Raffaella Passiatore

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Raffaella Passiatore (* 1966 in Paderno Dugnano , Milan , Italy ) is an Italian writer , theater director and pianist . She lives in Padua and Salzburg and leads further courses for Tango Argentino . She works on multimeadia projects, theater productions at home and abroad and literary works.


Passiatore spent the first ten years of her life in the municipality of Paderno Dugnano in Lombardy . From an early age, her father Cosimo, a painter and sculptor specializing in religious subjects, imparted a feeling for art and the joy of reading. Raffaella is the only one of the three daughters who did not graduate from the art academy, although she expressed her talent for the visual arts at a young age.

The family moved to Bari , where the writer never really felt at home. She studied piano privately with Maestro Sarno and his daughter Elvira until she was admitted to the Niccolò Piccinni Music Conservatory in Bari, where she continued her studies under the direction of Marisa Somma. The lessons on music history , given by Dinko Fabris, had a particular fascination for her and the Passiatore stayed in contact with the musicologist in the years that followed. In addition to the conservatory, she attended the Liceo Classico Socrate (a humanistic grammar school ). The meeting with Mara Labriola was decisive and deepened her already existing passion for literature, which is why Mara Labriola presented her award-winning collection of poems Terre Straniere in Bari in 2005 .

Her father Cosimo died in 1986. After piano and chamber music workshops in Salzburg and Vienna , Passiatore decided to interrupt the study of literature and philosophy at the Bari Conservatory the following year. She only finished her piano studies in 1992 as a private student. After long stays in Brazil, she moved to Salzburg in 1989 and married the Brazilian-Danish violinist Lavard Skou Larsen. The divorce followed in 1993. Although the writer lived in Salzburg, she began to teach piano and Italian in Bavaria .

A few years later she got a job as a piano teacher and répétiteur in Pongau in Salzburg and, after five years, finally a chair for piano and music theater at the Musikum in Salzburg. She recorded pieces of music by Scriabin for the Italian state radio station RAI and by composer Michael Mautner for the Austrian state radio station ORF . In those years she attended advanced training courses in the fields of education, drama and chamber music. She performed with various chamber music ensembles.

In 1997 she fell into an artistic crisis that kept her more and more away from the concert world. She began her literary activity by writing the play The Game and some poems collected in Terre Straniere . The burgeoning passion for Latin America expanded to the language and literature, and trips to Colombia , the Caribbean and Argentina followed .

The first awards came and with them the publications. In 2004 she won the literary competition Writing Between Cultures for Poetry in Vienna and this was followed by publication with the Exil Verein Wien and the contract with the Florestano Edizioni publishing house from Bari, which published all of her works in Italian.

Readings and theater performances in Italy , Austria and Germany followed, as well as reviews in the most important Italian print media ( Repubblica , Il Corriere della sera, La gazzetta del mezzogiorno).

In Salzburg she taught Italian at the Institute for Economic Development (WIFI), at Dante Alighieri and at the University of Applied Sciences (degree in tourism and management).

The passion for Latin America spread to the phenomenon “Tango” and this became the central content for two literary works and two opera libretti . After an intensive examination of the tango , both from an artistic and a socio-cultural point of view, she and Peter Sieglreithmaier have been holding dance courses and workshops for the cultural association Amphitheater Salzburg since 2008. In the meantime, artistic collaborations with the composers Arteom Denissov, Fausto Tuscano, Michael Mautner , Ingo Nagel, Jorge Rotter and with the writer Vladimir Vertlib have emerged . In 2014, she interrupted her teaching activities at all schools to devote herself entirely to writing.

Occasionally she holds workshops on creative writing, literary analysis and improvisational theater . In 2016 she married her childhood friend Daniele Palese with whom she lives in Padua as a second home.

The Ensemble Trio Zodiac was formed in Padua , in which the drummer Massimo Pastore and the guitarist Marco Pavin join the reciting voice of the author. The trio will perform in Salzburg in 2016. On the occasion of the celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the Literaturhaus , it performed unpublished combinations of spoken language and music based on works by Karlheinz Stockhausen and Kurt Schwitters .

In 2018 Raffaella Passiatore moved to the publishing house L'orto della Cultura from Udine with the novel Il passaporto giallo .

Prizes and awards (selection)

  • 1987: First place in the musicological competition “Il Coretto” with the text “La musica del novecento”. Bari / Italy
  • 2001: Third place in: “Premio internazionale di Letteratura e Arte Firenze-Europa” for the play “The Eye of Gogh”. Florence / Italy
  • 2002: Finalist at: Premio Internazionale di Poesia “Medusa Aurea”. Rome / Italy
  • 2003: Finalist at: Premio Internazionale “Firenze Europa” for poetry, Florence / Italy
  • 2004: First place for poetry: “Writing between cultures”, Vienna
  • 2005: Special jury award: “Scripts Elsinore” Salerno / Italy
  • 2008: Special jury award for the book: “Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere sul tango ....”. “Alberoandronico” competition. Rome / Italy
  • 2015: Special jury award for the children's book “Un ranocchio da ascoltare”. Schwanenstadt, International Children's Literature Competition, Austria


Narrative literature

  • 2004: Il quinto Natale . News from Dante (magazine of the cultural institute Dante Alighieri Salzburg), Salzburg
  • 2006: Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere sul tango e nessuno ha mai avuto il coraggio di raccontarvi . Florestano Edizioni, Bari, ISBN 978-88-90185-74-8 .
  • 2008: Everything you always wanted to know about Tango ... Florestano Edizioni, Bari
  • 2009: Le storie sdrucciole . Florestano Edizioni publishing house, Bari / Italy, ISBN 978-8-895840-21-5
  • 2012: Un amore in cerca d'autore . Florestano Edizioni, Bari / Italy, ISBN 978-8-895840-68-0
  • 2014: Alla ricerca di un tango perduto . Florestano Edizioni, Bari / Italy, ISBN 978-8-895840-88-8
  • 2018: Il passaporto giallo . L'orto della cultura, Udine / Italy, ISBN 978-8-899588-71-7
  • 2020: VIRUS Cinque personaggi ai tempi del Corona, Florestano Edizioni, Bari / Italy, ISBN 978-8-831486-05-7 .


  • 2001: Anthology book editions. National Library of German-Language Poetry. Realis Verlag, Munich
  • 2002: Analysis of problems with setting poems to music . Setting of 5 poems from “Fremde Land” by R. Passiatore; Music: Ingo Nagel. (Ingo Nagel, University of Music and Performing Arts Mozarteum)
  • 2003: El tango del Àngel . Poem to music by Luca Monti; Music publisher Mersich & Kiess, Vienna
  • 2004: National Library of German-Language Poetry; Selected works VII Realis Verlag, Munich
  • 2004: language leaps. (Anthology / poems); Association Exil, Edition Exil, Vienna
  • 2004: Foreign Lands . Poetry in German and Italian; Florestano Ed. Bari, ISBN 88-90185-79-1 .
  • 2013: Il Tempo Leone / The time of the lioness . (Poems, Italy. And German. Translation by Isabel Prantner Hüttinger) Tandem Verlag


  • 1990: “ Il Giornale della Musica ”; Turin / Italy
  • 1998: Texts by R.Passiatore on Mozart symphonies; Toronto University Orchestra
  • 2013:Odissea linguistica ” (article), La Sibilla newspaper, Milan / Naples
  • 2014:Homo Aenigmaticus? ”(Article) La Sibilla newspaper, Milan / Naples
  • 2016: Italy: Poor People's War. “ Zwischenwelt ”, magazine for the culture of exile and resistance. Vienna

Theater productions

  • 2003: “Tango!” By M. Beutler and M. Schandl. Drama and dance: R. Passiatore. (Gallery, Mondsee)
  • 2003: “Fremde Länder” Concept / Direction: R. Passiatore Music: Ingo Nagel
  • 2004: "The Last Tango by Madame Ivonne" Libretto / Director: R. Passiatore (Pasinger Fabrik / Munich)
  • 2004: “The last tango from Madame Ivonne” Text / Direction: R. Passiatore. ( Small Theater Salzburg )
  • 2005: “Finestre 2” concept / direction: R. Passiatore, choreography: M. Schandl u. A. Zach (Toihaus Salzburg)
  • 2006: “Finestre 7” Concept / Director: R. Passiatore, Choreography: M. Schandl u. A. Zach (Oval Salzburg)
  • 2007: "Madame Ivonne" contribution to the opening party of the "Salzburg Festival" (Hedge Theater Mirabell / Salzburg)
  • 2007: “L'ultimo tango di Madame Ivonne” Opera Lirica in two acts. Libretto / direction: R. Passiatore, music: Fausto Tuscano, musical direction: Andrés Rodrigo López. ( ARGE Nonntal Salzburg )
  • 2008: “Tango y arena”, for reciting voice and two dancers. Libretto / Direction: R. Passiatore. Voice: M. Schandl. Dance: R. Passiatore and M. De Nicolò
  • 2008: "Urbaum". Phonetic music for two actresses by R. Passiatore and F. Tuscano, acting: A. Poliseno and R. Passiatore. (Advent calendar / without title Salzburg)
  • 2010: "The double bass" by Patrick Süskind , director: R. Passiatore, with P. Siglreithmaier and Ingo Nagel (Theater Odeion Salzburg)
  • 2010: "The serial killer" musical and scenic action; Text, dramaturgy and direction: R. Passiatore. Actors: P. Siglreithmaier, A. Poliseno, F. Tuscano. Music: Ingo Nagel. (as part of the production “Hollywood” by Ohnetitel Salzburg)
  • 2011: "The nose of Gardel" text and direction by R. Passiatore, with P. Siglreithmaier and A. Poliseno. ( Small Theater Salzburg )

Children's theater

All productions were performed in collaboration with the choreographer Alexandra Zach and the students of the “Music Theater” and “Contemporary Dance” classes at the Musikum Salzburg. Steinway Hall, Musikum Salzburg.

  • 2007: Cirillo and the witch
  • 2008: Minestrone
  • 2009: Waltz of the Flowers
  • 2010: The Secret of Seafood

Short films / videos

  • 2003: Quasi Poesia by R. Passiatore, music: Art Denissov, Teatro Jazz it, Salzburg. De Gemmis bookstore
  • 2005/06: As of Tomatoes by R. Passiatore, music: Art Denissov, Teatro Jazz it, De Gemmis bookstore, Liceo Scacchi high school, Bari. Literaturhaus, Salzburg
  • 2006/07: The Mozart of tomorrow? by R. Passiatore and G. Sannicandro, Musikum Salzburg
  • 2016: Ritratto d'artista; Aldo Pastore by R. Passiatore, editor: G. Pavan

Individual evidence

  1. tango AMPHITHEATRUM salzburg. Accessed April 6, 2018 (German).
  2. nikt online communication, Austria, http://www.nikt.at : Literaturhaus-salzburg.at | Program | Everything you always wanted to know about tango but haven't dared to ask Mon, May 19th, 2008. Retrieved March 20, 2018 .
  3. Redazione online: Passiatore, l'amore scoppia sul web La storia di un onorevole e un'artista . In: Corriere del Mezzogiorno . ( corriere.it [accessed April 13, 2018]).
  4. nube - nuova biblioteca europea. Retrieved March 19, 2018 (it-IT).
  5. Babele: Raffaella Passiatore presenta il suo ultimo romanzo: "Alla ricerca di un TANGO perduto". May 4, 2014, accessed March 19, 2018 .
  6. http://www.raffaellapassiatore.it/. Retrieved April 2, 2020 (Italian).
  7. ^ VIRUS Cinque personaggi ai tempi del Corona. In: Florestano Edizioni. Retrieved April 2, 2020 (it-IT).
  8. nikt online communication, Austria, http://www.nikt.at : Literaturhaus-salzburg.at | Program | Foreign countries / terre straniere Mon, 01.10.2007. Retrieved March 20, 2018 .
  9. ^ Theodor Kramer Society "Zwischenwelt" Auf der Flucht. Retrieved March 20, 2018 .
  10. nikt online communication, Austria, http://www.nikt.at : Literaturhaus-salzburg.at | Program | Foreign countries / terre straniere Mon, 01.10.2007. Retrieved March 19, 2018 .
  11. ^ Johannes Amersdorfer: ARGEkultur Salzburg. Retrieved March 19, 2018 .
  12. Dance Performance Projects | dance it. Retrieved on March 19, 2018 (German).
  13. ^ Johannes Amersdorfer: ARGEkultur Salzburg. Retrieved March 20, 2018 .
  14. eventbass: The double bass by Patrik Süskind - Strasse. April 23, 2010, accessed March 19, 2018 .
  15. eventbass: The double bass by Patrik Süskind - Strasse. April 23, 2010, accessed March 19, 2018 .
  16. Gardel's nose. August 30, 2011. Retrieved March 19, 2018 .
  17. raffaella passiatore: quasi poesia. October 26, 2016, accessed March 27, 2018 .
  18. raffaella passiatore: As from tomatoes .... mov. June 20, 2012, accessed March 27, 2018 .