Hermann (Prague)

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Hermann (Czech: Heřman (pražský biskup) ; † September 17, 1122 ) was Bishop of Prague .


His origin and his date of birth are not known. After the death of Bishop Cosmas from Prague , Hermann was elected as his successor in 1099.

In the same year he was accompanied by the then Prague canon and later Bohemian chronicler Cosmas von Prague to the Gran Archbishop Seraphim. In 1107, Bishop Hermann pledged gold and pallets to the Regensburg Jews .

Notes and evidence

  1. The name identity with Bishop Cosmas is accidental; however, it often led to the bishop and chronicler being confused in the sources.
  2. ^ Jewish community Regensburg: The story up to the Holocaust. ( Memento from September 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
predecessor Office successor
Cosmas Bishop of Prague