Josef Hager (painter)

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Ceiling painting of the pilgrimage church Maria Trost in Klösterle

Josef Hager (* 1726 in Preßnitz ; † October 12, 1781 on the Lesser Town of Prague ) was a German-Bohemian Baroque painter and, as an architectural painter, a master of illusionistic pseudo-architecture .

Live and act

Josef Hager trained with the painter Johann Karl Kowarz (1709–1749) in Prague and with the scenographers Antonio d'Agostino and Antonio Galli da Bibiena in Vienna. Because of his ability, he was valued by many builders, so that he was active in various places in Bohemia , but also in Wranau near Brno in Moravia and in 1753 also stayed in Dresden . Little is known about his living conditions. His main residence was obviously in Prague, where he married Barbara Nusser (1729–1771) on July 16, 1753 in the Church of St. Nicholas on Prague's Lesser Town, with whom he had five children.

In 1753 he worked as an assistant to the Dresden court painter Franz Karl Palko (1724–1767) together with Josef Joachim Redelmayer (1727–1788) in the Catholic court church in Dresden on the fresco of the glorification of St. John of Nepomuk in the chapel of the same name. Together with Palko, Redelmayer and Joachim Thomas, he was also involved in the painting of the Church of St. Nicholas on Prague's Lesser Town. His illusionist painted domes in so-called quadrature painting can be found in the pilgrimage church of Maria Trost in Klösterle (1752–1760), in the Church of the Holy Spirit in Liban (1755), in the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Bezno, in the Piarist College in Prague and in the Adalbert Church in Weipernitz. Hager seems to have taken the Tyrolean painter Andrea Pozzo (1642–1709) as a model, who distinguished himself through his painted dome architecture. He has also done extensive work on St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague. He created illusionistically designed altars in the deanery church in Braunau (1765), in the church of St. Simon and Judas in the Prague monastery of the Brothers of Mercy and in the Trinity Church in Drahobuditz. In 1769 he worked as a theater painter in Dresden.

In the chateau in Měšice he took over the painting of the main hall (1771). Here he designed eight individual framed wall paintings with abstract architecture after graphic works by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778). Together with Redelmayer (1779) he took on the commission for the frescoes in the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in Wostruschno near Jitschin. For General Gideon von Laudon he took on the painting of the converted castle in Bečwar near Kolin (1766–1774). His signature “Pict. et Arch. ”shows that he has always seen himself as a painter and architect.


  • St. Nicholas Church on the Lesser Town in Prague (Kostel sv. Mikuláše na Malé Straně): frescoes in the eastern part of the church and the fresco of St. Cäcilia on the vault above the choir gallery (1752–1760)
  • Church of the Holy Spirit in Liban , Okres Jičín (Kostel sv. Ducha v Libáni): Illusionistic dome painting with the signature “Jos. Hague Pict. et Arch. 1755 "
  • Pilgrimage church Maria Trost in Klösterle an der Eger (Kostel Panny Marie Utěšitelky v Klášterci nad Ohří): Illusionistic dome painting (1752–1760)
  • Frescoes in the Anne Chapel in Kašperské Hory , Okres Klatovy (1757)
  • Chapel in Kanonikerhaus of Bishop Emmanuel of Wallenstein at Hradcany Square (Hradčany) no. 63 in Prague
  • Archabbey Břevnov in Prague-Breunau: Tomb of St. Gunther on the outside of the Margarethen Church, in the billiard room and the wall paintings in the cloister (1761)
  • Church of St. Peter and Paul in Bezno , Okres Mladá Boleslav (Kostel sv.Petra a Pavla v Bezně): Illusionistic dome painting (1764)
  • Church of St. Peter and Paul in Braunau , Okres Náchod (Kostel sv.Petra a Pavla v Broumově): Illusionistic altar (1765)
  • Braunau Abbey (Broumovský klášter): frescoes in the stone hall of the south wing (1765)
  • Church of St. Anne in Wiesen (Vižňov), Okres Náchod (Kostel sv.Anny ve Vižňově): Illusionistic altar (1765)
  • Servite Monastery in Prague's Old Town (Klášter servitů na Starém Městě v Praze)
  • Meschitz Castle , Okres Praha-východ (Zámek Měšice): main hall with architectural pictures after Piranesi (1771)
  • Church of St. Simon and Judas in the old town of Prague (Kostel sv.Simona a Judy v Praze): Illusionistic altar (1773)
  • Bečwar Castle, Okres Kolín (Zámek Bečváry): Wall and ceiling painting in the main hall with the frescoes “The Conquest of Troy after the Aeneid ”, signed by Josef Hager and Josef Redelmayer and the castle chapel (1774)
  • Trinity Church in Drahobudice, Okres Kolín (Kostel Nejsvětější Trojice v Drahobudicích): Illusionistic altar
  • Paulan monastery in Wranau near Brno (Klášter ve Vranově u Brna): monastery chapel and oratory in the Church of the Birth of the Virgin Mary (1777)
  • Piarist College in Prague (Piaristická kolej v Praze): Illusionistic dome painting in the library, painting of the refectory and chapel (1778)
  • Chapel of St. Lazarus at the cemetery in Prague-Breunau (Kaple sv. Lazara Břevnov) with frescoes of the Last Judgment (1778)
  • Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in Wostruschno near Jitschin (Kostel Povýšení sv.Kříže v Ostružnu u Jičína) (1779)
  • Adalbert Church in Weipernitz near Pilsen (Kostel sv. Vojtěcha ve Vejprnicích u Plzně) together with Josef Joachim Redelmayer (1781): Illusionistic dome painting
  • Church of St. Wenceslas am Zderaz in the New Town of Prague (Kostel sv. Václava na Zderaze): vault painting
  • Chapel of the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Conception in the former Theresian Abbey in the Rosenberg Palace at Prague Castle (Tereziánský ústav šlechtičen na Pražském hradě - Kaple Nejsvětější Trojice) together with Johann Peter Molitor (1702–1756), see [1]

Works (not preserved)

  • Johann Nepomuk Chapel in the Catholic Court Church in Dresden (1753, destroyed 1945)
  • Cyriakus Monastery in Prague's Old Town (Klášter cyriaků) (1759, demolished at the end of the 19th century)
  • Carmelite monastery on the Lesser Town in Prague (Klášter karmelitánů) (1765)
  • Painting of the temporary facade of St. Vitus Cathedral (Chrám sv.Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha) (1771/72)
  • Decoration of St. Vitus Cathedral for the anniversary of the canonization of John Nepomuk (1779)
  • Gloriette in Nový Zámek Castle in Neugarten near Böhmisch Leipa (Zámek v Zahrádkách u České Lípy)



  • Pavlína Lokšová: Život a dílo pozdně barokního malíře Josefa Hagera (Life and Work of the late Baroque painter Josef Hager), Charles University Prague (diploma thesis), 2014, 141 pages, see [2]
  • KLEISNER, Tomáš: Účast Josefa Hagera na výzdobě pražské katedrály k jubileu svatořečení Jana Nepomuckého roku 1779 (Josef Hager's participation in the decoration of the Prague Cathedral on the anniversary of the canonization of John Nepomuk in 1779). Zprávy památkové péče. 1999, Vol. 59, pp. 274-275. Digitized [3]
  • Thieme, Ulrich; Becker, Felix: General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present, Vol. 15, Verlag Seemann Leipzig, 1922, pp. 469-470

Web links

Commons : Josef Hager  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: BLKÖ: Hager, _Joseph_ (I.)  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Pavlína Lokšová: Život a dílo pozdně barokního malíře Josefa Hagera with several individual documents (Czech.) (Accessed on May 29, 2017)
  2. Central Institute for Art History Munich - color slide archive for wall and ceiling painting - Joseph Hager (accessed on May 29, 2017)
  3. Deutsche Fotothek: Church of St. Nicholas Prague-Lesser Town (accessed on May 29, 2017)
  4. Kašperské Hory - chapel sv. Anny ( Memento from October 12, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) (Czech) (accessed October 12, 2017)
  5. Chapter sv. Anny - Signature Hager (Czech) (accessed October 12, 2017)
  6. History of Bečváry Castle (Czech) (accessed May 29, 2017)
  7. Deutsche Fotothek: The Glorification of St. John of Nepomuk - Hofkirche Dresden (accessed on May 29, 2017)