Otto von Flotow

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Otto Ferdinand Friedrich Herrmann von Flotow (born April 26, 1822 in Landsberg an der Warthe , † August 21, 1900 in Hirschberg ) was a Prussian major general .



He was the son of the Prussian major a. D. and botanist Julius von Flotow (1788–1856) and his wife Betty Louise, née Giesche (1792–1867). He comes from the Mecklenburg primal noble family Flotow, which has been documented since 1241 .

Military career

Flotow visited the cadet houses in Kulm and Berlin . Then on August 8, 1839, he was transferred to the 39th Infantry Regiment of the Prussian Army . For further training, Flotow completed the General War School for three years from October 1844 . He then worked for several years as an educator at various cadet houses and during this time became Prime Lieutenant . Promoted to captain , he was transferred to the 15th Infantry Regiment on July 18, 1854 and took over as chief of the 11th Company in 1859 and in 1860, he acted briefly as battalion commander in the 15th Landwehr Regiment until Flotow on July 1, 1860 was transferred to Herford in the 6th Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 55 . With this association he took part in the battles near Missunde and the assault on the Düppeler Schanzen in 1864 during the war against Denmark .

After the armistice, Flotow was promoted to major on June 25, 1864 in Torgau in the 4th Thuringian Infantry Regiment No. 72 and was commander of the fusilier battalion the following year. In this capacity he fought against the Austrians at Liebenau , Podol , Münchengrätz and Königgrätz in 1866 . For his achievements Flotow received the Red Eagle Order IV class with swords. On March 22, 1868 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and in 1870, when the war against France began, he was appointed commander of the Torgau Landwehr occupation regiment for the duration of his mobile relationship. Fourteen days after his promotion to colonel , Flotow was given command of the 2nd Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment for the further duration of the mobile relationship . He led it in the battle of Sedan and the siege of Paris and was awarded the Iron Cross II class on September 26, 1870 . For his work in the battle near Sceaux , the Bavarian King Ludwig II awarded him the Commander of the Order of Military Merit .

After the preliminary peace of Versailles he was appointed regimental commander on March 29, 1871. On May 21, 1874 Flotow was granted the character of major general with the statutory pension, the farewell granted. In recognition of his services, Wilhelm II awarded him the Order of the Crown, 2nd class on September 19, 1895, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the fighting on the Petit Bicêtre (battle near Seaux) .


Flotow married Adele Klothilde Franke († 1868) in 1856. After her death he married Cäcilie Giesche (* 1844) on April 2, 1872. The two daughters Ella (* 1857) and Katharina (* 1861) emerged from the first marriage.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred Cramer : Officer list of the infantry regiment Prince Friedrich of the Netherlands (2nd Westphalian) No. 15. Verlag R. Eisenschmidt, Berlin 1913, p. 201.
  2. ^ Wilhelm von Voss : The 2nd Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment No. 47. 1860 to 1910. Verlag R. Eisenschmidt, Berlin 1910, p. 302.