Johannes Straub

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Johannes Anton Straub (born October 18, 1912 in Ulm , † January 29, 1996 in Bonn ) was a German ancient historian .


Johannes Straub, son of a post office clerk, studied history and classical philology at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen and the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin . In Tübingen he was a member of the Catholic student association AV Guestfalia Tübingen in the CV . 1938, a year after he joined the Nazi party , he was in Berlin with the work ruler Ideal in Late Antiquity at Weber Wilhelm doctorate . During the war , he completed his habilitation in 1942 with the text Current historical considerations. Studies on the time and tendency of the Scriptores Historiae Augustae at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin and became associate professor in 1944 , in 1948 full professor at the University of Erlangen . In 1953 he moved to the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn as a full professor , connected with the management of the seminar for ancient history. In 1982 he retired. Frank Kolb is one of Straub's most important students . His successor in Bonn was Klaus Rosen .

From 1971 to 1981 he was a member of the central management of the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin. Straub wrote u. a. "Pagan historical apologetics in Christian late antiquity" and "Regeneratio Imperii". As a connoisseur of the early and middle Roman imperial period, he was essentially involved in the development of the Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum ; In 1971 he published the second volume of the ecumenical councils, with Rudolf Schieffer serving as a temporary contributor to the project . Straub dealt intensively with the Historia Augusta and was instrumental in planning the related research colloquia.

Straub was the father of the historian and publicist Eberhard Straub .


  • From the ruler's ideal in late antiquity. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1939. Unchanged reprint 1964.
  • Studies on the Historia Augusta. Artemis, Zurich 1952.
  • Pagan historical apologetics in Christian late antiquity - investigations into the time and tendency of the Historia Augusta. Habelt, Bonn 1963.
  • Regeneratio imperii - essays about Rome's empire and empire in the mirror of pagan and Christian journalism. 2 volumes. Scientific Book Society , Darmstadt 1972–1986.


  • Adolf Lippold , Nikolas Himmelmann , Rudolf Schieffer a. a .: Bonn festivities for Johannes Straub on his 65th birthday. (= Supplement to the Bonner Jahrbücher. Volume 39). Bonn 1977, ISBN 3-7927-0251-7 .
  • Gerhard Wirth u. a. (Ed.): Romanitas - Christianitas. Investigation of the history and literature of the Roman Empire. Johannes Straub on his 70th birthday. De Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1982, ISBN 3-11-008551-8 .
  • Studies on the history of late Roman antiquity. Ceremony for Professor Johannes Straub. Pelasgos, Athens 1989, ISBN 960-7137-01-9 .
  • Frank Kolb: Obituary for Johannes Straub. In: In Memoriam Johannes Straub. Speech given on June 21, 1996 on the occasion of the commemoration of the Philosophical Faculty of the Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhelm-Universität Bonn by Helmut Roth , Klaus Rosen, Frank Kolb, François Paschoud , Karl-Heinz Schwarte, Bouvier (Alma Mater 81), Bonn 1997, p 17-27.
  • Alfred Wendehorst : History of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg 1743-1993. Munich 1993. p. 227.

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