Adelsheim correctional facility

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Adelsheim correctional facility
Entrance area of ​​the prison
Information about the institution
Surname Adelsheim correctional facility
Reference year 1974
Detention places 417
Employee 260 (full-time)

The Adelsheim correctional facility is a correctional facility for young people in the state of Baden-Württemberg . It is located in Adelsheim , a small town in the north of the country ( Neckar-Odenwald district , North Baden ), about 40 km north-northeast of Heilbronn . The Adelsheim JVA is the second largest juvenile prison in Germany after the Hameln juvenile prison.


In 1974 the newly built penal institution (JVA) was put into operation. It is set up for 417 male juvenile prisoners between the ages of 14 and 23 in 11 houses. Between 15 and 45 prisoners live per house. From 1979 the judicial prisons in Mosbach and Tauberbischofsheim (temporarily) were added as branch offices of the JVA. In 1997 a social therapeutic department for aggression offenders was set up. There are different forms of the penal system of juvenile sentences , including some with a model. From the second federal stimulus package, 1.5 million euros are made available for the renovation of a school building. In 2003, the Tauberbischofsheim branch was closed.

Building, plant

The prison is about 10 hectares and built on a slope. It is surrounded by a 1300 m long and 5.5 m high wall. Nearby there is a street with the character of a settlement for around 260 full-time employees. In addition to accommodation houses, there are workshops with storage rooms, a school, a gym, sports fields, a supply building, a hospital ward, and heating on the slope. The administration is located next to the entrance. An associated nursery is located directly outside the site. Geographically, the institution is located on the outskirts in a side valley of the Seckach .

Forms of execution

  • Pretrial detention of adolescents and adolescents: Adolescents are 14 to 17-year-olds, adolescents are people between 18 and 21 years of age.
  • Central access: After arrival, the young people who are incarcerated for the first time come to this area for about two weeks. Here they are to be tested for school or training offers and an enforcement plan is drawn up. One of the decisions about admission to Adelsheim is an access committee.
  • Half-open prison: In the half-open prison, the windows are barred and the juvenile prisoners have a key to their cell. The front door remains open during the day. This is where mainly young people with a short term of detention and less serious offenses are accommodated. (84 detention places)
  • Just Community Project: The so-called Just Community Project is carried out in House G3 . The youngsters can enjoy numerous relaxations. You are allowed to leave the site by the hour with registration and de-registration accompanied or in groups of three to five people and drive home entirely on three weekends.
  • Closed prison : In the closed prison , the cells have bars in front of the windows and steel doors. At 9:30 p.m. it is locked and the electricity is turned off. (244 detention places)
  • Open execution : The open execution takes place in the open- air home in the Mosbach branch. (17 detention places)

Positive comprehensive school

In principle, every juvenile prisoner is obliged to work. For long-term prisoners there is the possibility of catching up on what was missed in school or of completing vocational training. This education is called the concept of a positive comprehensive school . In small classes, each student is looked after individually according to the special school principle. In addition to elementary instruction, advanced courses are also offered. Here the knowledge of elementary school is imparted up to the beginning of the 5th to 6th grade. Eight to nine students take part in these courses / classes. Theoretically, the secondary school leaving certificate and secondary school leaving certificate are possible. German courses are offered for young people who do not speak German. There are also computer courses for beginners and the supervision of correspondence courses. Around 80 school-leaving qualifications are made up for or completed every year.

42.5 percent of those punished come to the prison without training. Only 4.1 percent are already skilled workers, 6.2 percent are still pupils and 5.9 percent are unskilled workers or unemployed. There are apprenticeship positions in Adelsheim. In theory, the choice is between a baker , butcher , cook , industrial , metal cutting and construction mechanics , Teilezurichter , carpenters , automotive mechatronics , electronics technicians , masons / concrete and reinforced concrete contractors , construction skilled workers , painters , painters and gardeners . Every former prisoner who has started training in the penal institution can attend the prison vocational school after the end of the sentence until the end of training. However, this happens very rarely.


The JVA offers the following leisure activities: groups for creative design with metal, wood, plastic and clay, guitar and drawing courses, groups for autogenic training , IT introductions (without internet use) and a lot more, especially various sports activities. A Turkish discussion group is offered for Turkish inmates. The young people must submit an application and can take part, provided there are no rule violations and the group still has places. Depending on the type of enforcement, the group's own or private electronic devices can be used, but not cell phones.

Project Chance and Seehaus Leonberg

Since autumn 2003 there have been two free-form youth penal institutions in accordance with Section 91 (3) of the Youth Courts Act. The sponsors are the associations Projekt Chance with the Christian Youth Village Association of Germany as a service provider and the association Seehaus eV The two facilities in Creglingen-Frauental (monastery complex) and in Seehaus Leonberg each have 15 places for juvenile prisoners from the Adelsheim correctional facility. With funds from the State Foundation of Baden-Württemberg and with support from business, the focus is on social skills , integration management and responsibility for oneself, the act committed and society. At the intersection of juvenile prison and youth welfare , the Chance project is scientifically supported.

Prison newspaper

The prison newspaper Experiment is published by a supervised editorial group. 2006 was the second year of this magazine after a twelve-year break . Topics are the current charts, lifestyle tips, institutional VIP news or interviews, drugs and horoscopes. One problem for the editorial team is the fluctuation due to the short time in prison.


Between 1990 and 2001 the number of discharges at the end of the sentence increased, which means that the entire sentence was served more often than before . There was also an increase in the number of deportations of prisoners of foreign nationality after serving full or partial sentences. The average length of detention around 2000 was between 11.5 and 12 months. Among the criminal offenses, the importance of theft has decreased somewhat. Aggression crimes had not increased until 2001. There was a slight increase in the number of drug offenses. Convictions for robbery and bodily harm , which of course lead to detention without parole , are rare in Adelsheim due to the admission criteria. In the 1980s and early 1990s, fewer than 10% of all prisoners were 14 to 17-year-olds; in 2001 it was almost twice as many at 19%. About a third of the young prisoners are transferred to the adult penitentiary in the country when they reach the age limit. 55% of the young people who have been convicted (German citizenship) have a relapse in the first five years after their release and become criminal again (this includes Germans born in the CIS ). The percentage is lower for non-Germans.


  • Susann Barisch: Privatization in the German penal system: including the youth penal system and taking into account the corresponding developments in Great Britain, France and the USA . Waxmann Verlag, Münster 2009.
  • Florian Klenk: Deer and Wolves . In: The time . November 30, 2006 No. 49/2006. ("There is a brutal hierarchy in juvenile prisons. The little criminals in particular have to fear for their safety - and sometimes for their lives. A report". Online )
  • Micha Brumlik, Hansjörg Sutter: Reconstruction of social-cognitive and socio-moral learning processes within the framework of a democratically regulated execution as a “just community” . Project extension application and interim report, Heidelberg 1996.
  • Werner Greve, Daniela Hosser: Psychological and social consequences of juvenile punishment: State of research and desiderata . Monthly magazine for criminology and criminal law reform 1998, p. 83.
  • Rüdiger Busch: Only thoughts are free. In: Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung of November 2, 2006, p. 14.
  • Elbing, Gehl, Nickolai, Reindl (eds.): Juvenile prison system between education and punishment. Saarbrücken, Scheidt, 1993.
  • Günter Grübl, Joachim Walter: "Russian Germans" in juvenile detention . In: BewHi 1999, p. 360.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung of March 6, 2009
  2. ^ District court Tauberbischofsheim: History of the district court Tauberbischofsheim . Online at Retrieved December 19, 2015.
  3. In jail, all the lights have finally gone out - In: Retrieved June 26, 2020 .
  4. Homepage of the Seehaus e. V.

Coordinates: 49 ° 24 ′ 10.7 "  N , 9 ° 22 ′ 44.6"  E