NGC 6362

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Globular cluster
NGC 6362
Image taken with the Wide Field Imager of the MPG / ESO 2.2 m telescope
Image taken with the Wide Field Imager of the MPG / ESO 2.2 m telescope
Constellation altar
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 17 h 31 m 54.8 s
declination -67 ° 02 ′ 52 ″
Concentration class X
Brightness  (visual) 8.1 likes
Angular expansion 15.0 '
Physical data
Affiliation Milky Way
discovery James Dunlop
Discovery date June 25, 1826
Catalog names
 NGC  6362 • C 1726-670 •  GCl  66 •  ESO  102-SC8 •  Dun  225 •  GC  4300 • Bennett 95, h 3684

NGC 6362 is a galactic globular cluster in the constellation Altar at the southern sky , the approximately 25,000 light years from the sun away. NGC  6362 is 10 ′ .7 in diameter and has an apparent magnitude of 8.9 mag.

The object was discovered in 1826 by James Dunlop using a 9-inch reflecting telescope.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Harlow Shapley, Helen B. Sawyer: A Classification of Globular Clusters . In: Harvard College Observatory Bulletin . tape 849 , 1927, pp. 11-14 , bibcode : 1927BHarO.849 ... 11S .
  3. a b SEDS : NGC 6362
  4. Seligman