Hans Freistadt

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Hans Freistadt (left) loses in the 1964 Olympic qualification against Otto Babiasch

Hans Freistadt (born July 6, 1945 in Vinkovci , Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ; † October 23, 2019 ) was a German boxer . He was the European amateur flyweight champion in 1965 .


Hans Freistadt was born in Yugoslavia and moved to the Federal Republic of Germany with his mother in the early 1960s . The family was in Ludwigshafen resident and Hans Freistadt started on the Mannheim Maimarkt with the boxes . He came to the Ludwigshafen boxing ring via ASV Landau . Already in 1962 and 1963 he was (West) German junior champion in flyweight (at that time up to 51 kg body weight).

Just one year later he was also (West) German flyweight champion in the senior class in Munich with a points win over Josef Rehberger from Rosenheim . However , he did not make the leap into the all-German Olympic team for the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo . It failed because of Otto Babiasch from the GDR.

In 1965 Hans Freistadt in Hanover was again (West) German flyweight champion by winning points over Lothar Kannewurf from SV Prague Stuttgart . At the European championship taking place in East Berlin this year, he surprised the entire professional world because he became European flyweight champion there without much international experience . On the way to this title he defeated Ucar from Turkey , Tony Humm from England , John McCluskey from Ireland and in the final battle Hubert Skrzypczak from Poland , well trained by head coach Oskar Sänger .

In 1966 Hans Freistadt was drafted into the German Armed Forces in Speyer and was therefore no longer able to train sufficiently. This year he has therefore not achieved any results worth mentioning. But in 1967 he was again (West) German flyweight champion in Münster with a point win over Heinz Männel from Suderwich . He also started at the European Championships in Rome , but lost there in the first round against the Soviet athlete Peter Gorbatow on points.

In the following years Hans Freistadt never reached the form of 1965. Although he was again (West) German flyweight champion in 1970 and also started at the European Championships in 1971 in Madrid . There he was defeated again in the first round, where he had the bad luck to meet a Soviet athlete, Viktor Zaporozhets, again.

Hans Freistadt continued to box for a few years, but could not achieve any significant successes. He played a total of 138 fights, of which he won 123.

In 1988 the pop singer Manuela produced the single with him at 17, life begins / The new Federal Chancellor . The "singing boxing champion with a heart" was most recently an innkeeper in Böhl-Iggelheim and performed mainly as a singer in southwest Germany.

International fights by Hans Freistadt

  • 1964 in Bucharest , Romania against FRG , point defeat against Ion Ciuca,
  • 1965 in Łódź , Poland against FRG, point defeat against Artur Olech ,
  • 1965 in Poznań , Poland against FRG, points winner over Zbigniew Olech,
  • 1965 in London , England against FRG, point defeat against Tony Humm,
  • 1967 in Kiel , Germany against Poland, point defeat against Karol Czempik,
  • 1967 in Rosenheim , FRG against Poland, point defeat against Karol Czempik,
  • 1967 in Wesel , Germany against Romania, point defeat against Gruescu,
  • 1967 in Siegen , Germany against Mexico , point defeat against Delgado,
  • 1970 in Alicante , Spain against FRG, Winner 2nd round over Rodriguez Figero,
  • 1970 in Bremen , FRG against Czechoslovakia , points winner over Freiberg,
  • 1970 in Cologne , FRG against Poland, point defeat against Hubert Skrzypczak ,
  • 1970 in Le Mans , France against Germany, points winner over Coxo,
  • 1971 in Hanover , Germany against Italy , point defeat against Udelle,
  • 1971 in Essen , Germany against USA , point defeat against Lewis,
  • 1971 in Berlin , Germany against France, point defeat against Khaloufi


  • Boxing sport . ZDB -ID 600186-5 , from the years 1963 to 1971.
  • BOX ALMANACH 1920–1980 , publisher of the German Amateur Boxing Association e. V., 1980.
  • Bodo Harenberg (ed.): The stars of the sport from A-Z . Carl Habel Verlagbuchhandel, Berlin 1970.
  • amateur-boxing.strefa.pl



  • Hans Freistadt. Ex-European boxing champion and restaurateur. Schifferstadt. In: Gerhard Sellinger: At home in the Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis. Sellinger, Schifferstadt 2010, p. 61.
  • Boxing and singing were his passion. Former European boxing champion Hans Freistadt died at the age of 74. In: Schifferstadter Tagblatt vol. 115, No. 247 of October 24, 2019.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Sperber: Schifferstadt: The "singing boxer" Hans Freistadt is dead. In: morgenweb.de (Mannheimer Morgen). October 23, 2019, accessed October 23, 2019 .
  2. http://www.manuela-music.eu/Manuela-Produktionen.htm