Potted fruit trees

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Potted fruit trees
Gustavia superba, illustration

Gustavia superba , illustration

Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Heather-like (Ericales)
Family : Potted fruit trees
Scientific name

The lecythidaceae or pot fruit plants (Lecythidaceae) are a family of plants of the order of the heather-like (Ericales) within the flowering plant . They have a disjoint area : on the one hand tropical South America and on the other hand Africa with Madagascar . The economically most important species of this family is the Brazil nut tree ( Bertholletia excelsa ).

Description and ecology

Subfamily Lecythidoideae: Illustration of plant parts of the Brazil nut tree ( Bertholletia excelsa )
Subfamily Napoleonoideae: flowers of Napoleonaea imperialis

Vegetative characteristics

These woody plants usually grow as evergreen trees or shrubs , rarely as lianas . The alternate and spirally concentrated at the ends of branches or two lines distributed on the branches arranged leaves are simple and pedicle (or perforated) with smooth margin. Stipules are small or absent.

Generative characteristics

The mostly short inflorescences can be very different in shape, but they are often racemose or the flowers are solitary. Usually bracts are present. The hermaphrodite, often large, showy to very small flowers are radially symmetrical to zygomorphic . There are usually four to six (two to twelve) thick sepals that are bell-shaped and fused with the ovary. The (rarely missing) three to ten (up to 16) petals are usually free. In each flower there are usually many (10 to 1200) stamens ; they have grown together in some circles at their base. Often some stamens are sterile. The disc is sometimes lobed. Two to eight carpels have become a half to completely permanent ovary grown. Each ovary compartment contains one to many ovules . The stylus ends in a cephalic scar. The pollination is effected by insects ( Entomophilie ), birds ( ornithophily ) or by bats ( Chiropterophilie ); Depending on the pollinator, the Androeceum is radial symmetry or zygomorphic, which represents a coevolution .

Mostly woody capsule fruits , rarely berries, are formed, which are often still surrounded by the sepals. The fruits often only contain one seed, but there can also be a few (for example with the Brazil nut) to many. The seeds are usually hairy. There is no endosperm .


They contain flavonols and ellagic acid .

Systematics and distribution

Subfamily Foetidioideae: leaves of Foetidia mauritiana
Subfamily Lecythidoideae: The flowers of the cannonball tree (
Couroupita guianensis ) with zygomorphic Androeceum
Subfamily Lecythidoideae: flowers and flower buds of Gustavia superba
Subfamily Napoleonoideae: Napoleonaea imperialis
Subfamily Planchonioideae: leaves and fruits of Barringtonia acutangula in a freshwater mangrove forest
Subfamily Planchonioideae: Careya arborea

The family name Lecythidaceae was first published in 1825 by Achille Richard in Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle , 9, p. 259. Type genus is Lecythis Loefl.

The family Lecythidaceae owns a disjoint area : on the one hand tropical South America and on the other hand Africa with Madagascar .

The family Lecythidaceae is divided into five subfamilies and it contains (previously 10) in the new further interpretation about 25 genera with 250 to 325 species:

  • Subfamily Foetidioideae Engl. (Syn .: Foetidiaceae): It contains only one genus:
  • Subfamily Lecythidioideae Beilschmied (Syn .: Lecythidaceae, Gustaviaceae): It contains ten neotropical genera with about 215 species:
    • Allantoma Miers (Syn .: Goeldinia Huber ): The eight species since 2008 arewidespreadin tropical South America .
    • Bertholletia Bonpl. (Syn .: Barthollesia Silva Manso ): It contains only one species:
    • Cariniana Casar. (Syn .: Amphoricarpus Spruce ex Miers ): This genus was divided in 2008 and some species were placed in the genus Allantoma . The ninespecies remainingin the genus Cariniana with completely radially symmetrical flowers are widespread in tropical South America. The eight species with a zygomorphic Androeceum are placed in the previously monotypic genus Allantoma .
    • Corythophora R.Knuth : The four species are common in tropical South America.
    • Couratari Aubl. (Syn .: Curatari JFGmel. , Curataria Spreng. , Lecythopsis Cabinet , Pontopidana Scop. ): The 19 species are widespread in Central America and in tropical South America.
    • Couroupita Aubl. : The three types are widespread in Central America and tropical South America.
    • Eschweilera Mart. ex DC. (Syn .: Jugastrum Miers , Neohuberia Ledoux ): The approximately 96 species are distributed from southern Mexico to tropical South America and to Trinidad.
    • Grias L .: The twelve species arewidespreadfrom Central America to Peru and Jamaica.
    • Gustavia L. (Syn .: Japarandiba Adans. , Perigaria Span. , Pirigara Aubl. , Teichmeyeria Scop. ): The 44 or so species are widespread in Central America and in tropical South America.
    • Paradise nuts ( Lecythis Loefl .; Syn .: Holopyxidium Ducke , Bergena Adans. , Cercophora Miers , Chytroma Miers , Pachylecythis Ledoux , Sapucaya R.Knuth , Strailia T.Durand ): The approximately 30 species are widespread in Central America and in tropical South America.
  • Subfamily Napoleonoideae Bentham : It contains two genera with eleven species in Africa:
    • Crateranthus Baker f. : The fouror sospecies are distributed in southern Nigeria , Cameroon, Gabon , the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo.
    • Napoleonaea P.Beauv. (Syn .: Napoleona P.Beauv. ): The approximately 17 species are distributed from tropical West Africa to Angola.
  • Subfamily Planchonioideae Engler (Syn .: Barringtoniaceae): There are six palaeotropic genera with about 58 species in Australasia :
    • Abdulmajidia Whitmore : There are about two species on the Malay Peninsula . But they are also sometimes placed in the genus Barringtonia .
    • Barringtonia J.R. Forst. & G.Forst. : The approximately 70 species are distributed from southern and eastern Africa to the islands in the Pacific, including:
    • Careya Roxb. : The three or so species arewidespreadfrom Afghanistan to tropical Asia .
    • Chydenanthus Miers : Only one species belongs here:
      • Chydenanthus excelsus (Blume) Miers (Syn .: Chydenanthus dentatoserratus R.Knuth ): It occurs from southern Myanmar to western New Guinea.
    • Petersianthus Merr. (Syn .: Combretodendron A.Chev. , Petersia Welw. Ex Benth. ): With two species:
    • Planchonia flower : The eightor sospecies are distributed from the Andamans to northern Australia .
  • Subfamily Scytopetaloideae O.Appel (Syn .: Asteranthaceae R.Knuth nom. Cons., Rhaptopetalaceae Solander , Scytopetalaceae Engl. ): The six genera with about 21 species are mainly distributed in tropical West Africa and one species occurs in northern Brazil:
    • Asteranthos Desf. (Syn .: Asteranthus Spreng. ): It contains only one species:
    • Brazzeia Baill. (Syn .: Erythropyxis Engl. , Erytropyxis Pierre , Pseudobrazzeia Engl. ): The three or so species are distributed from west-central tropical Africa to Uganda.
    • Oubanguia Baill. : The three or so species are distributed from southeastern Nigeria to west-central tropical Africa.
    • Pierrina Engl .: It contains only one species:
    • Rhaptopetalum olive. : The approximately 12 species are distributed from West Africa to the west-central tropical Africa.
    • Scytopetalum Pierre ex Engl .: The four or so species are distributed from West Africa to west-central tropical Africa.


  • The Lecythidaceae family on the AP website. (Sections systematics and description)
  • SA Mori, Chih-Hua Tsou, C.-C. Wu, B. Cronholm & Arne A. Anderberg: Evolution of Lecythidaceae with an emphasis on the circumscription of neotropical genera: information from combined ndhF and trnL-F sequence data. In: American Journal of Botany , Volume 94, 2007, pp. 289-301.
  • Chih-Hua Tsou & SA Mori: Floral organogenesis and floral evolution of the Lecythidoideae (Lecythidaceae). In: American Journal of Botany , Volume 94, 2007, pp. 716-736. (Section systematics and description)
  • Haining Qin, Sir Ghillean T. Prance: Lecythidaceae. , P. 293 - online with the same text as the printed work , In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven, Deyuan Hong (Ed.): Flora of China. Volume 13: Clusiaceae through Araliaceae , Science Press and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing and St. Louis, 2007. ISBN 978-1-930723-59-7 (section description)

Individual evidence

  1. Lecythidaceae in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  2. ^ Ghillean T. Prance: A revision of Foetidia (Lecythidaceae subfamily Foetidioideae). In: Brittonia , Volume 60, Number 4, 2008, pp. 336-348.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Rafaël Govaerts (ed.): Lecythidaceae. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved October 27, 2018.
  4. a b Y.-Y. Huang, SA Mori, Ghillean T. Prance: A phylogeny of Cariniana (Lecythidaceae) based on morphological and anatomical data , in Brittonia , 60, 2008, pp. 69-81.
  5. ^ A b David John Mabberley: Mabberley's Plant-Book. A portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses . 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press 2008. ISBN 978-0-521-82071-4

Web links

Commons : Potted Fruit Family (Lecythidaceae)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

further reading

  • Y.-Y. Huang, Scott A. Mori, LM Kelly: A morphological cladistic analysis of Lecythidoideae with emphasis on Bertholletia, Corythophora, Eschweilera, and Lecythis. In: Brittonia , Volume 63, 2011, pp. 396-417. Full text PDF.
  • Ghillean T. Prance: Notes on the Lecythidaceae of Peninsular Malaysia. In: Blumea , Volume 55, 2010, pp. 14-17. Full text PDF.
  • M. Jebb, Ghillean T. Prance: Five new species of Barringtonia (Lecythidaceae) from Papua New Guinea. In: Blumea , Volume 56, 2011, pp. 105–112.
  • James L. Reveal, MW Chase: APG III. Bibliographic information and synonymy of Magnoliidae. In: Phytotaxa , Volume 19, 2011, pp. 71-134. Full text PDF.
  • Ghillean T. Prance: A revision of Barringtonia (Lecythidaceae). In: Allertonia , HI 12, 2012, pp. 1-161. Full text PDF.
  • Ghillean T. Prance: Lecythidaceae. In: Flora of Peninsular Malaysis , Volume 3, 2012, pp. 173-355. Full text PDF.
  • HA Ariyawansa, Sajeewa SN Maharachchikumbura, SC Karunarathne, Ekachai Chukeatirote, Ali H. Bahkali, Ji-Chuan Kang, JD Bhat, Kevin D. Hyde: Denquelata barringtoniae gen. Et sp. nov., associated with leaf spots of Barringtonia asiatica. In: Phytotaxa , Volume 105, 2013, pp. 11-20.
  • Scott A. Mori, Xavier Cornejo: Two new species (Gustavia johnclarkii and G. hubbardiorum) and other contributions to the systematics of Gustavia (Lecythidaceae). In: Brittonia , Volume 65, 2013. Full text PDF.
  • Ghillean T. Prance, EK Kartawinata: Lecythidaceae. In: Flora Malesiana : Series I: Spermatophyta , Volume 21, 2013, pp. 1–118. Full text PDF.