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coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district Central Russia
Oblast Bryansk
Rajon Mglin
First mention 1389
City since 1781
surface 15  km²
population 7916 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Population density 528 inhabitants / km²
Height of the center 180  m
Time zone UTC + 3
Telephone code (+7) 48339
Post Code 243220
License Plate 32
OKATO 15 236 501
Geographical location
Coordinates 53 ° 4 ′  N , 32 ° 51 ′  E Coordinates: 53 ° 4 ′ 0 ″  N , 32 ° 51 ′ 0 ″  E
Mglin (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Mglin (Bryansk Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Bryansk Oblast
List of cities in Russia

Mglin ( Russian Мглин ) is a small town in the Bryansk Oblast ( Russia ) with 7916 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010).


The city is located in the eastern part of the Dnepr lowlands about 170 km west of the Oblast capital Brjansk on the Sudynka river in the Dnepr river system .

Mglin is the administrative center of the Rajon of the same name .


A settlement presumably existing since the 12th century in place of today's city was first mentioned in a document in 1389 when it fell to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania .

In 1502 Russian troops captured Mglin, which became a border town. From the time of turmoil at the beginning of the 17th century, the city fell again into Polish-Lithuanian hands until it finally came to Russia with the beginning of the Russo-Polish War 1654–1667 .

In 1708 Mglin was besieged by Swedish troops on their way to Poltava in the Great Northern War .

The town charter as the administrative center of a district (Ujesds) was granted in 1781. Mglin always remained a relatively insignificant administrative and commercial town.

During the Second World War , Mglin was occupied by the German Wehrmacht on August 16, 1941 and recaptured on September 22, 1943 by troops of the Brjansk Front of the Red Army .

Population development

year Residents
1897 7640
1926 6500
1939 7290
1959 6083
1970 6100
1979 6475
1989 7704
2002 8261
2010 7916

Note: census data (1926 rounded)

Culture and sights

The town is home to the Assumption Cathedral ( Успенский собор / Uspenski sobor) from 1815 to 1830, the Barbara Church ( церковь Варвары / zerkow Warwary) from 1874 and the Nikolai Church ( Никольская zerkowер63) from 1874 .

Economy and Infrastructure

In Mglin there are companies in the food and textile industries, as well as building materials and wood industries.

Road connections lead to the cities of Potschep , Unetscha (both on the M13 trunk road ) and Surasch , 30 to 40 kilometers away .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , pp. 12-209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)

Web links

Commons : Mglin  - collection of images, videos and audio files