Heinrich Bonnenberg

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Heinrich Bonnenberg (2010)

Johann Heinrich Bonnenberg (born April 20, 1938 in Hamm ) is a German energy and environmental engineer who has managed state-owned companies.


Bonnenberg's father comes from Cologne , his mother from Neuhütte near Dillenburg . His maternal grandfather is Gustav Jung .

Bonnenberg studied physics at RWTH Aachen with an interim semester at the TH Berlin . There he became active in the Corps Borussia Breslau in Cologne and Aachen in 1959 . He specialized in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. With a diploma thesis with Heinrich Mandel in Aachen, he received his diploma as a physicist. With a doctoral thesis with Rudolf Schulten , he became a Dr.-Ing. PhD . From 1968 he worked at the Jülich nuclear research facility , most recently in 1970 as head of the systems analysis working group at the Institute for Reactor Development and as one of the two deputies of the institute director Rudolf Schulten. From 1971 to 1992 he was co-founder and managing partner of several medium-sized consulting companies for power plant technology and environmental technology . In the 1970s, B + D Bonnenberg & Drescher Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (today Bonnenberg & Drescher GmbH ) in Aldenhoven carried out relevant studies on reactor safety on behalf of federal ministries . From 1975 to 1977 he supported Nuclebrás in Rio de Janeiro in planning a center for the reprocessing of nuclear fuel . The project was not carried out.

new countries

After the German reunification , Bonnenberg came to the Treuhandanstalt in Berlin. As director with general power of attorney for environmental protection and contaminated sites , he was responsible for the liability for polluted soil and groundwater until 1994 ; they played an important role in the privatization contracts of state-owned companies , which in the new countries from the state-owned enterprises had emerged. Bonnenberg implemented the later use-oriented and therefore inexpensive rehabilitation of the soil and groundwater. This concept was reflected in the Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG) of 1999. In the context of the contaminated site problem, he was also responsible for the demolition of buildings and the dismantling of the outdated capital stock with the associated waste disposal at many of these companies . This was also in line with a labor market policy employment program that was primarily paid for by the Federal Labor Office . Bonnenberg promoted the provision of training places for apprentices in East Germany. From 1995 to 1999 he was part of the management of the federally owned BMGB Beteiligungs-Management-Gesellschaft Berlin , one of the three successor companies of the Treuhandanstalt. Since 1999 he has been the managing director of VERBO Industrie-Beratung GmbH, which supports German companies in their projects in Eastern Europe .

Bonnenberg was chairman of the supervisory board of the GVV company for the custody and utilization of closed mining operations, today merged with LMBV Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft (1995–2002), EWN Entsorgungswerke für Nuklearanlagen in its former name Energiewerke Nord (1995–2008) and LMBV Lausitzer und Mitteldeutschen Bergbau - Management company (1995-2009). The companies are federally owned project companies for the utilization , recultivation and plant dismantling of closed operations in the new federal states.

Nuclear energy

Bonnenberg is committed to the use of nuclear energy and demands nuclear reactors that meet a closed safety concept from uranium enrichment through the nuclear power plant to the repository . Bonnenberg identifies the fuel element as the determining factor for a closed safety concept.

Eastern Europe

From 1997 to 2003, Bonnenberg was German co-chairman of the German government'sPrivatizationround table at the Ukrainian parliament Verkhovna Rada in Kiev , with the participation of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian State Property Fund. The round table was initiated by Bonnenberg and was the first political round table in Ukraine. Since 2009 he has been the promoter of the slogan EUROPA is MORE than EU in public dialogues with lectures in Germany and Russia. He proposes an institute of the EU, EAEU, Turkey with headquarters in Vienna, which makes the "Coexistence of civilizations in EURASIA" the topic, similar to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis .


Honor roll in Charlottenburg

Bonnenberg is married to Elena Bonnenberg-Verbitskaja. For Jewish war veterans, he and his wife donated a plaque of honor at the Jewish community center in Berlin in 2010 .

Honorary positions



Wall of Life
  • Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon, for his services to social peace in the new federal states (2004)
  • Professor hc at the St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, for his services to German-Russian understanding (2012)
  • Associate Governor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Honorary member of the Berlin Lounge
  • Ribbon award of the Corps Guestfalia Greifswald
  • Honor of Elena & Heinrich Bonnenberg on the Wall of Life of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2019)
  • European Culture Prize Pro Europa (2019), laudator Tilo Braune

Web links

Commons : Heinrich Bonnenberg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 17/935
  2. Dissertation: The influence of the radioactivity of spent breeding and fuel from continuously charged thorium high-temperature reactors on their fuel cycle .
  3. Bonnenberg + Drescher ( Memento from August 25, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Heinrich Bonnenberg: My experiences at the Treuhandanstalt and its successor companies, formerly the Treuhandanstalt ( Memento from October 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ Heinrich Bonnenberg, Gerhard Milde: Experiences with the privatization of companies in East Germany , Institute for Local, Regional and State Planning, ETH Zurich, ORL report 97, page 93, 1995
  6. The LMBV participates in the largest training initiative in Germany (lmbv.de)
  7. Fukushima relentlessly shows the birth defect of the LWR light water reactor (cenjur.de) ( Memento from October 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  8. ^ Izvestia
  9. St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences (PDF; 965 kB)
  10. Honor roll in Berlin (future, information sheet of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, 2010)
  11. ^ Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Germany