Historical awareness

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Historical awareness can be understood as

  1. Awareness of the historicity of every human existence , human cultures and institutions and human knowledge . The awareness of historicity enables the realization (cf. epistemology ) that all human knowledge is provisional and is replaced in the course of history by a different understanding of reality.
  2. Historical awareness as awareness of the temporality of all human life.

After the term or the " historical consciousness" in philosophy and anthropology had been discussed since the 19th century, was " historical consciousness " since the 1970s, a central concept of the German history teaching . With regard to school education , modern history didactics is geared towards investigating the genesis of historical awareness and pragmatically promoting the most comprehensive, differentiated and multi-perspective history awareness possible in history lessons and in extracurricular learning locations. The term is also central to the areas of memorial and museum education, as well as historical and cultural policy . Historical awareness as a characteristic of an individual can be set apart from historical memory in a group or as a whole society, which is understood more narrowly as a culture of remembrance, further as a culture of history . The historical consciousness of the individual is decisively shaped by his environment, which in turn is determined by experiences and interests through evaluations and perceptual restrictions.

While the term historical awareness v. a. the individual process of dealing with and processing the past, the "formation of meaning through time experience" ( Jörn Rüsen ), makes it possible to discuss, the more or less mature product of this process is captured with the term historical image .

Historical awareness in the 19th century

In the German philosophy of history one finds the idea in Hegel that there are “historyless” peoples without “historical awareness”, which therefore do not have any world historical significance. This he spoke therefore z. B. from the then stateless Slavic peoples. He was partly followed by Marx and Engels. The Ethnology spoke in the 19th century. Z. B. from African "cultures without writing and history". Historical awareness here became a sign of a higher cultural ability. Theologians often attributed a special historical awareness to the people of Israel or to special religious groups because of their being chosen by God.

The "historical awareness" according to Hans-Georg Gadamer

Based on the theory of the hermeneutical circle and Martin Heidegger's analysis of human existence shaped by temporality (“ Being and Time ” 1927), the philosopher Gadamer , especially in “ Truth and Method ” (1960), used the “historical Consciousness ”is described as a circular or spiral process of understanding that is repeatedly determined by prejudices and their dissolution. "Prejudices" are not understood as errors or obstacles, but as a necessary and, as it were, natural condition of understanding. In this sense, historical consciousness does not form a new type of mental operation, but a human behavior that has always been practiced, which places man and his own temporality in a certain relationship to the past, whose tradition is already a part of him, or he is a part of it .

Furthermore, historical awareness means to understand oneself as one part among many other parts of the tradition that only make the past understandable in their entirety. Above all, however, this critical self-awareness of historical understanding is decisive; it is not about the unreflected reception of the past through tradition. History as an impact history is always woven into current thinking and understanding.

The indisputable temporal difference between interpreter and author serves paradoxically as a catalyst in historical consciousness. As a cognitive break, this difference can help transform prejudices into reflected judgments. Man's own historicity produces his historical horizon, which stands out from the horizon of the past, but is canceled by the movement of historical consciousness and merged into a common horizon in that historical consciousness becomes aware of its own otherness, but this in its traditionality rises.

Historical awareness and historical awareness research in the GDR

Historians in the GDR defined ( socialist ) historical consciousness as "part of social and individual consciousness in which experience and knowledge of the historical development of society and the lessons learned from it for the present are expressed". Its core fancy on the ideological basis of Marxism-Leninism earned from the History and "with the progress of development and knowledge constantly perfected [s]" of history , which "not only exact knowledge about the variety of concrete historical events and processes, but above especially the understanding of the overall legal course of history in the past, present and future ”.

Since historical awareness played an important role in the development of socialist basic convictions and thus in the legitimation of the existing power relations, empirical data on the development of the understanding of history in the population was collected early on in the GDR . From 1953 onwards the first works of historical methodologists can be found , since 1967 the Institute for Social Sciences at the Central Committee of the SED has undertaken systematic studies, since 1987 the Central Institute for Youth Research has been added. The close ideological anchoring of the individual institutions certainly raises doubts about the objectivity of these research results. But the attempt to grasp the historical ideas of the GDR citizens in order to be able to influence them more strongly in the sense of the historical policy of the SED was scientifically quite innovative. The developing direction of research therefore prompted many historians in the Federal Republic of Germany to grapple with the results, some of which are admittedly difficult to access.

At the semantic level, social science research in the GDR classified historical consciousness into a number of specific consciousness factors:

  • socialist state consciousness
  • Nation awareness
  • Social / class consciousness
  • Home consciousness
  • Historical awareness

The differentiation between the individual consciousness factors should improve measurability and thus provide better starting points for better influencing.

Historical awareness according to Karl-Ernst Jeismann (last 1988)

The history didacticist Karl-Ernst Jeismann has made several comments on the concept of historical awareness as a central category; this is based on the mature version from 1988. In principle, Jeismann initially assumes that historical consciousness expresses the relationship between people and history in general. This is the history teaching , however, still need to investigate from the perspective of "specific [n] concreteness of certain historical ideas". Accordingly, one should always pay attention to the normative demands made on the historical consciousness and to which learning purposes it should aim. Primarily the historical awareness contributes to interpreting the knowledge of the past in such a way that it can make a contribution to the present orientation despite diverging structural elements. In addition, it could also give rise to certain future-oriented expectations.

According to Jeismann, historical consciousness forms a self-reflective instance that should contribute to the reflection of one's own historical conditionality: Only then is the acting subject able to defend itself against manipulative influences on its historical consciousness. It is also fundamental that, in the awareness of history, the constructive or reconstructive character of the past should also be grasped in the present and the thus reconstructed past should not be understood as a factual image of the past. Furthermore, historical awareness is constantly changing and is subject to various other factors, such as the state of the subject or specifically social or cultural influences. In this sense, historical awareness is a cyclical process of forming, questioning, and reshaping ideas. Furthermore, it implies forms of subjective perception, evaluation and judgment formation: The reconstruction of the past is first carried out in the analysis of the past, before this is put into the historical context ( factual judgment ) and finally evaluated with regard to the present ( value judgment ). As the top category, it unites the desire for history , the specific image of history and historical understanding. "Historical consciousness interprets the past time as a horizon of the present in the communicative contact of cultural and social structures of tension and at the level of reflexivity becomes 'historical consciousness' of those who think about the emergence and meaning of historical consciousness."

Historical awareness according to Jörn Rüsen (from 1983)

Jörn Rüsen in his describes History historical consciousness as a "base all historical teaching and learning". He also assumes that without a specifically historical learning process, no historical awareness can develop. Rather, historical consciousness is a mental process in which the different operations of consciousness are fundamentally related to history.

Rüsen sees historical narration and, above all, historical learning in close connection with the concept of historical awareness . According to him, historical narration, as a communicative and equally narrative act of creating meaning, generates historical awareness “as an elementary and general [...] orientation effort” in the horizon of time experiences. This means that the acting subject generates action perspectives for the present from the experiences already acquired in the past and opens up similar perspectives for the future. Fundamental to this form of the process of creating meaning are notions of the course of time and the continuities that affect them. Seen in this way, historical narration contributes significantly to the acquisition of a historical identity that develops in various stages of socialization and individuation and becomes a kind of lifeworld and temporal perspective for the subjects in the present.

While Rüsen describes historical awareness as an achievement in creating meaning and, in this sense, as a history-specific learning process, he sees historical learning as the entity that can contribute to the differentiation and self-reflective expansion of historical awareness, but at the same time has to be learned first before it can take on those functions. To this end, historical learning contributes to the development of the subject and is at the same time itself a result of the developing subject. In this way, historical consciousness can contribute to its own development and also expand and strengthen the subject's ability to learn.

Historical awareness according to Hans-Jürgen Pandel (1987)

In an effort to better develop the category of historical awareness for concrete empirical research and lesson planning, Hans-Jürgen Pandel has proposed seven "dimensions" that have been taken up many times:

  1. Time awareness (distinction between past, present and future and the feeling of historical “density” (perceived event saturation) of a time (e.g. 1933–45));
  2. Reality awareness (assessment of whether real or fictional);
  3. Historicity awareness (awareness of historicity , static or changeable);
  4. Identity awareness (awareness of belonging to a group and the ability to take this into account for others as well);
  5. political awareness (insight into power structures and interests);
  6. economic-social awareness (knowledge of social and economic inequality);
  7. Moral awareness (ability to reconstruct the values and norms of the time without falling into complete relativism and completely abandoning one's own judgment).

Some add an awareness of perspective , an awareness that history is always perceived from a particular perspective (e.g. by the rulers and the ruled, the rich and the poor, the local and the foreign, inside and outside), and the ability to engage in to think in this perspective. The gender and minority perspectives play a special role today . Klaus Bergmann has already added gender awareness as the eighth dimension. It is the awareness of how the relationship between the sexes was regulated.

Critics consider this model with just a few dimensions to be far too under-complex.

Awareness of history according to Bodo von Borries (1988)

Bodo von Borries has carried out empirical studies on historical consciousness research among various target groups. In many cases, he related his understanding of historical awareness to the approaches of Jeismann and Rüsen, but also supplemented these in some places with the results of his surveys. According to him, one can say:

  • Concepts of history, knowledge of history and the extent of historical knowledge vary greatly from person to person.
  • Why and how individuals deal with history depends on their personal, history-related needs (confirmation, drive removal, enjoyment of art and enlightenment are listed as ideal-typical basic forms).
  • Furthermore, biographical elements, personality traits, one's own ideas of identity, political attitudes and future expectations are clearly reflected in the way in which history is dealt with and therefore in historical awareness.

Furthermore, von Borries distinguishes four levels of historical awareness:

  1. At the lower level of historical awareness, individuals have no historical knowledge. Often they are determined by history because they do not question the validity of the past. Thus, they are only at the mercy of their history-related emotions.
  2. At the next level, individuals are at least familiar with historical legends, which they perceive as thoroughly aesthetic. At the same time, however, they do not yet deal critically with history, so that although they register a certain degree of history, they cannot change it. Furthermore, they are often subject to unconscious projections of the past.
  3. Individuals on the third level of historical consciousness already have historical knowledge about which they can also make a moral judgment. They deal much more consciously with their transmission of history and also with the recognition of the past.
  4. At the top level, individuals have historical insight. You can critically reflect on history and draw responsible consequences from it. At this level one can speak of coming to terms with the past.

Historical awareness according to Bernd Schönemann (2000)

Following the didactic discourse on the category of historical awareness , Bernd Schönemann refers to his own dynamic. For its research, this means that only a current snapshot can actually be recorded, while its constant changes, additions and restructuring or even reorientation of the scientific inventory remain hidden.

He also contrasts the category of historical awareness with the category of historical culture, pointing out that in the distinction between an individual and a collective construction of the past, historical awareness can be considered the central category . It is the instance that is generated by internalization and socialization processes, whereas the historical culture arises from an opposing process of externalization. The culture of history can be ascribed a long-term durability.

Historical awareness according to von Borries / Meyer-Hamme (2008)

Bodo von Borries and Johannes Meyer-Hamme have further differentiated in the context of the debate about the competencies of historical thinking and at the same time linked the competency models and the concepts of historical awareness. They distinguish three dimensions of historical consciousness in society, all of which are already contained in the models by Jeismann, Rüsen and Schönemann, but are not differentiated:

  1. History culture as social practice: Every form of historical thinking is embedded in history and remembrance cultures. Historical narratives are to be interpreted in the context of cultures of history and remembrance.
  2. Historical identity as the goal: Every form of historical thinking and storytelling contains historical offers of meaning for the present and the future (Rüsen), at the same time offers of identity are made. This is true regardless of whether these are explicitly named or only implicitly suggested, because all historical thinking arises in the present and is an answer to a present question.
  3. Competences of historical thinking as a capacity: The cognitive parts of historical thinking can be differentiated in terms of competence theory, so that between the historical questions that are asked, the reconstruction of one's own and the de-construction of others' narratives, the orientations for the present and future as well as those involved used categories and concepts can be differentiated. In addition, some models also offer suggestions for differentiating between levels.

Such a distinction is helpful in order to be able to analyze historical narratives in a differentiated manner. Because each emerges in the context of cultures of history and remembrance, it is at the same time shaped by the identities of the narrator (e.g. in the setting of relevance) and an expression of the ability and willingness to think historically.

Other approaches

Historical awareness is defined by the cultural psychologist Carlos Kölbl as "symbolically conveyed ability and practice (...) to synthesize remembered pasts with interpretations of the present and future expectations into complex temporal structures as well as to integrate one's own experience and actions into such a web of meaning." It is a specific form of human time construction, which, according to Kölbl, is specifically different from chronicles, autobiographical self-thematizing or the metrized time.

The historian Theodor Schieder has already defined similarly: "Historical awareness in the narrower sense means the constant presence of knowledge that man and all the institutions and forms of coexistence he has created exist in time, that is, have an origin and a future that they represent nothing what is stable, unchangeable and without preconditions. "

In the course of the globalization debate, Andreas Heuer pleads for a shift towards a global awareness of history. He criticizes the previously common understanding of historical awareness that “the category of the nation state is no longer sufficient” “to orient organized historical learning towards content that should be future-oriented. An enlightened awareness of history needs a new enlightenment. ” Global awareness of history is the overcoming of a historical thinking that is one-sidedly oriented towards the West and reflects the changes of the last decades to a multipolar world. "A first step for a global awareness of history would be the realization that the present of the multipolar world can no longer be explained in terms of the Western context." In this sense, the idea of ​​world history that emerged from the Western context must be abandoned. “Beyond world history, the way would be to recognize the limits of historical thinking, the limits of modern historical thinking in Europe. The world in all its diversity is the place of the many stories that we can hear and understand. World history dissolves into world histories. ”In this sense, global historical consciousness is the opening up of the term historical consciousness to the political, economic and social changes of the last decades in order to overcome the hidden Eurocentrism of this term.

Space-time horizon

Only that which does not lie outside the space-time horizon can come into historical consciousness. In ancient times, due to the good news for the rulers, it was often further than in the European Middle Ages, but until modern times it was never greater than in the heyday of the Mongol Empire. With modern communications technology , it expanded first for the rulers, then for the population more and more to the present, when the news of the attack on the World Trade Center was known to many Russian workers in Siberia earlier than the President of the USA.

With the expansion of the awareness of the simultaneity of world history over the entire earth, it is becoming more and more important not to fall into fiction that there used to be a coherent historical space.

See also


  • Bodo von Borries : Learning about history and being aware of history. Empirical exploration of the acquisition and use of history. Klett, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-12-922625-7 .
  • Bodo von Borries: The historical consciousness of young people. First representative study of interpretations of the past, present perceptions and future expectations of schoolchildren in East and West Germany. Juventa-Verlag, Weinheim u. a. 1995, ISBN 3-7799-0432-2 .
  • Bodo von Borries: Historical consciousness - empiricism. In: Klaus Bergmann , Klaus Fröhlich, Annette Kuhn , Jörn Rüsen , Gerhard Schneider (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Geschichtsdidaktik. 5th edition. Kallmeyer Verlag, Seelze-Velber 1997, ISBN 3-7800-4920-1 , pp. 45-51.
  • Marko Demantowsky : The beginning of demoscopic historical consciousness research in Germany. The research group “Socialist Historical Consciousness” at the Institute for Social Sciences at the Central Committee of the SED. In: Journal for History Didactics. 4th year, 2005, ISSN  1610-5982 , pp. 146-175 ( PDF; 41 MB ).
  • Bernd Faulenbach , Annette Leo , Klaus Weberskirch: Two stories. Life story and historical awareness of employees in West and East Germany (= history and adult education. Vol. 11). Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2000, ISBN 3-88474-757-6 .
  • Hans Jürgen Friederici : Awareness of History, Heritage and Tradition . In: Archive messages. Vol. 36, 1986, ISSN  0004-038X , pp. 3-5.
  • Hans-Georg Gadamer : Truth and Method. Basic features of a philosophical hermeneutics. In: Der .: Hermeneutics. Truth and method. Volume 1: Fundamentals of a Philosophical Hermeneutics. 6th edition. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 1990, ISBN 3-16-145613-0 , pp. 281-290.
  • Wolfgang Hardtwig : The crisis of historical consciousness in the Empire and Weimar Republic and the rise of National Socialism. In: Yearbook of the Historical College . 2001, pp. 47-75 ( PDF; 7.1 MB ).
  • Andreas Heuer : Awareness of history. Origin and dissolution of central assumptions of western historical thought. Wochenschau-Verlag, Schwalbach am Taunus 2011, ISBN 978-3-89974-701-0 .
  • Andreas Heuer: Global awareness of history. The emergence of the multipolar world from the 18th century to the present (= history. Vol. 105). Lit-Verlag, Berlin 2012, ISBN 3-643-11641-1 .
  • Karl-Ernst Jeismann : Awareness of history as a central category of history didactics. In: Gerhard Schneider (Ed.): History consciousness and historical-political learning (= yearbook for history didactics. Vol. 1). Centaurus-Verlags-Gesellschaft, Pfaffenweiler 1988, ISBN 3-89085-215-7 , pp. 1-24.
  • Karl-Ernst Jeismann: Historical Consciousness - Theory. In: Klaus Bergmann, Klaus Fröhlich, Annette Kuhn, Jörn Rüsen, Gerhard Schneider (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Geschichtsdidaktik. 5th edition. Kallmeyer Verlag, Seelze-Velber 1997, ISBN 3-7800-4920-1 , pp. 42-44.
  • Karl-Ernst Jeismann: "Historical consciousness " as a central category of didactics in history teaching. In: Ders .: History and Education. Schöningh, Paderborn u. a. 2000, ISBN 3-506-74119-5 , pp. 46-72.
  • Dagmar Klose: Historical Consciousness - Ontogenesis. In: Klaus Bergmann, Klaus Fröhlich, Annette Kuhn, Jörn Rüsen, Gerhard Schneider (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Geschichtsdidaktik. 5th edition. Kallmeyer Verlag, Seelze-Velber 1997, ISBN 3-7800-4920-1 , pp. 51-56.
  • Felix Philipp Lutz: The historical consciousness of the Germans. Basics of political culture in East and West (= contributions to historical culture . Vol. 19). Böhlau Verlag, Cologne u. a. 2000, ISBN 3-412-13498-8 .
  • Helmut Meier, Walter Schmidt (ed.): Historical consciousness and socialist society. Contributions to the role of history, history teaching, and history propaganda in the development of socialist consciousness. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1970, DNB 573438129 .
  • Hans-Jürgen Pandel : Dimensions of historical awareness . An attempt to make its structure debatable for empiricism and pragmatics. In: History Didactics . 12th vol., H. 2, 1987, ISSN  0341-8987 , pp. 130-142.
  • Hans-Jürgen Pandel: Awareness of history. In: Ulrich Mayer , Hans-Jürgen Pandel, Gerhard Schneider, Bernd Schönemann (Hrsg.): Dictionary of history didactics. Wochenschau-Verlag, Schwalbach am Taunus 2006, ISBN 3-89974-257-5 , p. 69 f.
  • Jörn Rüsen: Truth Historical Learning - Outline of a Theory . In the S. (Ed.): Historical learning. Fundamentals and Paradigms. 2nd Edition. Wochenschau-Verlag, Schwalbach am Taunus 2008, ISBN 3-89974-442-X , pp. 70–114.
  • Walter Schmidt: History and historical consciousness. In: Journal of History . Vol. 15, H. 2, 1967, ISSN  0044-2828 , pp. 205-223.
  • Gerhard Schneider (Ed.): Historical consciousness and historical-political learning (= yearbook for historical didactics. Vol. 1). Centaurus-Verlags-Gesellschaft, Pfaffenweiler 1988, ISBN 3-89085-215-7 .
  • Bernd Schönemann: History didactics, history culture, history science. In: Hilke Günter-Arndt (Hrsg.): History didactics. Practical manual for secondary level I and II. 4th edition. Cornelsen Scriptor, Berlin 2009, ISBN 3-589-21858-4 , pp. 11-22.
  • Joachim Streisand : Historical image - historical consciousness - historical science. Their interrelationships and their significance for the development of socialist consciousness. In: Journal of History. 15. Vol., H. 5, 1967, ISSN  0044-2828 , pp. 822-834.
  • Jörg van Norden: History is awareness. History of a fundamental historical category. Wochenschau-Verlag, Frankfurt / M. 2018, ISBN 978-3-7344-0672-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. google books ngram analysis. Retrieved November 24, 2018 .
  2. Christoph Marx: "Peoples without writing and history". On the historical record of pre-colonial black Africa in German research of the 19th and early 20th centuries . In: Contributions to colonial and overseas history . tape 43 . Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 978-3-515-05173-6 .
  3. ^ Awareness of history and expectation of the future in Pietism and the revival movement . In: Wolfgang Breul / Carsten Schnurr (ed.): Works on the history of Pietism . tape 59 . Göttingen / Bristol 2013.
  4. Etsuro Makita: The concept of historical consciousness in Gadamer . In: Archive for the history of concepts . No. 36 , 1993, pp. 317-331 .
  5. Hans-Georg Gadamer: Truth and Method. Basic features of a philosophical hermeneutics. Tübingen 1990, pp. 271-276 (Hans-Georg Gadamer: Collected Works, Volume 1, Hermeneutics I).
  6. Hans-Georg Gadamer: Truth and Method. Basic features of a philosophical hermeneutics. Tübingen 1990, pp. 281-290 (Hans-Georg Gadamer: Collected Works, Volume 1, Hermeneutics I).
  7. Hans-Georg Gadamer: Truth and Method. Basic features of a philosophical hermeneutics. Tübingen 1990, pp. 305-312 (Hans-Georg Gadamer: Collected Works, Volume 1, Hermeneutics I).
  8. Hans-Georg Gadamer: Truth and Method. Basic features of a philosophical hermeneutics. Tübingen 1990, pp. 296-305 (Hans-Georg Gadamer: Collected Works, Volume 1, Hermeneutics I).
  9. ↑ Awareness of history. In: Author collective (Hrsg.): Dictionary of history. Volume 1. Dietz, Berlin 1983, p. 394.
  10. ^ Helmut Meier: Historical consciousness and historical identity in the GDR. Attempt a critical balance. Helle Panke, Berlin 1996, p. 22 ff.
  11. ^ Marko Demantowsky: The beginning of demoscopic historical consciousness research in Germany. The research group “Socialist Historical Consciousness” at the Institute for Social Sciences at the Central Committee of the SED . In: Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik 2005, pp. 146–152.
  12. Karl-Ernst Jeismann: Historical consciousness as a central category of historical didactics. In: Gerhard Schneider (Ed.): Historical consciousness and historical-political learning. Pfaffenweiler 1988, p. 7.
  13. Karl-Ernst Jeismann: Historical consciousness as a central category of historical didactics . In: Gerhard Schneider (Ed.): Historical consciousness and historical-political learning . Pfaffenweiler 1988, p. 3 .
  14. Karl-Ernst Jeismann: Historical consciousness as a central category of historical didactics . In: Gerhard Schneider (Ed.): Historical consciousness and historical-political learning . Pfaffenweiler 1988, p. 1-8 .
  15. Karl-Ernst Jeismann: Historical consciousness as a central category of historical didactics. In: Gerhard Schneider (Ed.): Historical consciousness and historical-political learning. Pfaffenweiler 1988, p. 15.
  16. Karl-Ernst Jeismann: Historical consciousness as a central category of historical didactics. In: Gerhard Schneider (Ed.): Historical consciousness and historical-political learning. Pfaffenweiler 1988, pp. 8-11.
  17. Karl-Ernst Jeismann: Historical consciousness as a central category of historical didactics . In: Gerhard Schneider (Ed.): Historical consciousness and historical-political learning . Pfaffenweiler 1988, p. 11 .
  18. a b c Jörn Rüsen: Historical learning - outline of a theory . In: Jörn Rüsen (Ed.): Historical learning - basics and paradigms . Schwalbach / Ts. 2008, p. 74 .
  19. Jörn Rüsen: Truth Historical Learning - Outline of a Theory . In: ders. (Ed.): Historical learning - foundations and paradigms. Schwalbach / Ts. 2008, pp. 75-77.
  20. Jörn Rüsen: Truth Historical Learning - Outline of a Theory . In: ders. (Ed.): Historical learning - foundations and paradigms. Schwalbach / Ts. 2008, pp. 77-79.
  21. Hans-Jürgen Pandel: Dimensions of the historical consciousness . An attempt to make its structure debatable for empiricism and pragmatics .
  22. Bodo von Borries: History learning and historical awareness. Empirical exploration of the acquisition and use of history . Stuttgart 1988, p. 11f.
  23. Bodo von Borries: History learning and historical awareness. Empirical exploration of the acquisition and use of history . Stuttgart 1988, p. 12.
  24. Bernd Schönemann: History didactics, history culture, history science. In: Hilke Günter-Arndt (Hrsg.): History didactics. Practical handbook for secondary level I and II . Berlin 2009, p. 12f.
  25. Bernd Schönemann: History didactics, history culture, history science. In: Hilke Günter-Arndt (Hrsg.): History didactics. Practical handbook for secondary level I and II. Berlin 2009, p. 17.
  26. Johannes Meyer-Hamme , Bodo von Borries: “Formation of Meaning through Experience of Time”? Learning history in the field of tension between the subject and the institutional perspective . In: Hans-Christoph Koller (ed.): Meaning construction and educational path. On the importance of individual assignments of meaning in the context of school teaching-learning processes . Opladen 2008, p. 107-135 .
  27. Andreas Körber u. a. (Ed.): Competencies in historical thinking. A structural model as a contribution to competence orientation in the history teaching, . Neuried 2007.
  28. ^ Carlos Kölbl, Jürgen Straub: Awareness of History in Adolescence. Theoretical and exemplary empirical analyzes. In: Forum Qualitative Social Research. 2001, No. 2, p. Art. 9
  29. ^ Carlos Kölbl, Jürgen Straub: Historical consciousness as a psychological term . In: Journal für Psychologie 11, 2003, No. 1, pp. 75-102.
  30. ^ Theodor Schieder: Interest in history and awareness of history today. In: History between yesterday and tomorrow. CJ Burckhardt, Munich 1974, p. 78 f.
  31. Andreas Heuer: Awareness of History. Origin and dissolution of central assumptions of western historical thought : Schwalbach / Ts. 2011, p. 120.
  32. ^ Andreas Heuer: Global awareness of history. The emergence of the multipolar world from the 18th century to the present. Berlin 2012, p. 186.
  33. Andreas Heuer: The birth of modern historical thinking in Europe. Scientific treatises and speeches on philosophy, politics and intellectual history. Volume 68, Berlin 2012, p. 139.
  34. Further critical questions about the currently widespread understanding of historical awareness will be revisited in preparation for the workshop Historical awareness? posed. The workshop will take place in February 2014.
  35. Dietmar Schiersner: Introduction to the main topic »History Didactics and Spatial Concepts« . In: Susanne Popp et al. (Ed.): Journal for historical didactics . No. 10 . Göttingen 2011, p. 5-9 .