Wilhelm von Baden (1829-1897)

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Prince Wilhelm of Baden

Ludwig Wilhelm August von Baden (born December 18, 1829 in Karlsruhe ; † April 27, 1897 there ) was a Prince of Baden and a Prussian-Baden politician and infantry general .


Prince Wilhelm von Baden, monument in Karlsruhe
Prince Wilhelm von Baden, coffin (in the grand ducal burial chapel of Karlsruhe)

Wilhelm was born as the third son of Grand Duke Leopold of Baden (1790-1852) and Princess Sophie of Sweden (1801-1865), daughter of the deposed King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden. In 1849 he joined the 1st Guard Regiment on Foot in the Prussian Army as a Premier Lieutenant , in 1856 he went over to the Guard Artillery as a Major and was finally Major General and Commander of the Guard Artillery Brigade. He resigned from Prussian service in 1863 and married Princess Maria von Leuchtenberg in Saint Petersburg . The young couple lived in Karlsruhe, where they moved into a palace near the Residenzschloss.

In the German war between Prussia and the German Confederation (with Austria) in 1866, he took over the supreme command of the Baden division in the 8th Federal Corps , which fought on the side of the German Confederation. Opponents accused him of being responsible for the failure of the campaign through his cautious leadership. In the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71 he commanded the Baden 1st Brigade in the Werderscher Corps and was seriously wounded near Nuits-Saint-Georges .

On December 18, 1895, on the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Nuits, Kaiser Wilhelm II awarded him the Order of Pour le Mérite , the highest award in Prussia for bravery.

As Prince of Baden, Wilhelm had a seat and vote in the First Chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly and was President of this Chamber from 1859 to 1860, again from 1863 to 1866 and a third time from 1893 to 1897.

From 1871 to 1878 Wilhelm was a member of the Reichstag (Reichspartei) from Baden . His last military rank was infantry general.

He was a member of the Freemason Lodge Urania zur Immortlichkeit in Berlin and honorary member of the Lodge Carl zur Eintracht in Mannheim, also an honorary member of the Lodge Zur noble Aussicht in Freiburg.

Marriage and offspring

On February 11, 1863, Wilhelm married the Russian tsar's granddaughter Princess Maria Maximilianowna von Leuchtenberg (1841–1914), Princess Romanovskij, the daughter of Duke Maximilian von Leuchtenberg (1817–1852). The marriage had two children:



Friedrich Hereditary Prince of Baden (1703–1732)
Karl Friedrich Grand Duke of Baden (1728–1811)
Anna of Nassau-Dietz-Oranien (1710–1777)
Leopold Grand Duke of Baden (1790-1852)
Baron Ludwig Heinrich Philipp Geyer von Geyersberg
Luise Karoline von Hochberg (1767–1820)
Maximiliana Christina, b. Countess von Sponeck
Wilhelm of Baden
Gustav III King of Sweden (1746–1792)
Gustav IV Adolf King of Sweden (1778–1837)
Sophie of Denmark (1746–1813)
Sophie of Sweden (1801-1865)
Karl Ludwig von Baden (1755–1801)
Friederike von Baden (1781–1826)
Amalie of Hessen-Darmstadt (1754–1832)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lothar Machtan: Prince Max of Baden. The last chancellor of the emperor. A biography. Suhrkamp. Berlin 2013. p. 47.
  2. For freedom and democracy. Baden parliament history 1818–1933. A chronicle of the democratic movement since 1818 with biographies, historical film and sound recordings, election results, image documents and a comprehensive bibliography. Multimedia CD-ROM published by the Karlsruhe City Archives 1997, ISBN 3-9805956-0-9 .
  3. Court and State Handbook of the Grand Duchy of Baden 1847. p. 3.