Gerhard Müller (politician, 1928)

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Gerhard Müller (right) in the Combine Umformtechnik Erfurt , October 16, 1989

Gerhard Müller (born February 4, 1928 in Chemnitz ) is a former SED functionary. Müller was temporarily the 1st secretary of the SED district leadership in Erfurt and a candidate for the Politburo of the SED Central Committee . In 1992 he was sentenced to eight months ' imprisonment for inciting unfaithfulness and fraud, and in 1994 he was sentenced to an eight-month suspended prison sentence for inciting election fraud .


Gerhard Müller was born on February 4, 1928 in Chemnitz and spent the first years of his life there as the son of a working-class family. From 1934 to 1942 he attended elementary school in Bad Brambach , then for a short time the commercial school in Auerbach . In 1942, however, Müller changed the teaching institution, he was now a student at the teacher training institute in Auerbach until January 1945 . Then he was drafted into the Reich Labor Service , in whose ranks he saw the end of the war. Müller made his way through to January 1946 as an agricultural and civil engineering worker in Landwüst , later in Plauen . Since new teachers were wanted, he got a place at the teacher training center in Bad Elster in the winter of 1946 , where he went back to school until August 1946. At the beginning of this renewed training period, Müller joined the SPD and a little later became a member of the SED through the compulsory unification of the SPD and KPD . He also became a member of the FDGB and the FDJ . With the beginning of the school year 1946/47 he started as a new teacher at the elementary school in Breitenfeld in Vogtland . After completing the first teacher examination, he was appointed headmaster of his school from 1948. In 1950 he successfully passed the second teacher examination and then moved to the council of the district of Oelsnitz , where he worked as district training director and deputy district school councilor until 1952. In the course of 1952 Müller was appointed district school councilor. However, in February 1953 he was delegated to the first three-year course at the party college , which he completed in August 1955 with a degree in social science.

He was then delegated by the SED to the Neubrandenburg district , where he worked in the local SED district leadership until 1963 as the secretary for economy, popular education and culture. At the same time, Müller completed a distance learning course from 1962 to 1966 at the Technical School for Agriculture in Neubrandenburg , which he graduated with the title of qualified farmer . Due to the double burden of distance learning and party activities, he was withdrawn from the secretary position in the district management in 1963 and until 1965, Müller was handed over the management of the schools, universities and technical schools and culture department of the SED district management in Neubrandenburg. In addition, he was deputy head of the ideological commission of the district leadership during this time. During this phase he was appointed senior teacher in 1964. In 1965 the SED appointed Müller to be the first secretary of the SED district leadership in Neubrandenburg . He held this position until 1974. During this time, in 1966, Müller taught for some time as a subject teacher for civics at advanced secondary schools . In 1969 and 1970 he took part in a one-year special course to qualify leading party cadres at the Central Institute for Socialist Economic Management at the Central Committee of the SED. When the 2nd secretary of the SED district leadership in Neubrandenburg, Gerhard Zettler, was replaced in February 1974, Müller was appointed as his successor at the district delegate conference held in mid-February 1974. He was now the second most powerful man of the SED in the Neubrandenburg district, behind the one year younger 1st Secretary Johannes Chemnitzer, and quasi the chief of staff of the local SED district leadership.

In April 1980, the long-time first secretary of the SED district leadership in Erfurt , Alois Bräutigam , had to officially resign from this position for health reasons after massive criticism from within the party , which had been anonymously brought to Erich Mückenberger , the then chairman of the Central Party Control Commission proclaim. At the same time, at a meeting of the SED district leadership in Erfurt on April 11, 1980, Gerhard Müller was co-opted into the district leadership and appointed as the new 1st secretary. Unlike all the other 1st District Secretaries at the time, Müller was not a member of the SED Central Committee at this time . He was only elected as a member of the Central Committee at the 10th SED Party Congress in 1981. After Müller, only four new 1st secretaries were appointed to SED district leadership until November 1989. At the same time, he ran for the first time in the People's Chamber elections in 1981 and was a member of the parliament in the 8th and 9th electoral periods. In 1985 the last personnel change took place before the XI. SED party conference in 1986. At the 11th meeting of the SED Central Committee on November 22, 1985, Werner Eberlein , Siegfried Lorenz and Gerhard Müller were elected three new candidates for the Politburo of the SED Central Committee. With this, Müller rose to the leading party committee of the SED.

In the summer of 1989 he praised the bloody suppression of the student unrest in China in several speeches as exemplary.

On November 9, 1989, the long-awaited 10th meeting of the SED Central Committee took place. In the run-up to the conference, the then current Politburo resigned. Despite his many years of activity as 1st secretary of an SED district leadership, Gerhard Müller ran for a seat in the Politburo. However, he did not find enough votes among the Central Committee members and was therefore not elected to the new Politburo. This loss of confidence motivated Müller to resign as first secretary before the SED district delegate conference in Erfurt, which was called on November 11, 1989. This application was approved by the still existing district management. Herbert Kroker was elected as his successor . Müller lost his seat in the People's Chamber on November 16, 1989 through a resolution of the SED parliamentary group. On the same day, the newly elected party control commission of the SED, chaired by Werner Eberlein , met for the first time . She made arrangements in order to be able to bring the two former 1st District Secretaries Hans Albrecht and Gerhard Müller to account for violations of the law. This was the first time that Muller's violations of the law were written in the party newspaper Neues Deutschland . On November 29, 1989, the Commission recommended exclusion from the party in view of the criminally relevant facts. As a result, on December 1, 1989, the Erfurt criminal police opened an investigation against Müller on suspicion of abuse of trust through unjustified use of financial resources . The main subject of the investigation was the Kammerbach hunting lodge near Luisenthal . At the last meeting of the SED Central Committee on December 3, 1989, Müller was expelled from the Central Committee and the SED.

Müller lives in Neubrandenburg and is a member of the DKP .

Lawsuits and convictions

On 1 June 1990. Müller was indicted and 1992 for incitement to breach of trust and fraud to imprisonment convicted of eight months, which was settled by a ten-month detention. In 1992 another case of breach of trust was opened in Erfurt and was later suspended.

On November 3, 1994, he was sentenced by the Erfurt Regional Court to a prison sentence of 8 months for inciting fraud in the local elections in the GDR in 1989 , which was suspended.


  • "The tasks of the party organizations for the further successful implementation of the resolutions of the XI party congress of the SED", Dietz Verlag, Berlin, 1988


Web links

Commons : Gerhard Müller  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Mario Niemann, Andreas Herbst: SED-Kader The middle level , Schöningh, ISBN 9783506769770 , p. 37
  3. a b Gerd-Rüdiger Stephan: The end of the SED. Ch. Links Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-862-84207-0 , p. 241 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  4. Berliner Zeitung of November 13, 1989 p. 4
  5. ^ The peaceful revolution 1989/90 in Erfurt and in the GDR
  6. Heinz Mestrup: "We'll talk to Egon Krenz if we don't get along with you." - The fall of Gerhard Müller, candidate for the Politburo and SED district leader in Erfurt, in the fall of 1989. In: Contributions to the history of the workers' movement 1/2000 , Pp. 78-91
  7. Neues Deutschland from November 17, 1989 p. 2
  8. Neues Deutschland from November 30, 1989 p. 1
  9. Neues Deutschland from December 2, 1989 p. 2
  11. ^ Klaus Marxen : Criminal justice and GDR injustice: abuse of office and corruption. Walter de Gruyter, 2002, ISBN 978-3-110-17440-3 , p. 97 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  12. ^ Walter de Gruyter: electoral fraud. Walter de Gruyter, 2000, ISBN 978-3-110-87932-2 , p. 147 ( limited preview in the Google book search).