Johann Mantzel

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Johann Mantzel (born March 22, 1643 in Rostock , † November 17, 1716 in Neukalen ) was a German Protestant theologian, philologist and educator.


Mantzel came from a large scholarly family of theologians and lawyers who had lived in Mecklenburg since the end of the 16th century . He was a son of the Rostock councilor Joachim Mantzel and his wife Ilsabe, nee. Schröder, daughter of Hans Schröder, Rostock merchant and church director of the Holy Spirit Hospital . Mantzel studied from 1654 at the University of Rostock and from 1662 in Greifswald, Copenhagen, Uppsala and Wittenberg. In 1667 he became a Magister lib. art. PhD. In November of that year he worked as a private lecturer at the University of Rostock. In 1674 he was appointed full council professor of the Greek language at the Philosophical Faculty as the successor to Christian Kortholt (the elder) . In 1677 he was rector of the university. Gottfried Weiss took over the professorship when Mantzel moved to Güstrow in 1681 as rector of the grammar school there. From 1694 he held the pastor's office in Neukalen and was also the praepositus of the Neukalen-Dargun diocese in place of Samuel Starck, who was called to Rostock .

From 1674 Johann Mantzel was married to Maria Elisabeth, b. Lindemann, a daughter of Joachim Lindemann (1617–1669), archdeacon of the Rostock Marienkirche and son of the legal scholar Thomas Lindemann (the elder) . In his second marriage after 1695 he was married to Ilsabe, geb. Iven († 1714), widow of Pastor Glüer in Buchholz. The first marriage had two sons and two daughters. Both the sons and the sons-in-law became or were pastors. His brother was Caspar Mantzel (1666-1735), pastor in Jördensdorf and father of the theologian and legal scholar Ernst Johann Friedrich Mantzel (called the Elder).


  • Paul Falkenberg : The professors of the University of Rostock from 1600 to 1900. Manuscript, Rostock around 1900.
  • Something of learned Rostock things, for good friends . tape 3 . Warningck, Rostock 1739, p. 235-237 ( online RosDok ).
  • Gustav Willgeroth : The Mecklenburg-Schwerin Parishes since the Thirty Years' War. With notes on past pastors since the Reformation . tape 1 . Self-published, Wismar 1924, p. 582 ( online RosDok ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entries on Johann Mantzel in the Rostock matriculation portal