Johann Georg Dominikus Grasmair

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St. Vitus and fourteen Holy Helpers, altarpiece in the church in Fulpmes by Johann Georg Dominikus Grasmair (1750)

Johann Georg Dominikus Grasmair (also Graßmayr ; * 31 March 1691 in Brixen , † 27. October 1751 in Wilten ) was an Austrian painter of the Baroque .


Johann Georg Dominikus was the second child of the bell founder Georg Grasmair and his wife Anna Maria Maurer. According to the father's wish, he was also to become a bell founder. The son also received appropriate training, but then turned to painting against the will of the father. He learned from Giuseppe Alberti in Cavalese and from Gregorio Lazzarini in Venice . Then he turned to Rome to Benedetto Luti . There he was strongly influenced by the painting of Carlo Maratta . Back in Tyrol he married Katharina Hueber from Mauls ( Freienfeld ) in 1721 and went with her to Donaueschingen , where he became a court painter. In 1724 the family finally settled in Wilten. Grasmair had seven sons and four daughters, of whom Ignaz Grasmair (1728–1747) and Josef Lukas Thaddäus Grasmair (1736–1793) were also painters. The younger brother Johann Georg Dominikus Grasmairs, Anton (1701–1750) worked as a painter and engraver in Augsburg . The tomb of Johann Georg Dominikus Grasmair is located in the Wilten parish church and was built by the sculptor Franz Anton von Zauner on behalf of his pupil Joseph Freiherr von Sperges .


Grasmair mainly created panel paintings , including numerous altarpieces for churches in Austria. He also dealt with mythological subjects, portraits and landscapes . In the latter area, he is, alongside Anton Faistenberger, the most important artist of his time in Tyrol. The preferred use of red-brown shades is typical of him. His late baroque style already points to classicism .

Grasmair's paintings can be found in the Tyrolean Provincial Museum Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck , in the Diocesan Museum in Brixen and in the Museum in Cavalese.


  • Gertrud Pfaundler-Spat: Tyrol Lexicon . StudienVerlag, Innsbruck 2005, ISBN 978-3-7065-4210-4 , pp. 143-144
  • Josef Ringler:  Grasmair (Graßmayr), Johann Georg Dominikus. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1964, ISBN 3-428-00187-7 , p. 747 ( digitized version ).
  • Wilhelm Adolf Schmidt:  Grasmayr, Johann Georg Daniel . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 9, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1879, p. 588.
  • Hanns-Paul Ties: Testimonianze d'arte sacra nella chiesa parrocchiale di Mezzocorona. Due dipinti di Johann Georg Dominikus Grasmair, testimonianze dell'arredo barocco della chiesa di Mezzocorona. Un affresco quattrocentesco con santa Barbara e un donatore sul campanile della chiesa parrocchiale di Mezzocorona , in: Leone Melchiori: La chiesa e la canonica di Mezzocorona tra arte, storia e tradizioni. Con la biografia di Vigilio Vescovi (1610–1679). Contributi di Daniela Floris e Hanns-Paul Ties (La Vicinia 8), Mori 2013, pp. 149–156

Web links

Commons : Johann Georg Dominikus Grasmair  - Collection of images, videos and audio files