List of the cardinal creations of Stephen IX.

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Pope Stephen IX (1057-1058) created thirteen cardinals in his one-year pontificate .


  • Pietro Damiano OSBCam , Cardinal Bishop of Ostia , Abbot of the Fontavellana Monastery, † February 22, 1072, appointed Doctor of the Church on October 1, 1828.
  • Uberto Poggi , Cardinal Bishop of Palestrina , † shortly after its creation
  • Brunu , cardinal priest of Santa Sabina , † 1092 or shortly thereafter
  • Bonifazio, cardinal priest of San Marco , † before 1062
  • Pietro Alberrini, OSBCas, title is unknown, † 1100
  • Giovanni, title is unknown, † shortly after creation
  • Giovanni, title is unknown, †?
  • Ugobaldo degli Obizi, title is unknown, † During the pontificate of Urban II (1088-1099)
  • Pietro, title is unknown, †?
  • Riccardo, title is unknown, †?
  • Alberico, senior, OSBCas, cardinal deacon , † October 17, 1088
  • Giovanni, cardinal deacon, †?

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cardinals created by Pope Stephans IX .. In: Salvador Miranda : The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. ( Florida International University website ), accessed April 22, 2017.