List of land marshals and deputies of Lower Austria
The list of land marshals and land marshals or deputy land marshal gives an overview of the highest (estates) politicians and officials of the state of Lower Austria (initially together with Upper Austria, then as Austria under the Enns, including the city of Vienna, which only became a federal state in 1920 ).
The chief of the state estates was the land marshal coming from the lordship (corresponds to the governor in the other crown or federal states). The sub-marshal , who had come from a knighthood, also had an important function at times . The function and sphere of power of the estates were subject to constant change until they became obsolete in the course of the revolution of 1848, especially the abolition of basic subservience.
From 1852 the governor took over the function of land marshal. The captain, then governor and finally president was the head of the provincial government (Austria) , who was appointed by the ruler (sovereign, emperor). The Land Marshal, on the other hand, was the highest (elected or dispatched) representative of the Province of Lower Austria (roughly equivalent to the current President of the Landtag).
(see also: List of the heads of the Lower Austrian provincial government )
Heads of the Lower Austrian provinces (around 1280 to 1861)
Until 1454 Lower and Upper Austria were united in the Duchy of Austria, then they separated in Austria under and above the Enns.
Land marshals of the Austrian estates (around 1280 to 1454)
- Hermann von Landenberg (since 1300: Hermann von Landenberg-Greifensee; around 1256–1306) 1282–1306
- Dietrich von Pillichsdorf (? -1326) 1306-1326
- Ulrich Graf von Pfannberg (around 1287–1354) 1330–1354
- Hermann (II.) Von Landenberg-Greifensee (around 1300–1361) 1358–1360
- Leutold (II.) Von Stadeck (? –1367) 1360–1367
- Friedrich VI. von Walsee (? –1372) 1367–1368; then in 1369 governor of Styria
- Heidenreich von Maissau (? –1381) 1368–1375; previously governor of Tyrol in 1367/68
- Bernhard von Maissau 1375–1377
- Heidenreich von Maissau (2nd term of office) 1378–1380
- Rudolf I of Walsee (? –1397) 1384–1397
- Kaspar I of Starhemberg (? -1418) 1400
- Ulrich von Dachsberg (? –1402) 1397–1402
- Friedrich V von Walsee (? –1408) 1403–1405
- Johann Graf von Maidburg-Hardegg (see Maydburg-Hardegg) 1406–1406
- Otto von Maissau (? –1440) 1407–1407
- Hartneid von Pottendorf (around 1389–1426) 1409–1413
- Pilgrim from Puchheim 1417-1422
- Johann Graf von Schaunberg (see) (1396–1453) 1424–1424
- Hans von Winden (around 1369–1431) 1425–1425
- Hans von Ebersdorf (? –1444) 1427–1433
- Johann Graf von Schaunberg (1396–1453) 1437–1439
- Rudiger VII of Starhemberg (? -1480) 1441–1446
- Bernhard Graf von Schaunberg (1421–1473) 1447–1454
Land marshals of the Lower Austrian provinces (1454 to 1848)
- Bernhard Graf von Schaunberg (1421–1473) 1454–1459
- Jörg von Kuenring 1460–1464
- Jörg von Pottendorf (? –1486) 1466–1472
- Michael Graf von Maidburg-Hardegg (see Hardegg, Maydburg ) 1475–1483
- Christoph (III.) Von Liechtenstein von Nikolsburg (? –1506) 1487–1501
- Benesch von Ebersdorf 1502–1509
- Wilhelm von Puchheim (? –1542) 1509–1514
- Kaspar von Volkensdorf (? –1525) 1515–1522
- Christoph von Puchheim (? –1554) 1522–1527
- Georg von Puchheim (? –1531) 1527–1531
- Wolfgang von Rogendorf (1483-1540) 1532-1533
- Wilhelm von Puchheim (? –1542) 1533–1541
- Christoph Freiherr von Eyczing (1501–1563) 1542–1544; also governor of Lower Austria from 1544 to 1547
- Andreas von Puchheim (1510–1558) 1545–1558
- Joachim Freiherr von Schönkirchen (1517–1572) 1559–1563; also governor of Lower Austria from 1564 to 1572
- Hans Wilhelm von Roggendorf , Freiherr (1531–1590) 1566–1590
- Ludwig Freiherr von Schönkirchen 1592–1592
- Sigismund Freiherr von Lamberg-Ortenegg-Ottenstein (1536–1616) 1592–1606
- Georg Bernhard von Urschenbeck (since 1596: Ritter von, 1551–1620) 1606–1620; also from 1595 to 1607 sub-marshal
- Seyfried Christoph von Breuner , Baron von Stübing, Fladnitz and Rabenstein (1569–1651) 1620–1626; also president of the Lower Austria Chamber from 1600 to 1609 and governor of Lower Austria from 1626 to 1640
- Hans Balthasar (the elder) Count von Hoyos (1583–1632) 1626–1632; also from 1619 to 1625 President of the Lower Austrian Chamber
- Sigmund Adam Graf von Abensperg and Traun-Meissau (1573–1637) 1632–1637
- Johann Franz Trautson Count zu Falkenstein (1609–1663) 1637–1642; also governor of Lower Austria from 1642 to 1663
- Georg Achaz Graf von Losenstein (1597–1653) 1642–1651
- Ernst Graf von Abensperg and Traun-Meissau (1608–1668) 1651–1668
- Ferdinand Max Graf von Sprinzenstein (1625–1679) 1668–1678
- Hans Balthasar (the younger) Count von Hoyos (1626–1681) 1679–1681
- Franz Maximilian Count von Mollart 1681–1690
- Otto Ehrenreich Count of Abensperg and Traun-Meissau (1644–1715) 1690–1715
- Alois Thomas Raimund Count of Harrach zu Rohrau (1669–1742) 1715–1742
- Ferdinand Leopold Graf von Herberstein (1695–1744) 1742–1744
- Friedrich August Gervasius Count of Harrach zu Rohrau and Thannhausen (1696–1779) 1744–1745
- Ferdinand Bonaventura Count Anton von Harrach zu Rohrau and Thannhausen (1708–1778) 1745–1750
- Karl Ferdinand Count von Königsegg-Rothenfels-Erps (1696–1759) 1750–1753
- Johann Wilhelm Trautson, Prince of Falkenstein (1700–1775) 1753–1775
- Johann Anton Graf von Pergen (1725–1814) 1775–1790; also President of Lower Austria from 1782 to 1790
- Leopold Christoph Graf von Schallenberg (1712–1800) 1790–1791
- Johann Franz Anton Count von Khevenhüller-Metsch (1737–1797) 1791–1797
- Ludwig Graf von Cavriani (1739–1802) 1798–1802
- Karl Graf von Zinzendorf and Pottendorf (1739–1813) 1802–1802
- Franz Joseph von Saurau (1760-1832) 1803-1805; also governor of Lower Austria from 1795 to 1797 and president from 1810 to 1814
- Joachim Egon Landgrave von Fürstenberg-Weitra (1749–1828) 1807–1807
- Johann Nepomuk Graf von und zu Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg (1757–1809) 1808–1809
- Joseph Karl Graf von Dietrichstein (1763–1825) 1811–1825; also president of Lower Austria from 1804 to 1805
- Peter Graf von Goëss (Johann Peter II.) (1774–1846) 1825–1846
- Albert Count of Montecuccoli-Laderchi (1802–1852) 1846–1848
Seniors of the gentry as deputy of the Land Marshal:
- Franz Joseph Graf von Beroldingen (1779–1860) 1848–1860
- Anton Graf von Pergen-Thomasberg (1804–1873) 1860–1861
Land sub-marshals of the Austrian estates (1412 to 1451)
- Jörg Utendorfer 1412
- Albrecht von Wolfenreith 1423
- Hans Walich 1430
- Jörg Potenbrunner 1431
- Hans Stockhorner von Starein 1437, 1438
- Hans Walich 1442-1444
- Jörg Dechsner 1451
Land sub-marshals of the Lower Austrian provinces (1454 to 1848)
- Wolfgang Oberhaimer 1454
- Kaspar Staud 1469
- Leopold von Wulzendorf 1470–1477
- Wolfgang von Wildungsmauer 1489, 1490
- Kaspar Schaul on Mold 1496–1499
- Sigmund Hager (von Allentsteig since 1499) (? –1521) 1502–1517
- Ambros wisent 1518–1541
- Hans Lorenz von Kuefstein 1541–1543
- Georg von Mamming 1543–1549
- Ludwig Kirchberger 1549–1556
- Hans Geyer von Osterburg 1556–1561
- Pilgrim von Sinzendorf (1517–1579) 1561–1563
- Christoph von Oberhaim 1563–1592
- Wolfgang Dietrich von Trauttmansdorff (around 1541–1594) 1592–1594
- Georg Bernhard von Urschenbeck (1551–1620, since 1596: Knight von) 1595–1607; also from 1606 to 1620 land marshal
- Christoph Greiss zu Wald (1563–1617) 1609–1617
- Erasmus Gold von Lampoding (around 1550–1623) 1617–1623
- Johann Ruprecht Hegenmüller zu Parschenbrunn (1572–1633) 1627–1633
- Georg Christoph von Walterskirchen (1587–1654) 1633–1654
- Christoph Ehrenreich Geyer von Edelbach (around 1580–1667) 1654–1667
- Adam Anton Grundemann von Falkenberg (around 1624–1711) 1667–1710
- Franz Anton von Quarient and Raal (? –1713) 1710–1713
- Johann Ernst II of Hatzenberg (? –1717) 1713–1717
- Johann Joachim von Aichen (1664–1729) 1717–1729
- Karl Leopold Friedrich von Moser (1688–1770) 1729–1764
- Daniel von Moser ( Johann Daniel ,? –1779) 1765–1769
- Ferdinand von Moser ( Ferdinand Max , 1718–1779) 1769–1779
- Ludwig von Hacque 1779–1802
- Karl Leopold Joachim von Moser (1744–1823) 1802–1823
- Joseph Freiherr von Doblhoff-Dier (1770–1831) 1825–1831
- Franz Xaver von Aichen (1788–1856, since 1816: Freiherr) 1832–1848
Heads of the Lower Austrian Landtag (1861 to 1918)
In March 1861 a Lower Austrian Landtag was elected, which met for the first time on April 6, 1861. This was instead of the Lower Austrian Estates to represent the country in relation to the Government of Lower Austria. The Lower Austrian Landtag was replaced on November 5, 1918 by the Provisional Lower Austrian Provincial Government.
Land marshals of the Lower Austrian Parliament (1861 to 1918)
- Josef Franz Hieronymus Prince of Colloredo-Mannsfeld (1813–1895) 1861–1867
- Adolf Pratobevera von Wiesborn (1806–1875, baron since 1829) 1867–1870
- Othmar Ritter von Helferstorfer (d. I. Kaspar Helferstorfer), abbot of the Benedictine monasteries to the Scots in Vienna (1810–1880) 1870–1880
- Cajetan Felder (1814–1894, since 1878: Freiherr von) 1880–1884, also mayor of Vienna 1868–1878; previously Deputy Land Marshal from 1869 to 1880
- Christian Graf von Kinsky zu Wichnitz and Tettau (1822–1894) 1884–1893
- Leopold Graf von Gudenus (1843–1913, until 1907: Freiherr) 1893–1894
- Otto Ehrenreich Maria Graf von Abensperg-Traun (1848–1899) 1894–1896
- Joseph Graf von Gudenus (1841–1919, until 1907: Freiherr, since 1919: Joseph Gudenus) 1896–1902
- Frigdian Schmolk, provost of Herzogenburg Abbey (1842–1912) 1902–1906
- Aloys Prinz von und zu Liechtenstein (1846–1920) 1906–1918
Deputy Land Marshal of the Lower Austrian Parliament (1861 to 1918)
- Joseph Kalchberg (1801–1882, since 1840: Knight von; since 1861: Baron von) 1861–1863
- Andreas Zelinka (1802–1868) 1863–1868, also Mayor of Vienna 1861–1868
- Cajetan von Felder (1814–1894, from 1878: Freiherr von) 1869–1880, then Landmarschall 1880–1884
- Alexander Karl (1824–1909), 1880–1884, abbot of Melk Abbey
- Eduard Uhl (1813–1892, since 1890: Ritter von) 1884–1890, also Mayor of Vienna 1882–1889
- Johann Nepomuk Prix (1836–1894) 1890–1894, also Mayor of Vienna 1889–1894
- Karl Haberl (1833–1908) 1894–1896, also mayor of Wiener Neustadt from 1886 to 1896
- Joseph Strobach (1852–1905) 1896–1905, also Mayor of Vienna 1896 to 1897
- Karl Lueger (1844–1910) 1905–1910, also mayor of Vienna 1897–1910
- Josef Neumayer (1844–1923) 1910–1913, Mayor of Vienna 1910–1912
- Josef Porzer (1847–1914) 1913–1914
Web links
- List on the Marienthal website of the University of Graz
- Johann Georg Estor: De hereditariis provinciarum Austriacarum officialibus commentatio , 1737, p. 38ff ( link to google books ).
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b Entry on Heidenreich von Maissau in the database of the state's memory for the history of the state of Lower Austria ( Museum Niederösterreich )
- ↑ Johann Schwerdling: history of ancient and for centuries to sovereign and country highly deserved, sometimes handsomely, partly Count's house Starhemberg . Jos. Feichtinger , Linz 1830, p. 111 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
- ↑ → Dachsberg Castle #History
- Jump up ↑ list of Liechtenstein roots in Hartneid III.
- ↑ his father was Johann Anton von Pergen ?
- ↑ link to the Moser family tree on BLKÖ