Michael Rünz

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GermanyGermany 0 Michael Rünz
Award ceremony Mittelmosel Triathlon 2011 - In the picture Markus Fachbach, Jens Roth and Michael Rünz (from left to right)
Award ceremony Mittelmosel Triathlon 2011 - In the picture Markus Fachbach , Jens Roth and Michael Rünz (from left to right)
Personal information
Date of birth 29th December 1986 (age 33)
place of birth Koblenz , Germany
Current Pro-Team Mohrenwirt
2014 Ironman winner

Michael Rünz (born December 29, 1986 in Koblenz ) is a German triathlete and Ironman winner (2014). He is included in the best list of German triathletes on the Ironman distance .


Michael Rünz has been a triathlete since 2011.

In October 2013, he started the long distance at the Ironman Hawaii for the first time and finished as ninth German in 40th place.

Triathlon professional since 2014

Michael Rünz, known as a strong runner, has been a triathlon professional since 2014. He made a name for himself in 2014 with a seventh place at Challenge Roth and his victory at Ironman Japan .

In 2019 he was third for the second time after 2011 on the Olympic distance in the Middle Moselle Triathlon (1.5 km swimming in the Moselle , 40 km cycling and 10 km running ).

Rünz studies pharmacy in Vienna and starts for the Pro-Team Mohrenwirt association .

Sporting successes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Koblenz triathlete better than professionals at Ironman Hawaii ( Memento from November 28, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), Lokalanzeiger.de, October 14, 2013
  2. SRL Triathlon Koblenz, results ( Memento from September 3, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Ironman Japan: First Ironman success for Michael Rünz , Triathlon.de, August 24, 2014
  4. Jens Roth wins Mittelmosel triathlon ahead of German champion In: Trierischer Volksfreund from July 5, 2011
  5. Results Ironman 70.3 Germany, 2010 (PDF)
  6. Swallow and Van Berkel Claim Asia-Pacific Honors (June 12, 2016)
  7. http://datev-challenge-roth.r.mikatiming.de/2014/
  8. http://www.tri226.de/resultlisten/hawaii/im-hawaii2013.pdf