Hans von Arnim (philologist)

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Hans von Arnim (born September 14, 1859 on Gut Groß Fredenwalde ; † May 25, 1931 in Vienna ) was a German classical philologist who worked as a professor at the universities in Rostock , Frankfurt am Main and Vienna .


Arnim's parents were Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Ferdinand von Arnim (* October 16, 1832 - August 24, 1876) and his wife Auguste Adelheid Johanna von Arnim (* December 18, 1836 - May 30, 1929) from the Milmersdorf house, only daughter of the parliamentarian Hermann von Arnim .

Arnim studied after graduating from school at the Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin in 1877, first at the University of Berlin Law , changed in 1878 to the University of Heidelberg and began a philology studies, which he at the Universities of Greifswald , where he became a favorite pupil of Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff and Berlin continued and finished in Greifswald in 1882 with the dissertation De prologorum Euripideorum arte et interpretatione and on March 8th as Dr. phil. received his doctorate .

After the state examination for teaching at grammar schools in 1882, he taught as a trial candidate and academic assistant teacher at the Wilhelm Dörpfeld grammar school in Elberfeld until 1884 and then as a full grammar school teacher at the grammar school in Bonn until 1886 , where he became friends with Hermann Usener .

He married Elisabeth Henriette Marie Riese (1859–1945) in Berlin on September 10, 1884, a daughter of Julius Riese, the chief physician of the Elisabeth Hospital in Berlin. The couple had two daughters and two sons, namely Bernd Dietrich Hans (born September 8, 1899, † February 5, 1946), who married Katharina Cornelia van Leeuwen in 1923; one son died in the First World War .

Arnim died on May 25th, Whit Monday in 1931, at the age of 72. The burial at the Döblinger Friedhof (group 2, row 3, number 3) took place on May 28th, the funeral speech was given by Richard Schaukal .


From 1886 to 1892 he taught as a private lecturer in classical philology at the University of Halle , where he achieved his habilitation in the three Emperor's year (1888) with source studies on Philo of Alexandria . 1892 Arnim followed the call to a professorship of the University of Rostock , which it in 1893 to full professor appointed. In 1900 he was appointed to the chair of Greek studies at the University of Vienna as the successor to Theodor Gomperz . In 1914 he moved to the newly founded, but not opened by the First World War, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, where he was dean of the philosophical faculty in the academic year 1914/15 and rector in 1916/17. In 1921 he returned to the University of Vienna as a full professor of classical philology and held this chair until his retirement in 1930.

Arnim was head of the philological seminar, from 1903 a corresponding and from 1906 a real member of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna and a corresponding member of the academies in Amsterdam and Copenhagen as well as a real member of the Austrian Archaeological Institute .


Hans von Arnim was equally concerned with philosophy as with philology. His exact interpretation, consistent argumentation and brilliant knowledge of the language put him in a position not only to analyze the content of the writings of Plato and Aristotle in detail, but also to conduct fundamental studies and arguments about the relative chronology of their writings.

His preoccupation with the tragic poet Euripides led him to a translation of the twelve traditional pieces (published in 1931), which he described as exemplary. He dealt with ancient philosophy in the treatise The European Philosophy of Antiquity , which appeared in 1909, 1913 and 1923. His three-volume edition of Stoic Fragments ( Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta , 1903–1905) is still in use today. In addition, Arnim dealt with the writings of Xenophon and made contributions to the Realencyclopadie of classical antiquity .


  • Life and works of Dio of Prusa. With an introduction: sophistry, rhetoric, philosophy in their struggle for youth education . Berlin 1898.
    Reprint: Weidmann, Hildesheim 2004, ISBN 978-3-615-00300-0 .
  • Elementary ethical doctrine of Stobaeus (Papyrus 9780) together with the ethical excerpts from Hierocles obtained from Stobaeus . Edited by Hans von Arnim. Weidmann, Berlin 1906. (Berliner Klassikertexte 4).
  • The European philosophy of antiquity . In: Paul Hinneberg: The culture of the present . 1st chapter. Teubner, Berlin and Leipzig 1909.
  • The political theories of antiquity . Vienna 1910
    Reprographic reprint: Gerstenberg, Hildesheim 1974, ISBN 3-8067-0509-7 .
  • Plato's youth dialogues and the time when Phaedrus was created . Teubner, Berlin and Leipzig 1914
    Reprint: AM Hakkert, Amsterdam 1967.
  • Arius Didymus' Outline of Peripatetic Ethics . In: Meeting reports / Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Philosophical-Historical Class 204.3 . Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna 1926.
  • Plato's dialogue "Thrasymachus" . In: Mededelingen Koninklijke Vlaamse Academic van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling ltterkunde, Ser.A.Deel. 63.8 . Amsterdam 1927.
  • The ethical in Aristotle's topic . In: Meeting reports / Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Philosophical-Historical Class 205.4 . Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna 1927.
  • Eudemian ethics and metaphysics . In: Meeting reports / Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Philosophical-Historical Class 207.5 . Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna 1928.
  • The origin of Aristotle's doctrine of God . Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna 1931.
  • Twelve tragedies of Euripides . Translated by Hans von Arnim. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna 1931.
    With an introduction and explanation by Bernhard Zimmermann. DTV, Munich and Artemis, Zurich 1990, ISBN 3-423-02253-1 .
  • Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta . 3 volumes. Collected by Hans von Arnim. 1903-1905. New edition:
Zeno et Zenonis discipuli . Part I. De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 1978, ISBN 3-11-095502-4 .
Chrysippi fragmenta logica et physica . Part II. De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 1979, ISBN 3-11-095501-6 .
Chrysippi fragmenta moralia . Part III. De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 1978, ISBN 3-11-095377-3 .
Indices . Part IV. De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 1978, ISBN 3-11-094853-2 .


Bronze bust of Gertrude Hartmann


Web links

Commons : Hans von Arnim  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Hans von Arnim  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Death of the outstanding philologist Privy Councilor Hans v. Arnim. Vienna, May 26th. In:  Neue Freie Presse , Abendblatt, May 26th 1931, p. 6 (online at ANNO ). The famous classical philologist Privy Councilor Hans v. Arnim died yesterday at the age of 73. The outstanding scholar was a teacher at the University of Vienna until he retired the previous year due to reaching the age limit. The special field of his research was the history of Greek philosophy. He dealt with the Stoics and Aristotle in particular in works that are among the most weighty and powerful in antiquity. Arnim, a member of the great romantic family, has also created perfect translations of the Greek classics, namely Euripides, and Euripides' "Iphigenia" was performed a few years ago in Arnim's transmission at the Lauchstadt Goethe Theater . The death of Hans v. Arnims, who came in tonight, was the result of a fall the scholar had suffered a few weeks ago.Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp

  2. Privy Councilor v. Arnim † .. In:  Kleine Volks-Zeitung , May 27, 1931, p. 7 (online at ANNO ). On Whit Monday, the emeritus university professor Hans v. Arnim died at the age of 72 after a long illness. Professor Arnim, who came from the well-known Baron family v. Arnim came from, to whom the poet Achim v. Arnim was an expert in ancient Greek literature and was well known among scholars around the world as a specialist in his field. His main work is the translation of the entire writings of Euripides. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Thursday, ½5 in the Döblinger Friedhof. The deceased leaves behind a widow with whom he had lived for fifty years of unimpaired marriage. The marriage produced four children, two daughters and two sons. One son died in the world war. The second is a doctor [sic!] And lives in suffering . One daughter is married to a doctor in Vienna and, like the second daughter, lives in Vienna.Template: ANNO / Maintenance / kvz
  3. ^ The privy councilor Professor Dr. Hans v. Arnim died. The famous classical philologist. Original report of the "New Vienna Journal" .. In:  New Vienna Journal , May 27, 1931, p. 4 (online at ANNO ). Last night in his apartment at Hardtgasse 19, the outstanding philologist, University Professor Dr. Hans v. Arnim died. Privy Councilor v. Arnim, who was ailing after an operation he had to undergo two years ago, went weak in his apartment and collapsed unconscious. Since the fall about two weeks ago, the scholar had been bedridden and the patient's condition deteriorated noticeably. Last night he died of the immediate consequences of the fateful fall. Privy Councilor v. Arnim was born in 1859 on his father's estate in the Uckermarck. After completing his high school studies, he came to the university in Berlin and later to Greifswald, where he turned to classical philosophy and was the favorite student of the famous philologist, privy councilor Professor Ullrich v. Willanowitz was. After completing his doctorate, he studied for a year in Elberfeld and later in Bonn. In Halle an der Saale he already worked as a private lecturer at the university at a young age and received the professorship for classical philology in Rostock in 1900. In the same year v. Arnim went to Vienna for the first time and stayed here until the outbreak of war. From 1914 to 1920 the scholar worked privately in Frankfurt am Main and then returned to Vienna. At the University of Vienna, Privy Councilor Professor Dr. Hans v. Arnim the chair for classical philology. He was also a member of the Academy of Sciences and a number of scientific bodies. The special field of research of the eminent scholar was Greek philosophy. He dealt with the Stoics and Aristotle in particular in his works, which are among the most important in archeology. Von Arnim, who was a member of the great romantic family, also created a perfectly shaped translation of the Greek classics, namely Euripides, and the "Iphigenie" of Euripides was performed a few years ago in Arnim's translation at the Lauchstädter Theater, the Goethe Theater. The deceased leaves behind a widow with whom he had lived for fifty years of unimpaired marriage. The marriage produced four children, two daughters and two sons. One son died in the world war. The second is a doctor and lives in suffering. The death of the great scholar will arouse deep compassion throughout the scientific world.Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nwj

  4. Privy Councilor v. Arnim died. In:  Reichspost , May 27, 1931, p. 5 (online at ANNO ). The emerit died in his apartment in Döbling on Whit Monday at ½11 o'clock in the evening. Univ.-Prof. Hans v. Arnim at the age of 72. Professor Arnim, who comes from Groß-Friedenswalde [sic!] In Prussia, was appointed to Vienna as a classical philologist by the University of Rostock in 1900, where he stayed until 1914, when he went to Frankfurt am Main that year. In 1916/17 he held the dignity of rector there. After the war he returned to Vienna (1921) and stayed there until he finished his academic teaching. Professor Arnim, who came from the well-known baron family, to whom the poet Achim v. Arnim was an expert in the ancient Greek literature and had an excellent reputation among scholars around the world as a specialist in his field. His main work is the translation of the entire writings of Euripides; On the occasion of the celebration of his 70th birthday, some friends had given him a substantial amount to enable the publication of this work. Privy Councilor Arnim was chairman of the philological seminar, a real member of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna and a corresponding member of the academies in Amsterdam and Copenhagen. The funeral will take place on Thursday, December 28th, ½5pm in the Döblinger Friedhof.Template: ANNO / Maintenance / rpt
  5. ^ Professor Hans Arnim. In:  Neue Freie Presse , Abendblatt, May 29, 1931, p. 1 (online at ANNO ). The famous philologist Professor Hans Arnim was buried yesterday at the Döblingen cemetery with great participation. There were: On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Section Head Löwenstein with Ministerialrat Mayer, the President of the Academy of Sciences Professor Redlich with the Secretary General Professor Rademacher, Rector Uebersberger , Dean Professor Meister with Professors Henett, Mayer, Reisch , Gomperz , Hauler , Reiniger, Schlick , Löwy, Piek, Kappelmacher , Luick , Minister a. D. Professor Srbik , Hofrat Leisching, Section Counselor Wohlmut, writer Hofrat Schaukal, Professors Oberhummer , Voltelini , Wlassak , Pribram, Prachniker, also numerous students and many women. After the dead scholar's body was consecrated by Pastor Dr. Eltz spoke on behalf of the university dean Hofrat Meister on behalf of the Academy of Sciences Hofrat Redlich and on the grave, after another blessing by the clergyman, Hofrat Schaukal, on behalf of his personal friends, dedicated his words of piety to the deceased.Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp
  6. See entry in NDB 1, p. 372.
  7. Arnim monument in Vienna History Wiki of the city of Vienna
  8. Arnim street in Vienna History Wiki of the city of Vienna