Joseph Rehmann

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Joseph Rehmann

Joseph Rehmann (born August 28, 1779 in Saulgau ; † October 6, 1831 in St. Petersburg ) was a German doctor in Russia.

Live and act

Joseph Rehmann's father was the doctor Joseph Xaver Rehmann (1755–1823) (pseudonym Michael Ackermann), who came from an old, respected family of doctors and had been a teacher at the Josephinum in Vienna before he settled in Donaueschingen , where he became princely from 1787 Fürstenberg personal physician was. The son Joseph Rehmann attended grammar school in Donaueschingen and studied medicine in Vienna from 1794-1801, where he received his license to practice medicine on February 27, 1802.

Departure of the Golovkin embassy from a camp 1805-06
Illustration of the medicinal rhubarb plant in 1736 [1]

His teacher Johann Peter Frank recommended him to the music patron and Russian envoy in Vienna, Count Alexei Kirillowitsch Rasumowski (1748-1822), who took him to St. Petersburg in 1802 as a family doctor . On February 20, 1805, Joseph Rehmann received permission to practice medicine in Petersburg. 1805–1806 he accompanied Count Yuri Alexandrowitsch Golowkin (1762–1846) as a doctor on Razumovsky's recommendation on an embassy trip to China and he had to “visit all the hospitals and military hospitals along the way”. The embassy, ​​which was supposed to bring about better trade relations between China and Russia, failed because of different ceremonial expectations, did not reach its destination in Beijing and had to turn back in Ulaanbaatar . On the journey of the embassy, ​​Rehmann had managed to contain a scarlet fever epidemic in Irkutsk and he was able to promote the spread of the smallpox vaccination among the Buryats . He also inspected the hospitals on the route.

After his return from the legation trip, Rehmann tried to establish himself as a general practitioner in Moscow . In 1810 his patron Count Rasumowski became Minister of Education and Rehmann followed him to St. Petersburg.

Rhubarb trade and musk trade

After China had opened up for trade relations with Russia in 1653, Russia claimed a monopoly for trade in the Chinese rhubarb root (Radix Rhei) from 1704 . This monopoly was limited to Kjachta Square in 1728 , where from 1736 a special official control station for the rhubarb trade was set up. The trade route continued from Kjachta across the Asian steppe to Moscow and St. Petersburg, from where the goods were then shipped to Europe.

A rhubarb commission in Kjachta , chaired by the pharmacist Johann August Carl Sievers from Peine , was supposed to find details about the country of origin of the best rhubarb that was suspected to be in Gansu and Tibet at the end of the 18th century . The aim of the commission was to gain independence from imports through knowledge of the cultivation methods and cultivation conditions of medicinal rhubarb ( Rheum officinale ) and through the possession of the original seeds. During his stay in Kjachta, Rehmann met two Bucharian rhubarb traders from whom he was able to extract information. The orientalist Heinrich Julius Klaproth , another participant in the Golowkin legation, also mentioned the rhubarb trade in Kjachta.

Rehmann also suggested that the Siberian musk , which was exported from Russia to China and then sold on to Europe via Canton , should be exported directly to Europe by the Russians.

Pomegranate peel as a surrogate for cinchona bark

In 1809 Rehmann believed he had discovered an inexpensive substitute for the expensive cinchona bark in the peel of the pomegranate fruit ( Punica granatum ) .

Ballota lanata

In 1812 Rehmann published a report on his experience with the use of a Siberian medicinal plant, which can be interpreted as Panzerina lanata (L.) Soják from the mint family (Lamiaceae), and which he described under the name Ballota lanata . According to Rehmann, this plant grows in Siberia , from the Yenisei River to the Angara in dry mountain slopes and is also found in the areas beyond Lake Baikal , particularly frequently between Verkhne-Udinsk and Nerchinsk .

In the Tomsk Governorate , in a village not far from Krasnoyarsk , Rehmann was made aware of the dehydrating effects of Ballota lanata herbs by a farmer on his legation trip (1805-06) . The staff surgeon in Krasnoyarsk confirmed the farmer's statements and reported his own positive experience with the use of the herb drug. The legation journey continued via Irkutsk . The medicinal use of the Ballota lanata herb was not known here. Further in Verkhny-Udinsk, however, the doctor and councilor Schilling, who has lived there for 30 years, reported on many years of good experience with the agent in garrison and city hospitals in the treatment of ascites without significant organ changes ( liver cirrhosis ). Schilling gave Rehmann a few pounds of the drug, with which the latter attempted experiments in a small private hospital in Moscow after his return. In two cases of chronic ascites he achieved permanent cure by giving a decoction of the ballota lanata ; in three cases of ascites with marked cirrhosis of the liver he was unsuccessful. It was not until the late 1820s that Rehmann's report was hesitantly received in the medical press.


According to Joseph Rehmann, the plant genus is Rehmannia Libosch. ex fish. & CAMey. named from the family of summer root plants (Orobanchaceae).


  • Adolph Carl Peter Callissen. Medicinal writer's lexicon of the now living authors . Vol. 31. Copenhagen, Altona 1843, pp. 388–390 (digitized version )
  • Amédée Dechambre . Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médicales . Volume 3, G. Masson and P. Asselin, Paris 1876. P. 112 (digitized version)
  • Ernst Julius Gurlt and August Hirsch . Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. Volume IV, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna and Leipzig 1886, pp. 689–690 (digitized version )
  • Walther Heissig (editor). Reports and pictures by J. Rehmann and Alexander Thesleff from the Russian legation trip in 1805/06 . Steiner, Wiesbaden 1971 (Directory of Oriental Manuscripts in Germany, Suppl. 13)
  • Hartmut Walravens. On the work of the doctor and East Asian researcher Joseph Rehmann . In: Sudhoffs Archiv 67 (1983), 94-106
  • Heinz Durchardt. A German medic in the Far East. Joseph Rehmann and the Golovkin Legation 1806 . In: Heinz Durchardt (editor). Russia, the Far East and the "Germans" . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2009, pp. 97-102

Works (selection)

  • Indication of a means to replace the cinchona bark and the use of the same against intermittent fever. Along with a chemical analysis of this substance . Hartmann, Riga 1809
    • Notice sur un remède propre à remplacer le Quinquina, en beaucoup des cas, et surtout dans son application contre les fièvres intermittentes, découvert et publié, par le Docteur J. Rehmann, Conseiller de cour de SM l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, Membre de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes à Moscou, et de celle des Médecins de Vilna. Suivi d'une Analyze chimique de cette substance, par FF Reuss , Professeur de Chimie à l'Université de Moscou. Moscow 1809 (digitized version)
  • Two Chinese Treatises on Obstetrics. Translated from Manchurian into Russian and from Russian into German. Edited by Dr. J. Rehmann, Russian kayserl. Councilor, members of some learned societies . St. Petersburg 1810 (digitized version)
  • About the rhubarb trade in Kiächta . In: Hufelands Journal der Heilkunde , Volume 33. 1811, St. July 1st. Pp. 54-78. (Digitized version)
  • About the Siberian musk trade . In :: Hufelands Journal der Heilkunde , Volume 33. 1811, St. July 1st. Pp. 78-79. (Digitized version)
  • (Editor). Collection of exquisite treatises and curious news from Russian doctors and naturalists. St. Petersburg 1812. Own contributions:
    • Description of a Thibetan pharmacy . P. 1–54 (digitized version )
    • Plan to organize the medical sector in Russia . Pp. 114–164 (digitized version )
    • Report on the implantation and spread of cowpox in Siberia in 1805 and 1806. To the Minister of the Interior. Written in Irkutz at the end of 1806 . Pp. 200–224 (digitized version )
    • Ballota lanata. A new remedy for dropsy . P. 271–276 (digitized version )
    • The Preobrazhensky Hospital in St. Petersburg . P. 276–278 (digitized version )
  • Russian collection for natural science and healing arts. Edited by Dr. Alexander Crichton , Imperial Russian Personal Physician and General Staff Physician of the Ministry of General Police. Dr. Joseph Rehmann, Imperial Russian Personal Physician and Dr. Karl Friedrich Burdach , professor in Königsberg . Riga and Leipzig 1815. Own contributions:
    • About the plan for a medical trip to China. In April 1805 . P. 53–61 (digitized version )
    • Ballota lanata L., a new remedy for dropsy . P. 73–79 (digitized version )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jean-Baptiste Du Halde . Detailed description of the Chinese Empire and the great tartarey. Johann Christian Koppe, Volume 3, Rostock 1749, p. (Digitized version)
  2. ^ Friedrich August Flückiger . Pharmacognosy of the Plant Kingdom . 2nd edition, Rudolf Gärtner, Berlin 1881, pp. 364–381. Here: pp. 379–380 (digitized version )
  3. Walther Heissig (editor). Reports and pictures by J. Rehmann and A. Thesleff from the Russian legation trip in 1805/06 . Steiner, Wiesbaden 1971 (Directory of Oriental Manuscripts in Germany, Suppl. 13), p. 13
  4. Joseph Rehmann. About the rhubarb trade in Kiächta . In: Hufelands Journal der Heilkunde , Volume 33. 1811, St. July 1st. P. 54–78 (digitized version )
  5. ^ Heinrich Julius Klaproth. Mémoires relatifs à l'Asie . I, Paris 1826, pp. 1-80: De la frontière Russe et Chinoise. Notes recueillies pendant un voyage en Sibérie en 1806 . (Digitized version) Note on rhubarb: pp. 72–73 Note 1 (digitized version)
  6. Joseph Rehmann. About the Siberian musk trade . In :: Hufelands Journal der Heilkunde , Volume 33. 1811, St. July 1st. Pp. 78-79. (Digitized version)
  7. ^ Theodor Husemann . Handbook of the entire pharmacology. Springer, Berlin 1873-1875. 2nd edition, Springer, Berlin 1883. Volume II, pp. 930–933 (digitized version ) 3rd edition, Springer, Berlin 1892, p. 490–492 (digitized version )
  8. Joseph Rehmann. Indication of a means to replace the cinchona bark and the use of the same against intermittent fever. Along with a chemical analysis of this substance . Hartmann, Riga 1809
  9. Joseph Rehmann. Notice sur un remède propre à remplacer le Quinquina, en beaucoup des cas, et surtout dans son application contre les fièvres intermittentes, découvert et publié, par le Docteur J. Rehmann, Conseiller de cour de SM l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, Membre de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes à Moscou, et de celle des Médecins de Vilna. Suivi d'une Analyze chimique de cette substance, par Ferdinand Friedrich von Reuss, Professeur de Chimie à l'Université de Moscou. Moscow 1809 (digitized version)
  10. Joseph Rehmann (editor). Collection of exquisite treatises and curious news from Russian doctors and naturalists. St. Petersburg 1812. Therein pp. 1-54: Description of a Thibetan pharmacy . Here: pp. 38–39: No 40. Sun - buru Poma granatorum (digitized version )
  11. ^ Journal of Pharmacy for Doctors, Pharmacists and Chemists by Johann Bartholomäus Trommsdorff . 21st volume, 2nd piece. Vogel, Leipzig 1812, p. 264 (digitized version)
  12. Journal der practical Arzneykunde and Wundarzneykunst edited by Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland … and Karl Himly . Volume 32, Berlin 1811 (June 6) pp. 99–100 (digitized version )
  13. Johann Georg Gmelin (author) - Samuel Gottlieb Gmelin (editor). Flora sibirica sive historia sibiriae . Volume III, 1768, p. 241: Phlomis foliis multifidis (digitized version )
  14. Joseph Rehmann (editor). Collection of exquisite treatises and curious news from Russian doctors and naturalists. St. Petersburg 1812. pp. 271-276: Ballota lanata. A new remedy for dropsy . (Digitized version)
  15. Joseph Rehmann. Russian collection for natural science and healing arts. Edited by Dr. Alexander Crichton , Imperial Russian Personal Physician and General Staff Physician of the Ministry of General Police. Dr. Joseph Rehmann, Imperial Russian Personal Physician and Dr. Karl Friedrich Burdach , professor in Königsberg . Riga and Leipzig 1815, pp. 73–79: Ballota lanata L., a new remedy for dropsy . (Digitized version)
  16. ^ Johann Heinrich Dierbach . The latest discoveries in the materia medica. Carl Groos, Heidelberg and Leipzig 1828, p. 110 (digitized version)
  17. ^ Georg August Richter . Detailed pharmacology . Volume II, Rücker, Berlin 1827, p. 465 (digitized version) Supplement-Volume 1832, p. 241 (digitized version)
  18. ^ Victor Adolf Riecke . The new medicines . Hoffmann, Stuttgart 1837, pp. 67–69 (digitized version ) (2nd edition 1840, p. 107–109 (digitized version ) )
  19. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names - Extended Edition. Part I and II. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin , Freie Universität Berlin , Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-946292-26-5 doi: 10.3372 / epolist2018 .