Konstantin von Schachtmeyer

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Konstantin Adalbert Karl Franz von Schachtmeyer (born July 5, 1826 in Danzig ; † January 1, 1917 in Charlottenburg ) was a Prussian major general .



He was the son of the later Prussian lieutenant colonel a. D. Franz Gottlieb von Schachtmeyer (born October 4, 1784 in Suchwronzek; † September 5, 1866 in Thorn ) and his wife Johanna Auguste Ottilie, born von Pelet-Narbonne (born October 28, 1802 in Pasewalk ; † June 8, 1838 in Bromberg ). She was the daughter of the Prussian major general Friedrich Wilhelm von Pelet (1745-1820).

Military career

After his upbringing in his parents' house, Schachtmeyer joined the 7th Infantry Regiment of the Prussian Army as a musketeer on January 19, 1846 . There he was appointed Portepeefähnrich on September 5, 1846 and promoted to Second Lieutenant on March 31, 1848 . In the same year Schachtmeyer and his regiment took part in the battle near Miloslaw during the suppression of the uprising in Posen . Various commandments followed in the years to come. From April 1851 for one year to the 5th combined reserve battalion and 1854/55 to the rifle factories Potsdam and Spandau. During his assignment to the Danzig rifle factory from January 1859 to the end of November 1860, Schachtmeyer was promoted to Prime Lieutenant on April 12, 1859 . With his promotion to captain on February 23, 1861, he was transferred to the 2nd Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment No. 47 . Here Schachtmeyer did his job as chief of the 11th company. He also led this company in the 1866 war against Austria at Nachod , Skalitz , Schweinschädel , Gradlitz and Königgrätz . After the peace treaty he was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle, IV class with swords, on September 20, 1866, and took over the 8th Company within the regiment. As a major , Schachtmeyer became commander of the 2nd Battalion in the 1st Combined West Prussian Landwehr Regiment No. 6 in Muskau on July 22, 1870 . During the following war against France he acted as leader of the 1st Lower Silesian Landwehr Regiment No. 46 until the beginning of October 1870. He was used with this association in the siege of Metz and the fighting near Noisseville . Awarded the Iron Cross II. Class, Schachtmeyer then fought in the Battle of Bellevue .

. After the second Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment No. 47 his new garrison in Strasbourg had moved, Schachtmeyer was appointed commander of the September 21, 1871 Fusilier - Battalion appointed. Within the regiment he was given command of the 2nd Battalion on April 1, 1874, and was promoted to lieutenant colonel on March 22, 1876 in this position . As such, on February 3, 1880, he was appointed commander of the 3rd Pomeranian Infantry Regiment No. 14 and was transferred to Stralsund .

On April 13, 1885 Schachtmeyer gave this regiment and was awarded the character as a major general with board for disposition made. He received on June 24, 1913 on the occasion of the troop jubilee of the infantry regiment "Graf Schwerin" (3rd Pomeranian) No. 14 the Order of the Crown, 2nd class. Schachtmeyer was also Knight of Honor of the Order of St. John and holder of the Cross of Honor III. Class of the Princely House Order of Hohenzollern and the Red Eagle Order III. Class with swords on rings.


Schachtmeyer married Marie Luise Messenberg (born March 27, 1829 in Posen) on March 2, 1852 in Posen. The marriage remained childless. His wife was in an asylum for several years due to mental illness .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Military weekly paper. No. 85 of June 28, 1913. pp. 1943-1944.
  2. Ranking and quarter list of the Royal Prussian Army for 1885. ES Mittler & Sohn . Berlin 1885. p. 136