Funny art

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The term comic art tries to find an umbrella term for visual art works that explicitly or implicitly serve the purpose of generating comedy ; to make the recipient laugh .

For comic art works of the cartoon , the cartoon , the image wit , the illustration , the comics and comic strips , the graphics , painting and (in exceptional cases) of plastic expected. The sculpture includes, for example, FK Waechter's tree objects from the series Komische Kunst in the Frankfurt Green Belt , which have been on display since 2005 along the Green Belt circular hiking trail in Frankfurt am Main .

Works of comic art are driven by an idea or a basic idea that shifts what is depicted against everyday reality and thus generates amazement or laughter. Most often this happens through the punch line of the "classic" one-picture joke.

In addition to the visual artistic component, there are often supplementary text elements (especially in comics ) that have a narrative or explanatory function and give what is represented a second dimension. This can often already be done by the title of the work, which sets what is represented and description in a comical contrast.

The unofficial "trademark" of comic art is the cartoon character Sondermann (by Bernd Pfarr ). A comic prize of the same name is awarded every year at the Frankfurt Book Fair . Since 2005 there has also been a Bernd-Pfarr-Sondermann for comic art.

Komische Kunst is published and received mainly in German satire and humor magazines ( Titanic , pardon , Eulenspiegel , Mad ) and in the form of book illustrations.

Struwwelpeter - a "feast for the eyes" by F. K. Waechter in the Schwanheimer meadows

History and reception

Comic art has a long tradition: It begins with the first caricatures found on ancient Egyptian papyri, Greek vases or on walls in ancient Rome, continues through tendentious illustrations of the Middle Ages, invents new forms of representation (for example through Rodolphe Töpffer's comics ) and In modern times it is running out in a widely ramified network of different styles, materials, artists and, last but not least, publication and exhibition forums. In the last 50 years, comic work in Germany has been shaped primarily by the New Frankfurt School .

The comic art is not placed in the public eye the same appreciation as their "serious" relatives, although the artistic skills comic artists where their colleagues are not inferior in general. There are also (and especially) approaches of ironic and / or comic readings among the representatives of the traditional visual arts - for example with Jörg Immendorff , Dieter Roth , Martin Kippenberger , Jonathan Meese or Erwin Wurm - but these are often not explicitly mentioned or explained or only make up a small part of the overall work.

Comic art is often related to the (problematic) concept of high comedy called with which comic creators from among the New Frankfurt School "wider" by the quality of their work and the election or implementation of their subjects from a supposedly sell mass-compatible consumer goods wanted to.

The giant from Ulsnis by Andi Feldmann


Today there are various museum institutions that show comic art: The Caricatura association organizes exhibitions in Kassel and in the Museum of Comical Art in Frankfurt am Main . There are further exhibitions in the Cartoon Museum Basel , in the Wilhelm Busch Museum in Hanover (German Museum for Caricature and Critical Graphics), in the Cabinet for Word and Image in Vienna, in the Caricature Museum Krems and at the International Cartoon Festival Langnau , Triennale der Komische Kunst im Emmental.

In 2006 the city of Frankfurt am Main acquired 7,000 original drawings by FW Bernstein , Robert Gernhardt , Hans Traxler and Chlodwig Poth . With the establishment of an independent museum for comic art in 2008, a step was taken towards the broad reception and ennoblement of comic art .

Artist (selection)

FW Bernstein , Eugen Egner , Robert Gernhardt , Greser & Lenz , Gerhard Glück , Gerhard Haderer , Rudi Hurzlmeier , Manfred Deix , Ernst Kahl , Sebastian Krüger , Til Mette , Michael Sowa , Chlodwig Poth , Nicolas Mahler , Leo Leowald , FK Waechter , Jamiri , Bernd Pfarr


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