Artist house Lukas

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The artist house Lukas (2017)

The artist house Lukas in Ahrenshoop in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is one of the oldest artist houses in Germany; it is a place of cultural exchange and is available to artists as a grantee house.

History and sponsorship

The painter Paul Müller-Kaempff , co-founder of the Ahrenshoop artists' colony, built the building in 1894 as a boarding house and studio for his painting students. He named it " St. Lucas " after the patron saint of painters . Since then the house has been a place of art. From 1895 to 1914 it mainly took on budding artists who were still denied training in the art academies at the time. Müller-Kaempff ran the pension himself until 1908, when in 1914 he leased it to a Miss von Schack from Schwerin. After the turmoil of the First World War, he sold it in 1919 to Bernhard Saatmann, who set up a hairdressing salon in the house and also continued to successfully run the guesthouse for visual artists and writers. After the house housed numerous war refugees in 1944/45, Saatmann reopened the pension business in 1946, but handed it over to the GDR Ministry of Culture in 1959 . The management was now carried out by the Kulturbund der DDR . With Saatmann's death in 1966, his barber shop also ended, and Haus Lukas, as it was now called, now served as a rest home for cultural workers.

In 1979 Haus Lukas became the property of the Kulturfonds der GDR and primarily offered recreational opportunities for artists from the theater and film sectors. After the reunification of Germany, the Kulturfonds foundation , established in 1990, became the German legal successor and sponsoring body of the Künstlerhaus. Since 1994 the house has been the place of work for artists from all over Germany with the award of residence grants. In 1997/98 the Künstlerhaus Lukas was closed for one year in order to renovate the building from the ground up and to expand the premises.

In 2006 the house was taken over by the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The association "Künstlerhaus Ahrenshoop eV" took over the operation of the Künstlerhaus Lukas as an international house with a renewed expansion of the work space and an extension of the program to Northern Europe. The municipality of Ahrenshoop takes care of the maintenance and upkeep of the building. The basic funding is provided by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, supplemented by cooperation with other institutions and private donations. This includes the association “Neue Kunst hat Freunde”, which sees itself as a group of friends interested in contemporary art that supports the work of the “Künstlerhaus Ahrenshoop eV” in the Künstlerhaus Lukas and the Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop.


The Künstlerhaus Lukas supports professional artists in the fields of visual arts, literature, dance performance and composition by awarding residency grants. As an international meeting place and place for artistic work, it offers the opportunity to take advantage of short-term scholarships or workshop weeks for a concentrated work phase. “Special emphasis is placed on enabling interesting cooperation between the arts. The focus here is on the international context to the countries bordering the Baltic Sea. With its program, the Künstlerhaus Lukas serves the meeting and exchange of artists of different disciplines and nationalities both among themselves and with an interested audience. ” The cooperation with the New Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop as well as the regional and international partners and the numerous publications of the association enable the scholarship holders comprehensive support and presentation of your work. A monthly open day on the last Sunday of the month with studio tours, readings, exhibitions, concerts or performances offers an insight into the current work on site.


Artists from countries bordering the Baltic Sea have been invited to the Künstlerhaus Lukas since 1994. Since 1998, the exchange with Northern Europe has been strengthened through mutual scholarships and work placements. The house's partners are the cultural administration of the Berlin Senate, various embassies from Northern Europe, the Art Foundation of the State of Saxony-Anhalt and ten institutions in Northern and Eastern Europe. Since 2008 there has been close cooperation with the Ahrenshoop Art Museum Foundation , which awards a two-month scholarship to guest of honor every year.

The cooperation with various cultural institutions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania enables the scholarship holders to make further presentations of their artistic work during or after their scholarship. Since 2009, the Neue Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop has been putting its exhibition program entirely at the service of the Künstlerhaus Lukas scholarship holders. The program includes documentaries, themed exhibitions and retrospectives as well as around three exhibition projects a year as part of the growing international network. The Hohes Ufer Ahrenshoop edition, which is operated jointly by both houses, publishes original graphic book objects and catalogs as well as the Ahrenshooper pages , the annual documentation on the work of the scholarship holders.

The following partner institutions in the region currently offer their cooperation:

The following international partner institutions currently offer their cooperation:

  • Baltic Center for Writers and Translators in Visby , Gotland , Sweden
  • Gunnarshús Reykjavík, Iceland
  • Ystad Art Museum , Sweden
  • Grafikenshus Mariefred, Sweden
  • Culture and Communication Center, Klaipėda , Lithuania
  • Center for Contemporary Art, Kaliningrad , Russia
  • NES - Artist Residency Skagaströnd, Iceland
  • International Composition Center Visby, Gotland, Sweden
  • Villa Muramaris in Visby, Gotland, Sweden
  • KKV Grafikwerkstatt and KKV Sculpture Workshop Monumental, Malmo, Sweden


Services and facilities

The Künstlerhaus Lukas enables up to 135 scholarships every two years for work stays at the Künstlerhaus Lukas in Ahrenshoop and for the locations of its exchange partners in the countries bordering the Baltic Sea and Northern Europe. The program primarily comprises one-month residency and exchange grants, but also the award of one-month workshop and two-month project grants.

The scholarships in the Künstlerhaus Lukas are endowed with a free stay and a monthly amount of up to € 1000. The amount of the scholarship money depends on the type of scholarship as well as the approval of annually requested funding from the partner institutions. Up to seven scholarship holders can live and work at the same time in the Künstlerhaus; the apartments are available rent-free. They either consist of a combined living and working room or a living room with an associated studio and are fully furnished including a bathroom and internet connection. A small photo laboratory, a work room for graphics and book printing as well as book binding are available. There are two communal kitchens, an event and lounge room and two terraces. Former scholarship holders can rent apartments for further work during free time.

Award practice

The application for the scholarships is published every two years for the areas

  • Fine arts with the sub-areas of sculpture, painting, graphics, photography, artist book, arts and crafts / design and video
  • Literature, literary translation, script
  • Dance, choreography and performance
  • Composition.

The selection is made by an eight-member expert jury appointed by the advisory board of the “Künstlerhaus Ahrenshoop eV”.

All artists who work professionally and have their center of life in Germany, in one of the countries bordering the Baltic Sea as well as in Norway or Iceland can apply for a scholarship at Künstlerhaus Lukas. There are no restrictions on the nationality and age of applicants. The scholarship at the Künstlerhaus Lukas as well as with its exchange partners is a residence scholarship with a residence requirement.

Well-known scholarship holders


In cooperation with the Neues Kunsthaus, since 1996 a. a. the following exhibitions jointly organized:

  • 2008/09: Solitude - a landscape on the move
  • 2008: distances
  • 2008: three pluses
  • 2007: go swimming / draw
  • 2005/06: a turning point
  • 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009: 3 + 3 young art from three countries
  • 2004: Ahrenshoop feat
  • 2002: triad

On the relationship between literature and the visual arts:

  • 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009: The artist's book
  • 2006: Hideouts
  • 2000: And that's all serious. On texts by Johannes Bobrowski
  • 1998: Relationships. On texts by Oskar Pastior

Publication of the Künstlerhaus

The Künstlerhaus Lukas and the Neue Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop jointly publish their own exhibition catalogs, artist books, book objects and text collections in the "Edition Hohes Ufer Ahrenshoop":

  • 2008: SOLITUDE painting, graphics, sculpture, artist book, photography and installation , ISBN 978-3-934216-47-1
  • 2006: HIDDEN. Painting, graphics, sculpture. Artist's book photography and composition , ISBN 3-934216-38-2
  • 2004: HISTORY IN LANDSCAPES. Painting, graphics, photography, sculpture, artist book, objects and composition , ISBN 3-934216-29-3
  • 2000: AND THIS IS ALL SERIOUS. Painting, graphics, photography, sculpture and artist's book on texts by Johannes Bobrowski , ISBN 3-934216-12-9

A catalog for the exhibition series Das Künstlerbuch was published in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009; An annual catalog has been published since 2005 for the exhibition series 3 + 3 young art from three countries . In addition, the AHRENSHOOPER SEITEN scholarship holders of the Künstlerhaus Lukas are published annually .


  • Gerlinde Creutzburg, Annett Gröschner, Inga Rensch (eds.): Ahrenshoop feat . Hinstorff, Rostock 2004, ISBN 3-356-01029-8
  • Frank Pergande: Off to Ahrenshoop. "Lukas" artist house reopened . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of February 2, 2006
  • Inga Rensch: Tragedy. What will happen to the Künstlerhaus Lukas in Ahrenshoop? In: Friday of November 5, 2004

See also

Web links

Commons : Künstlerhaus Lukas  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Schulz: Ahrenshoop artist lexicon . Verlag Atelier im Bauernhaus, Fischerhude 2001, ISBN 978-3-88132292-8 , p. 13
  2. Own presentation on the website of the Künstlerhaus

Coordinates: 54 ° 22 ′ 54.5 ″  N , 12 ° 25 ′ 17.3 ″  E