List of Cardinal Creations of Gregory V

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Pope Gregory V created 12 cardinals in his three-year pontificate (996–999) .

Cardinal creations


  • Azzo - Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, † 998
  • Johannes - Cardinal Bishop of Albano, † 1001
  • Peter - Cardinal Bishop of Palestrina, † 1015
  • Johannes - cardinal priest ( titular church unknown), † unknown
  • Peter - cardinal priest (titular church unknown), † unknown
  • Johannes Philagathos - Cardinal (title church unknown), from February or March 997 antipope John XVI. , † August 26, 1001
  • Siccone - cardinal priest (title church unknown), from May 16, 1003 Pope John XVII. , † November 6, 1003
  • Amicus - cardinal priest (title church unknown), † unknown


  • Benedict - Cardinal Bishop of Sabina, † before 1015


  • Gregory - Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, † before 1003
  • Benedict - Cardinal Bishop of Porto, † before 1001
  • Gerbert , OSB - Cardinal Priest (title church unknown), from February 28, 999 Pope New Year's Eve II , † May 12, 1003

See also

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