Mutton Spring

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Hammelspring village church

Hammelspring is a village in Brandenburg belonging to the town of Templin .


The place is 7.5 km southwest of Templin on the federal highway 109 . In the Angerdorf there is also a stop on the Löwenberg – Prenzlau railway line . Alsenhof , Etashof , Schleuse Kannenburg and Werderhof also belong to Hammelspring . The Röddelinsee lies northeast of the village .


In 1241, according to other information, in 1243, the place was founded as a colonist village by Conrad II. De Hamelspring and his half-brother Amelung de Lippia , married de Brakel et de Hinnenburg . The place name goes back to the name of the founder. Other details, however, give the year 1375 as the first documentary mention. Then it is as Havelspryng . The name later changed to Hamelspringe, Hamelspring and Hamelsprunge.

In the center of the village there was a pond fed from the groundwater . The pond in front of the church was later filled in and is no longer there today. In the years 1349/1350, 1360/1361 and 1375 the plague occurred in the village , which led to a decrease in the number of inhabitants by 40%. In 1350, beekeepers were given special privileges in the village. This led to an increase in beekeeping. Almost every family kept bees.

Until 1541 the village belonged to the Zehdenick Castle and Monastery Office .

In 1624, Hammelspring had 168 inhabitants. There were 16 feudal farmers, five kossats, a Schulzenhof and a parish hoof. A total of 46 hooves were farmed. In 1699 and 1700, eleven Huguenot families were settled in the village. The 85 people came from the village of Varquegny in Hainaut near Mons and from the Palatinate, where they had previously lived as refugees.

In 1876, Hammelspring became a stop on the newly opened Templin-Zehdenick-Löwenberg railway line.

In 1993 the village celebrated the 750th anniversary of the town's foundation. Hammelspring belonged as an independent municipality to the Templin Land Office. In October 2003 the village was forcibly incorporated into Templin.


The village church Hammelspring, built in 1820, is located in the village . Other listed objects are the parish and parish house at Am Bahndamm 7 , the Huguenot house at Templiner Strasse 44 and the residential building with farm building at Vogelsanger Strasse 18 . To the renovation of the Huguenot house tries u. a. the German Foundation for Monument Protection .

There is a hand-operated lock in the village of Kannenburg .


In Hammelspring there are a few smaller companies in the catering and accommodation sector. There is also a fine bakery with a post office in the village. The Chocolaterie Hammelspring is particularly well-known and has been producing chocolate specialties since 2008. The chocolaterie is designed as a show production with its own sales.


The sandpicture artist Artur Fritz lives in the village .

Web links

Commons : Hammelspring  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hugenottenhaus funding project ( Memento of the original from October 15, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed October 8, 2014  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 53 ° 4 ′  N , 13 ° 26 ′  E