Peter Philipp von Dernbach

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Peter Philipp von Dernbach
Peter Philipp von Dernbach, copper engraving by Johann Salver

Peter Philipp von Dernbach called Graul , also Latinized as Petrus Philippus a Dernbach , (born July 1, 1619 in Geisa (Rhön); † April 23, 1683 in Würzburg ) was Prince-Bishop of the Diocese of Bamberg and Diocese of Würzburg .


Peter Philipp, born as the youngest child of the imperial councilor and Fulda court marshal Melchior von Dernbach, had six brothers and came from the Hessian nobility family "von Dernbach called Graul" ( named name ) with headquarters at Neu-Dernbach Castle , now part of Bad Endbach im district Marburg-Biedenkopf in Hessen. His father, like his two other brothers, was brought to Fulda by her brother, the Fulda abbot Balthasar von Dernbach called Graul , after they had converted from the Evangelical Lutheran faith to the Catholic faith, and given high offices.


At the age of twelve, Peter Philipp was admitted to the Bamberg Cathedral Chapter on February 7, 1631 as Domizellar ( canon ), and on February 25, 1643 also in Würzburg. He studied in Würzburg from 1639, in Bamberg from 1642 to 1643 and until 1648 at the Collegium Germanicum in Rome .

On May 31, 1649 he was elected as canon with seat and vote in the cathedral chapter of Bamberg, on August 7, 1649 also in the cathedral chapter of Würzburg. On June 27, 1651, he was elected to succeed Philipp Valentin Voit of Rienecks provost in Carinthia. Here he managed the extensive estates of the Bamberg diocese as vice cathedral for over 20 years . During this time he got to know the emperor's son Leopold , who later became Emperor Leopold I, which was very useful to him. On March 22nd, 1672 he was appointed Bishop of Bamberg by Pope Clement X. and thus succeeded Valentin Voits von Rieneck. The episcopal ordination on June 2, 1675 donated to him the Archbishop of Mainz Damian Hartard von Leyen-Hohengeroldseck . Pope Clement X appointed him Prince-Bishop of Würzburg on May 27, 1675. In both cases, Emperor Leopold I strongly supported his election. With the double election he also became an important imperial prince with the additional title “ Duke in Franconia ”. He concluded u. a. formed a protective alliance with the Protestant Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel and provided the emperor with 5000 soldiers in the fight against France.

After his election, he received the Emperor for his family on July 13, 1675, the baron dignity and for himself and his two nephews on 24 July 1678 elevation to the imperial counts . In addition, with the help of the emperor, he was able to convert the Wiesentheid lordship into an imperial county and hand it over to his nephew Johann Otto von Dernbach called Graul .

The prince-bishop was also known by the nickname "Peter Lustig". From time to time he is said to have opened his wine cellar to his subjects and invited them to a free drink .

A man-sized portrait of the bishop hangs in the salon of Veitshöchheim Palace.

The bishop on his death bed, 1683

Peter Philipp von Dernbach died in 1683 as a result of a stroke in the Marienburg, where he also found his final resting place in the chapel.

As a curiosity in his vita, it should be mentioned that the prince-bishop was the godfather of an Evangelical-Lutheran baptized: In the parish register of the Evangelical-Lutheran church of Hartenrod (today the municipality of Bad Endbach , district of Marburg-Biedenkopf ), the most honorable one is listed in the baptismal register on April 14, 1678 Bishop of Würzburg and Bamberg named Peter Philipp von Dernbach. Graul named as the namesake and godfather of the Evangelical-Lutheran baptism of Peter Philipp Friedrich von und zu Dernbach. The person to be baptized was the son of Georg Albrecht von und zu Dernbach and Maria Eleonora nee. von Wonsheim, who lived in the Neu-Dernbach headquarters .

coat of arms

Coat of arms of the Prince-Bishop of Bamberg (1672–1683) and Prince-Bishop of Würzburg (1674–1683)
Groschen from 1683

The prince-bishop's coat of arms is composed of the coats of arms of the dioceses of Würzburg and Bamberg. The family coat of arms is planted as a heart shield : three golden hearts (water lily leaves? Rather forest clover leaves) are arranged at the tips to form a three-pass. The blue ground is covered with gold clapboards. Heidinrich von Dernbach already had this coat of arms in 1323.


  • Herwig Buntz: Alchemist in the service of Bishop Peter Philipp von Dernbach (1672–1683). In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 3, 1985, pp. 335-353, here: pp. 336-338.
  • Horst W. Müller: Dernbach and the "von Dernbach". In: Hinterland history sheets. Vol. 84, No. 3, 2005, ISSN  0018-196X , pp. 137-141; Vol. 84, No. 4, 2005, pp. 149-152; Vol. 85, No. 1, 2006, pp. 153-155; Vol. 85, No. 2, 2006, pp. 162-167.
  • Christian Görzel:  Peter Philipp von Dernbach. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 22, Bautz, Nordhausen 2003, ISBN 3-88309-133-2 , Sp. 1067-1069.
  • Alfred WendehorstPeter Philipp Graf von Dernbach. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 20, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-428-00201-6 , p. 228 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Hans Jürgen Wunschel: The foreign policy of the bishop of Bamberg and Würzburg Peter Philipps von Dernbach (= writings of the Central Institute for Franconian Regional Studies and General Regional Research at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Vol. 19). Degener & Co, Neustadt an der Aisch, 1979, ISBN 3-7686-9054-7 (at the same time: Erlangen, Nuremberg, University, dissertation, 1970).
  • Winfried Romberg (edit.): The Würzburg bishops from 1617 to 1684 (= Germania Sacra. Third series 4. The dioceses of the ecclesiastical province of Mainz. The diocese of Würzburg; 7). De Gruyter, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-11-025183-8

Web links

Commons : Peter Philipp von Dernbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Max Domarus, The Counts of Dernbach, Rise and End of a Reischsstandischen house. In: Mainfränkisches Jahrbuch. Volume 16, 1964, pp. 267-281.
  2. Hans Joachim von Brockhusen: Knight from the clover leaf. ( Local supplement No. 48 of the Marburger Presse , dated July 26, 1950, ZDB -ID 962813-7 ).
predecessor Office successor
Johann Hartmann von Rosenbach Prince-Bishop of Würzburg
Konrad Wilhelm von Wernau
Philipp Valentin Voit from Rieneck Prince-Bishop of Bamberg
Marquard Sebastian Schenk von Stauffenberg