List of communes in Békés county

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This list includes the cities and towns of the county Békés in Hungary . There are a total of 75 municipalities in Békés , of which 22 municipalities with and 53 municipalities without municipal rights . Each municipality has a mayor ( polgármester in Hungarian ) elected directly by the citizens . Each municipality has its own income, but can also receive subsidies from the central state budget. The obligations of the municipalities include a. securing primary school education , guaranteeing basic medical and social care and asserting national and ethnic minority rights .

All information is based on the census of January 1, 2011


Békéscsaba is the largest city in the county

Cities with county law

A city ​​with county law ( Hungarian megyei jogú város ) fulfills additional tasks in the area of county administration compared to the other cities and municipalities of the county.

Cities without county law

city Pop. city Pop.
* Battonya 05,609 * Mezőberény 11,121
* Békés 19,981 * Mezőhegyes 05.134
* Csorvás 05,085 * Mezőkovácsháza 06,085
* Dévaványa 07,707 * Orosháza 29,342
* Elek 04,899 * Sarkad 10.129
* Füzesgyarmat 05,716 * Szarvas 17.181
* Gyomaendrőd 13,894 * Szeghalom 09,142
* Gyula 31,928 * Tótkomlós 05,866
* Condoros 1 05,227 * Újkígyós 05,284
* Körösladány 04,651 * Vésztő 06,829
* Medgyesegyháza 03.711

1 Kondoros received town charter in 2013.


Large municipalities

A large municipality ( Hungarian nagyközség ) usually consists of several districts.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Jánosné Waffenschmidt: A Magyar Köztársaság helységnévkönyve ( Hungarian, English , PDF; 2.5 MB) Hungarian Central Statistical Office ( Központi Statisztikai Hivatal ). S. 17. January 1, 2010. Accessed December 27, 2013.

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