List of Bundeswehr locations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

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The list of Bundeswehr locations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania shows all current locations in which units or posts of the Bundeswehr in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are stationed. Relocations of the units to other locations, renaming and dissolution as well as the closure of properties or locations are described in brackets. The abbreviations, which are listed in brackets after the respective department or parts of such, indicate the affiliation to the respective armed forces or to the respective organizational area and stand for:

1. Sub-armed forces and central organizational areas: Army (H), Air Force (L), Navy (M), Armed Forces Base ( SKB), Cyber ​​and Information Room (CIR), Central Medical Service (ZSan).

2. Organization area equipment, information technology and use (AIN).

3. Personnel organization area (P).

4. Organizational area infrastructure, environmental protection and services (IUD).

The abbreviation ZMZ stands for civil-military cooperation . ZMZ liaison offices are partially active. They are led by a staff officer who acts as a representative of the Bundeswehr in the district or in the administrative district. He is equipped with the troop ID as a service ID.

The list also contains locations that are no longer officially designated as "Bundeswehr locations" by the Bundeswehr because of their low number of posts. However, members of the armed forces are still stationed there. The locations remain in the list for informational purposes only. They are given the addition “less than 15 posts” in the list.


Bundeswehr locations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  • Cölpin
    • Detached technical train 352 - RRP 117 (L)
    • other departments
  • Eggesin
    • Parts of the Bundeswehr Service Center Torgelow - Central Material Conservation (IUD)
  • Laage
    • Laage Air Base
      • Tactical Air Force Squadron 73 "Steinhoff" (L)
        • Flying Group Tactical Air Force Wing 73 "Steinhoff" (L)
        • Technical Group Tactical Air Force Wing 73 "Steinhoff" (L)
      • System center 24 (L) (from Trollenhagen, time unclear)
      • Sanitary supply center Laage (ZSan)
      • Bundeswehr Fire Brigade Airfield (IUD)
      • other departments
  • Marlow
    • Marine radio station (M)
  • Rechlin (examination of the usage concept until the end of 2019)
    • Material depot Müritz (SKB)

  • Stralsund (fewer than 15 posts)
    • other departments
  • Torgelow
    • Ferdinand von Schill barracks
      • Jägerbataillon 413 (H)
      • 2nd / Supply Battalion 142 (H)
      • Ambulance relay operation Torgelow (ZSan)
      • Sanitary supply center Torgelow (ZSan)
    • Griffin Barracks
      • other departments
    • Bundeswehr Service Center Torgelow (IUD)
  • Trollenhagen
    • Air base barracks
      • System center 24 (L) (relocation to Laage planned, time unclear)
      • Training workshop of the Air Force Trollenhagen (L) (to be closed)
      • Medical supply center Trollenhagen (ZSan)
  • Utzedel
    • Demminer Land barracks
      • Fuel depot (SKB)
      • Bundeswehr fire brigade fuel depot (IUD)
      • other departments
  • square
    • Cuirassier barracks
      • Panzergrenadierbataillon 411 (H)
      • Training and Support Company 411 (H)
      • Panzergrenadierbataillon 908 (na) (H)
      • other departments
  • Wolgast (less than 15 posts)
    • Naval Arsenal Branch Wolgast (AIN)

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Planning of stationing according to federal states. The tables were last changed: April 17, 2013. In: Stationing Concept 2011. Federal Ministry of Defense, April 29, 2013, accessed on October 26, 2013 (closures).