Jacob Rees-Mogg

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Jacob Rees-Mogg (2019)

Jacob William Rees-Mogg MP (born May 24, 1969 in Hammersmith , London ) is a British politician . He belongs to the Conservative Party . Since 2010 he has been a member of the House of Commons , where he represents the constituency of North East Somerset . Since July 24, 2019 he has been in the cabinet of Boris Johnson Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council and advocates a "hard Brexit ".


Rees-Mogg is the son of William Rees-Mogg . His father was long-time editor of the daily newspaper The Times and from 1988 a life peer member of the House of Lords . His sister Annunziata Rees-Mogg is a politician and EU member of the Brexit Party .

After his education at Eton College and at Trinity College of Oxford University , where he earned a degree in history, he was 1,991 asset managers as (co-) founder of Somerset Capital Management LLP in the City of London . After joining the British Cabinet, he said he retired from all active positions at Somerset Capital Management LLP.

In 1997, he was unsuccessful Parliament candidate in Fife ( Scotland ), 2001 in Shropshire . In 2010 he was first elected to the House of Commons in the North East Somerset constituency. He was able to win the constituency again in the following elections in 2015 , 2017 and 2019 . He joined an ultra-conservative parliamentary group, opposed legislative initiatives such as reforming the House of Lords or allowing same-sex marriage, and was best known for his filibuster speeches . At the EU membership referendum in the UK in 2016 , he was one of the most vehement campaign speakers for the exit and drew large audiences.

After the resignation of Prime Minister Theresa May , whose Brexit course he criticized, Rees-Mogg was appointed to the British Cabinet as Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons by May's successor and Brexit supporter Boris Johnson . It is his first post in the British government. One of his first official acts was the regulation of a new style catalog for the employees of his office, according to which certain words could no longer be used in the future. These include words like got , due to , unacceptable , equal , hopefully , disappointment . Male members of parliament who are not members of the Privy Council should in future be addressed as " Esquire ", and the Anglo-American system of measurement ( imperial units ) should be used instead of the metric system of units . In 2012, Rees-Mogg caused a stir with his rhetoric when he used the word floccinaucinihilipilification (English for contempt) in the course of a debate in the House of Commons .

On the morning of August 28, 2019, Jacob Rees-Mogg traveled to Balmoral Castle in Scotland to ask Queen Elizabeth II on behalf of Boris Johnson for her consent to the suspension (prorogation) of the British Parliament . After an impromptu meeting of her Council of State , represented by three Conservative members led by Rees-Mogg, the Queen gave the Prime Minister her consent to the controversial measure Johnson is taking to prevent Parliament from passing a law against the so-called " hard Brexit" “To enact. Observers rate this trip by Jacob Rees-Mogg as the most delicate mission of his political life to date. On September 3, 2019, he was noticed worldwide by lying down over several seats for some time during the decisive lower house meeting before the mandatory break and repeatedly closing his eyes to demonstrate his disinterest in the parliamentary debate. Political opponents gave him the nickname Lord Snooty (for example: Lord Hochnase ).


Coat of arms of the Rees-Mogg family

The Catholic Rees-Mogg is close to Catholic traditionalism and is an avowed supporter of the “ old mass ” in the Tridentine rite . In an interview with the Catholic Herald , he expressed his great respect for Pope Pius IX. and its clear standpoints in the Syllabus errorum . In addition, Pope Benedict XVI. been a "wonderfully inspiring Pope for the Church both as a cardinal and as a Holy Father".

Rees-Mogg is a multimillionaire. He bought a house near Westminster Abbey in London and an Elizabethan country house in Somerset . The Rees-Mogg family belonged to the upper middle class in Somerset, where his constituency is located, since the Wales- born Pastor John Rees (1772–1835) married Mary Mogg Wooldrige (1774–1846), the heiress of the Cholwell estate there ; John Rees was court chaplain to Duke Ernst August von Cumberland, who later became King of Hanover.

In January 2007, Rees-Mogg married in Canterbury Cathedral Helena de Chair, daughter of the Conservative House of Commons Somerset de Chair (1911-1995) and Lady Juliet Wentworth-Fitzwilliam. His wife is the only daughter of their mother, born in 1935, who in turn is the sole heir to her father Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 8th Earl Fitzwilliam (1910–1948), and thereby heir to important estates and a high-quality art collection. The Rees-Mogg couple have one daughter and five sons.

Political positions

Rees-Mogg is said to represent reactionary, anti-liberal positions with great severity and reluctance to compromise. He is u. a. appeared as a “ denier of man-made climate change ”, anti- abortion and as an opponent of same-sex marriage and development cooperation.

Rees-Mogg was also in the years before and during the campaign before the referendum on further EU membership of the United Kingdom on June 23, 2016, one of the best-known supporters of " Brexit " and thus an opponent of David Cameron . Although Rees-Mogg advocated a “hard Brexit”, i.e. an exit without a contractual agreement, from March 29, 2019, he supported the treaty negotiated by Theresa May with the EU. When May was elected Prime Minister after the referendum, he was one of her internal party critics. When the Prime Minister presented the draft of an EU exit agreement to the public on November 14, 2018, Rees-Mogg called for a vote of no confidence in her on the same day. In a public speech on November 20, 2018, he called on his conservative party colleagues to remove Theresa May now. Otherwise, there is a prospect that the Conservatives, with May at the top, would move into the 2022 general election. The decision of the “Brexit banner bearer” to set up two funds from his company Somerset Capital Management not in London but in Dublin, within the euro area, met with criticism. Conservative MP Nicholas Soames sharply criticized him .


Moggmentum campaign logo

Supporters of the politician began to organize on social media pages under the catchphrase Moggmentum from May 2017 . Alternatively, the word Moggmania is used. There was considerable media coverage of these events. After Rees-Mogg had a verbal exchange of blows with Jeremy Corbyn in the course of a debate about the speech from the throne of Elizabeth II , the hashtag began to generate great popularity again. Many of these involved users support the idea that Rees-Mogg should become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom . Corresponding petitions have also been set up.

From August 2017, the campaign was also received internationally. In part, the nature of the organization and its rapid development are compared to the emergence of the American tea party movement , mainly because Rees-Mogg met Stephen Bannon for a political discussion.

Within British politics, such support campaigns can also be found on the part of the Labor Party . A campaign called Milifandom supported former Labor Party leader Ed Miliband . Corbynmania and Momentum are support groups for Jeremy Corbyn.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. zeit.de July 18, 2018: For a hard Brexit - on principle
  2. Guy Adams, "Jacob Rees-Mogg: First family of fogeys" , The Independent , 19 October 2006
  3. ^ Candidate Jacob Rees-Mogg. BBC News, 2001, accessed July 31, 2019 .
  4. Home. Retrieved August 4, 2019 (American English).
  5. Shaun Cumming, "Jet-set team on the hunt for income," Fundweb.co.uk, Jan. 9, 2012
  6. Own communication, below. Retrieved August 4, 2019 (American English).
  7. ^ Election 2010 - Somerset North East , BBC News, May 7, 2010
  8. ^ Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg MP. www.parliament.uk, accessed on July 31, 2019 .
  9. Filibustering: How politicians 'talk out' legislation BBC, July 10, 2012
  10. ^ Boris Johnson overhauls cabinet on first day as PM. July 24, 2019, accessed on July 25, 2019 .
  11. ^ Katie Wright: Jacob Rees-Mogg: Is he right to ban these words? BBC News, July 27, 2019, accessed July 27, 2019 .
  12. MP uses 29-letter word in Parliament. Retrieved September 30, 2019 .
  13. Christoph Schönberger : England's weaknesses have never been so relentless. In: FAZ , August 29, 2019, accessed on August 30, 2019.
  14. Stefanie Bolzen: chain dog in a double-breasted suit. In: Die Welt , August 29, 2019, accessed on August 30, 2019.
  15. "The embodiment of arrogance and conceit". In: FAZ , September 4, 2019, accessed on the same day.
  16. Lord Marmaduke of Bunkerton , called Snooty by his friends , was a main character in the comic series The Beano .
  17. ^ Life Peerages - R. Retrieved October 25, 2019 .
  18. Madeleine Teahan: Jacob Rees-Mogg: 'I think Mass can be too noisy and guitars should be banned'. Catholic Herald, August 2, 2013, accessed July 31, 2019 .
  19. Süddeutsche Zeitung, October 12, 2017, p. 8.
  20. ^ "World War One At Home - Gournay Court". BBC One, May 28, 2014
  21. Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry, 15th Edition, Vg. H. Pirie-Gordon, London, 1937, pp. 1610-1611, pedigree of "Rees-Mogg of Cholwell", p. 1611
  22. Lady Juliet Tadgell, The Sunday Times Rich List 2009, April 26, 2009
  23. ^ 'Rees-Mogg, Jacob William', in Who's Who 2014 (London: A. & C. Black, 2014)
  24. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg announces baby Sixtus. BBC News , July 5, 2017, accessed July 15, 2017 .
  25. Martin Fletcher: The polite extremist: Jacob Rees-Mogg's seemingly unstoppable. In: New Statesman, February 20, 2018.
  26. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg - A Living Fossil , Zeit Online, August 29, 2017
  27. Peter Mühlhauer: Theresa May vs. Boris Johnson vs. Ruth Davidson vs. Jacob Rees Mogg , Telepolis, October 2, 2017.
  28. Süddeutsche Zeitung , October 12, 2017, p. 8.
  29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xUZRO57xzE
  30. Heather Stewart, Jessica Elgot: Jacob Rees-Mogg sends letter of no confidence in May. The Guardian, November 15, 2018, accessed on November 20, 2018 (English).
  31. Ditch May now or she will lead us into 2022 election, Rees-Mogg tells Tories. BBC News, November 20, 2018, accessed November 20, 2018 .
  32. British economy trembles: The "Brexodus" has begun. Kieler Nachrichten, January 28, 2019, accessed on April 16, 2019 .
  33. Frankfurter Rundschau, September 9, 2019
  34. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg's social media posts gain mass following as the local MP enters the digital age. Retrieved October 25, 2019 .
  35. Why some love the MP with Mogg-mentum. Retrieved October 25, 2019 (UK English).
  36. a b VRT NWS: Stoot de "Mogg mania" Theresa May van hair troon? - Harry De Paepe. July 15, 2017, accessed October 25, 2019 (Dutch).
  37. a b Thousands in Kent back MoggMania campaign. August 27, 2017, accessed October 25, 2019 .
  38. Understanding #Moggmentum: the hollow cult of Jacob Rees-Mogg. Retrieved October 25, 2019 .
  39. Nathaniel Tapley: Moggmentum: Rees-Mogg mania and what it says about us. Retrieved October 25, 2019 .
  40. Ruth Ovens: 5 times Jacob Rees-Mogg became an internet star with #Moggmentum. July 4, 2017, accessed October 25, 2019 .
  41. Jacob Rees-Mogg is favorite to become next Conservative leader. Retrieved October 25, 2019 .
  42. #moggmentum: unlikely movement to make Jacob Rees-Mogg Prime Minister. Retrieved October 25, 2019 .
  43. Ruth Ovens, Sam Petherick: 'Moggmentum' continues with North Somerset MP's Question Time appearance. July 7, 2017, accessed October 25, 2019 .
  44. ^ Curt Mills: This Outlandish Aristocrat Could Be the Next British Prime Minister. July 26, 2017, accessed October 25, 2019 .
  45. ^ Jakub Mielnik: Buława w butonierce. August 20, 2017. Retrieved October 25, 2019 (Polish).
  46. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg met Steve Bannon to discuss US-UK politics. December 1, 2017, accessed October 25, 2019 .
  47. Rebecca Ratcliffe: Milifandom soars with Twitter backing for Labor leader Ed Miliband . In: The Guardian . April 22, 2015, ISSN  0261-3077 ( theguardian.com [accessed October 25, 2019]).