Konstantin Grigoryevich Vyrupayev

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Konstantin Grigorjewitsch Wyrupajew ( Russian Константин Григорьевич Вырупаев ; born October 10, 1930 in Irkutsk ; † October 31, 2012 ibid) was a Soviet wrestler . He was Olympic champion in Melbourne in 1956 .


Konstantin Vyrupajew was a Russian who grew up in the Siberian Irkutsk area. As a teenager he started wrestling and as a student he became a member of “Burewestnik” Irkutsk. He developed into an excellent wrestler in the Greco-Roman style. It took him until 1956 before he was the first Soviet bantamweight champion and thus qualified for participation in the Olympic Games in Melbourne. There he had a very successful start in his international wrestling career with the Olympic victory. He was defeated in Melbourne in his first fight by the Romanian Francisc Horvath on points, but won all of his other fights. Since Horvath retired early after a defeat against Edvin Vesterby from Sweden , the way for Wyrupajew to win the gold medal was paved.

In 1957 Wyrupayev was defeated at the Soviet bantamweight championship against Oleg Karawajew , who represented the Soviet Union at the only World Cup held in the Greco-Roman style between 1956 and 1960 in Budapest in 1958. At the Soviet championship in 1960 Konstantin Vyrupajew finished in featherweight behind Mirabi Guduschauri from Tbilisi and in front of Vladimir Stashkevich in 2nd place, but was nominated for the Olympic Games in Rome . In Rome Wyrupayev could not fully convince, but thanks to a good draw, won the bronze medal in the featherweight division. Immediately after these Olympic Games, the German national wrestling team traveled to three international matches in the Soviet Union. During one of these international battles, Konstantin Wyrupajew shouldered the German representative Hans-Peter Bauer from Riegelsberg .

In 1961 Vyrupayev was the Spartakiade winner of the Soviet trade union organization. In 1962 he represented the Soviet Union at the World Cup in Toledo / USA . He remained undefeated in five fights, but missed the world title because of a draw with Imre Polyák from Hungary .

From 1963 Konstantin Wyrupajew could no longer prevail in the Soviet Union against the new stars Gennady Sapunov and Roman Rurua . But in 1964 he still wrestled in two international matches in the Soviet Union in Italy and was the shoulder winner over Schiano and Ferderzoni.

International success

(OS = Olympic Games, WM = World Championship, GR = Greco-Roman style, Ba = bantam weight, Fe = featherweight, at that time up to 57 kg or 62 kg body weight)


  • various issues of the specialist magazine " Athletik " from 1956 to 1964,
  • Documentation of FILA's International Wrestling Championships, 1976
  • International Wrestling Database of the University of Leipzig

Individual evidence

  1. Умер легендарный борец Константин Вырупаев

Web links