Nová Louka hunting lodge

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Nová Louka with Šámalova chata

The hunting lodge Nová Louka (German Neuwiese also Neue Wiese ), also Šámalova chata , was built from the remains of an old glassworks in 1844 by the noble Clam-Gallas family . In 1930 the castle became the seat of the forest administration. Šámalova chata is named after Přemysl Šámal (1867–1941).

The castle is located not far from the village of Bedřichov in the Jizera Mountains , Jablonec nad Nisou district in northern Bohemia . To the east of Nová Louka is the “Nová Louka” nature reserve .

Today it serves as accommodation and starting point for hikes in the Jizera Mountains. The European long-distance hiking trail E3 / Bergwanderweg Eisenach – Budapest EB leads via Nová Louka .

Coordinates: 50 ° 48 ′ 49 ″  N , 15 ° 9 ′ 31 ″  E