Gmina Zabierzów

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Gmina Zabierzów
Coat of arms of Gmina Zabierzów
Gmina Zabierzów (Poland)
Gmina Zabierzów
Gmina Zabierzów
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Lesser Poland
Powiat : Krakowski
Geographic location : 50 ° 7 '  N , 19 ° 47'  E Coordinates: 50 ° 7 '5 "  N , 19 ° 46' 47"  E
Residents : see Gmina
Postal code : 32-080
Telephone code : (+48) 12
License plate : KRA
Economy and Transport
Street : Droga krajowa 79
Krakow - Krzeszowice
Rail route : Jaworzno Szczakowa – Krakow
Next international airport : Krakow-Balice
Gminatype: Rural community
Gmina structure: 23 school authorities
Surface: 99.59 km²
Residents: 26,622
(Jun. 30, 2019)
Population density : 267 inhabitants / km²
Community number  ( GUS ): 1206162
Administration (as of 2008)
Community leader : Elżbieta Burtan
ul.Kolejowa 11 32-080 Zabierzów
Website :

The Gmina Zabierzów [ za'bʲɛʒuf ] is a rural community in the powiat Krakowski in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship in Poland . Its seat is the village of the same name with 4700 inhabitants (2011).


The municipality has an area of ​​99.6 km². 65% of the municipal area is used for agriculture, 14% is covered with forest. Zabierzów is located about 12 kilometers northwest of Kraków on the Rudawa River . The part south of the Rudawa belongs to the Tenczyński Park Krajobrazowy Landscape Park .


From 1975 to 1998 the municipality was part of the Kraków Voivodeship .

coat of arms

The municipality's coat of arms is in the form of a shield. On the left is a griffin with a golden beak and claws on a red background. The right side shows a knight in armor on a blue background. He is holding a red sign in his hands.


The rural community (gmina wiejska) Zabierzów is subdivided into 23 school departments .

Sołectwo Residents Sołectwo Residents
1 Aleksandrowice 714 13 Niegoszowice 468
2 Balice 1200 14 Nielepice 749
3 Bolechowice 1560 15 pisary 525
4 brzezie 742 16 Radwanowice 531
5 Brzezinka 622 17 Rudawa 1200
6 Brzoskwinia 767 18 Rząska 1597
7 Burów 332 19 Szczyglice 465
8 Karniowice 840 20 Ujazd 273
9 Kleszczów 308 21 Więckowice 543
10 Kobylany 785 22 Zabierzów 4700
11 Kochanów 241 23 Zelków 554
12 Młynka 224


The Kraków Business Park , which has its own train stop, is located in Rząska .


The municipality has eleven kindergartens (Przedszkole) , eleven elementary schools (szkoła podstawowa) and three middle schools (gimnazjum) .

Web links

Commons : Gmina Zabierzów  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. population. Size and Structure by Territorial Division. As of June 30, 2019. Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) (PDF files; 0.99 MiB), accessed December 24, 2019 .
  2. (Polish / English accessed on August 30, 2011) ( Memento of the original from September 11, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Ordinance No. 22 / IV / 54 Wojewódzkiej Rady Narodowej w Krakowie z dnia 6 października 1954 on the division of the Gromadas Powiat Kraków (Dziennik Urzędowy Wojewódzkiej Rady Narodowej w Krakowie z dnia 29. Listopada 1954, no. 50), 114 r.
  4. Dz.U. 1975 no 17 poz. 92 (Polish) (PDF file; 783 kB)
  5. a b
  6. Balice (Polish, accessed August 30, 2011)
  7. Bolechowice (Polish, accessed August 30, 2011)
  8. Rudawa (Polish, accessed August 30, 2011)
  9. Karniowice (Polish, accessed August 30, 2011)
  10. Zabierzów (Polish, accessed August 30, 2011)