State election in Baden-Württemberg 2006

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2001State election 20062011
(in %)
Gains and losses
compared to 2001
 % p
A total of 139 seats

The state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 2006 took place on March 26th. The CDU under Prime Minister Günther Oettinger , who has been in office since 2005, suffered a slight loss of votes with 44.2%, the SPD under state chairman Ute Vogt fell to 25.2% and achieved - after 1996 - its second-worst election result in Baden-Württemberg. The Greens achieved their second-best election result after 1996 with 11.7% and were again the third-strongest party. The FDP / DVP was also able to gain , with 10.7%, which is its best result since 1968 and for the first time since that time it was back in the double-digit range. The CDU and the FDP / DVP continued their coalition under Günther Oettinger, and later under Stefan Mappus . ( Cabinet Oettinger II , Cabinet Mappus ).

In addition to the four parties represented in the state parliament, only WASG and republicans could be elected nationwide. WASG achieved the best result with 3.1% of the others. The Republicans, who were represented in the state parliament from 1992 to 2001 and who had just failed the five percent hurdle with 4.4% in 2001 , again suffered a loss of votes and reached 2.5%. Only in the constituency of Kirchheim did they achieve more than 5%.

In contrast to 1992, 1996 and 2001, the ödp was no longer able to run nationwide, although it was supported in this election by the German Family Party (FAMILY). Their result was down again at 0.5%. In the “Others” category, it was only fifth for the first time, behind WASG, REP, NPD and PBC . As in 1996 and 2001, the Animal Welfare Party achieved 0.2%.

With the exception of the Mannheim I constituency , the CDU was able to get all direct mandates . In some places the SPD was only the third strongest party; So it ended up in Biberach and Tübingen behind the Greens and in Freudenstadt behind the FDP.

7,519,048 citizens were eligible to vote in the 70 electoral districts of Baden-Württemberg. The turnout of 53.4% ​​was significantly lower than in the previous elections. Especially among the under 30-year-olds, the participation was only 33%. The proportion of women in the Landtag rose from 21.8% to 23.7% in the elections. Thus 33 of the 139 elected state parliament members were women.

The election results in detail:

Result of the state election of
March 26, 2006
Political party be right proportion of Seats Direct
CDU 1,748,766 44.15% 69 69 63
SPD 996.207 25.15% 38 1 45
Green 462,889 11.69% 17th 10
FDP 421.994 10.65% 15th 10
WASG 121,753 3.07%
REP 100,081 2.53%
NPD 29,219 0.74%
PBC 26,759 0.68%
ödp 21,761 0.55%
The animal welfare party 8,279 0.21%
ADM 7,410 0.19%
GRAY 5,915 0.15%
AGFG 866 0.02%
Germany 767 0.02%
The party 742 0.02%
CENTER 433 0.01%
Democratic Protest Party (DPP) 182 <0.01%
RSB 144 <0.01%
Individual applicants 5,892 0.15%
valid votes
invalid votes 51,826 1.29%
Non-voters 3,504,478 46.62%
Eligible voters 7,516,919 100.00%

See also


  • Bernd Schlipphak, Ulrich Eith: The Baden-Württemberg state election 2006 in the sphere of influence of federal politics. Effects and repercussions. In: Jens Tenscher (ed.): 100 days grace period. Federal politics and state elections in the shadow of the grand coalition. VS Verlag , Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-15197-7 , pp. 139-153.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Final result of the state elections on March 26, 2006 with comparative information from 2001 ( Memento of the original from January 9, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. State election of Baden-Württemberg at the State Center for Political Education
  3. State Statistical Office - Election 2006  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  4. The party only entered the Calw state electoral district . For more information see there.