov II, p 180
  6. ^ Andreas Kalckhoff : Charlemagne. Profiles of a Ruler (1987), p. 36
  7. King Pippin held "matrem Waipharii et sororem eius et neptas eius" captive in 768, Annales Laurissenses 768, MGH SS I, p. 146
  8. "Hunaldus ... filiumque suum Waifarium", Annales Mettenses priores 744, MGH Scriptores in folio 1, Annales et chronica aevi Carolini, "Waifarius interfectus est 4th Non. Iunii", Annales Sancti Amandi Continuatio 768, p. 11
  9. King Pippin held "matrem Waipharii et sororem eius et neptas eius" captive in 768, Annales Laurissenses 768, MGH SS I, p. 146
  10. King Pippin held "aliam sororem Waifarii" prisoner in 768, Annales Metenses 768, MGH SS I, p. 335
  11. "Hunaldus dux germanum suum nomine Hattonem" - the full brother of the Duke Hunaldus named Hatto, Annales Mettenses 744, MGH SS I, p 327
  12. "Remistanius avunculus Waiofario" and "Remistanius filius Eudone quondam" Fredegar Continuator 45 and 50, MGH SS rer Merov II, pp 189 and 191, "Remistanius avunculus Waifarii", Annales Metenses 765, MGH SS I, p 334, and "Remistagnum", Annales Laurissenses 768, MGH SS I, p. 146
  13. ^ "Dux Francorum ... Eudo" married "filiam suam" to "unus ex Maurorum gente ... Munniz", Isidori Pacensis Episcopi Chronicon 58, España Sagrada VIII, p. 302
  14. Einhardi Annales 770, MGH SS I, p. 149 .; seen at web.genealogie as a possible son of Hattos and Vandrade
  15. ^ Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 5, MGH SS II, p. 609.
  16. Einhardi Annales 816, MGH SS I, p. 203.
  17. Chavanon, J. (ed.) (1897) Ademar von Chabannes , Chronique (Paris), III, 17, p. 133.
  18. Lupi abbatis Ferrariensis epistolae , No. 31. In: Epistolae (in quart) 6: Epistolae Karolini aevi (IV). Edited by Ernst Dümmler , Ernst Perels a . a. Berlin 1902, p. 39 ( Monumenta Germaniae Historica , digitized version )
  19. ^ Einhardi Annales 819, MGH SS I, p. 205.
  20. Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 41, MGH SS II, pp. 630 and 644
  21. Jaurgain (1898), p. 163, with a quote from Bibl. Nat. mss., Collection Duchesne (Papiers d´Oïhenart), volume. 114, folio. 96, extract of the cartular from Castelloboo (Livre verd de Benac), and Larcher Glanage, volume. I, p. 274
  22. Source: see above
  23. Source: see above
  24. ^ Guizot, M. (1824) Collection des Mémoires relatifs à l´histoire de France (Paris), Poème d´Ermold le Noir I, pp. 8–9.
  25. Jaurgain, J. de (1898) La Vasconie, étude historique et critique, deuxième partie (Pau), p. 287, quoted: "préambule d´une charte de Lézat de 1105 ou environ"
  26. Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 32, MGH SS II, p. 625, footnote 74
  27. Ex Historia Translatione Reliquiarum S. Faustæ, RHGF VII, p. 344
  28. Fragmentum Chronici Fontanellensis, RHGF VII, p. 41.
  29. Duke Adalric is missing in this list, Jimeno and Centule therefore move up a generation
  30. the classification as the son of Semen is not conclusive in view of the patronymic; classification as the son of Semen's brother Sancho (see above) would be more appropriate


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