Drum catching

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Drum catching
Local church Merzkirchen
Coat of arms of the former municipality of Rommelfangen
Coordinates: 49 ° 34 ′ 48 ″  N , 6 ° 27 ′ 0 ″  E
Height : 329  (320-360)  m above sea level NHN
Incorporation : March 16, 1974
Postal code : 54439
Area code : 06583
Manor ensemble in Rommelfangen
Manor ensemble in Rommelfangen

Rommelfangen is a district of the Rhineland-Palatinate municipality Merzkirchen in the district of Trier-Saarburg .


Rommelfangen, laid out as an anger village , is located in the valley basin of the Spirzinger Bach sloping to the southwest, 1.81 km (distances as the crow flies from church to church) west-north-west of Merzkirchen, 1.37 km north-west of Dittlingen and 1.42 km north of Südlingen , which means too the closest places are mentioned, all of which belong to the municipality of Merzkirchen. The village is located on the eastern slope of the Saargau on the border with Saarland . The border to the north-western neighboring municipality of Wincheringen (district Bilzingen) is only 490 m away, this border runs exactly on the old Roman road from Trier to Metz , section Tawern - Nennig . The K 112 (Tawern - Esingen ) runs through the village , from which paths to Merzkirchen, Bilzingen and Dittlingen branch off in the locality.

The highest elevations in the immediate vicinity are

  • the Ihlknöpfchen (about 400  m above sea  level ) in the northeast
  • the Birkenknöpfchen with the Rommelfanger Berg on its southwest slope (about 420  m above sea level ) in the east

The surrounding landscape is used for agriculture and is characterized by pastureland, arable land and orchards. In parts of the district Keuper covers the shell limestone below .

The western part of the localization is in the FFH area Kalkwälder near Palzem (area number 6404-305). It's wooded.

Spirzinger Bach

The name of the stream on the east side of which the place is located is Spirzinger Bach , also Sprinkelbach . It rises about 470 m northeast of the locality, crosses under the roads to Bilzingen and Rommelfanger Berg to the north and leaves the municipal area near Ahlersfels , where it crosses under the K 116 from Südlingen to Helfant . This is followed by crossings under the K 115 (Esingen - Helfant) and the K 111 (Palzem - Helfant). At the Helfanter Mühle it flows under the B 419 and immediately afterwards flows into the Helterbach coming from Helfant, which flows into the Moselle after 1.45 km south of Wehr . Now the Spirzinger Bach has covered a total of about 6 km.


The proximity of the Roman road suggests that Roman settlements were established in the water-rich valley. The assumption is confirmed by the finds of Roman as well as Franconian settlements in the corridors of Oed and Dörrwies , which the then teacher Gilles documented in a map that is archived in the Landesmuseum Trier . The place was listed under the name Ramelvenge in 1200 in the court register of the Simeonstift . Archbishop Hillin von Trier (see also → Hillin in Südlingen ) gave the St. Marien monastery in Trier in 1158 a number of farms with their lands that were / are located around today's center: Courtyards on the corridors of Morten gardens (also Houf or An Hof ), Near Dö (ü) rrwies , Im Weissenland and two other properties. It is astonishing that between the 14th and 19th centuries at least ten gentlemen had their possessions in the Rommelfangen area, including Pope Alexander III. in the 12th century. During the French Revolution , the French came to the area in 1792. On the Birkenknöpfchen and the Ihlknöpfchen you can still find remnants of the jumps that the residents built in 1794 to defend themselves against the French.

On July 18, 1946, the former municipality of Rommelfangen, together with 80 other municipalities in the districts of Trier and Saarburg , was annexed to the Saar area , which was separated from the rest of the French occupation zone in February 1946 and which was no longer under the Allied Control Council at the time . On June 6, 1947 this territorial outsourcing was withdrawn to 21 municipalities, so that Rommelfangen came to the 1946 newly formed state of Rhineland-Palatinate .

On March 16, 1974, the previously independent community of Rommelfangen was combined with five other communities to form the local community of Merzkirchen in the form of a new formation. Portz mayor is Stefan Samson.

Before the new formation of the community, Rommelfangen had 78 inhabitants.

coat of arms

Rommelfangen coat of arms
Blazon : “A red cross on silver in the head of the shield. Underneath is a silver plow in blue. "

The coat of arms was introduced in 1967 and comes from Ernst Steffny.

Justification of the coat of arms: The red cross stands for the long-term affiliation of the place to Kurtrier . The plow indicates agriculture as the main source of income for the residents.


The main sources of income for the residents are agriculture and employment in businesses in the larger surrounding areas.


Chapel of St. Isidore

St. Isidore village church
Wayside chapel

It was not until 1921 that the Rommelfangen municipal council was able to make the decision to build a church, the last branch church of Merzkirchen. That was planned as early as 1862, but was rejected due to lack of funds. Since the parish saw no need to invest in the new building, the civil parish took over the costs. After the foundation of the building site by the Rommelfangen siblings Nikolaus Weyer, construction began, although the building permits from the Vicariate General, the District Administrator and the District President were not yet available. The church was destroyed in World War II, but rebuilt in 1961.

The building has four parts: entrance hall, nave, choir, sacristy. A small entrance porch (vestibule) with three steps is built in front of the nave at the west gable and is 7 m wide and 2.30 m deep. It has a small window in the wall opposite the staircase. The ship is about 5.5 m wide and 6.70 m long and has a wall thickness of 80 cm. Two arched windows in each of the side walls illuminate the interior. A round arch is followed by a 3.80 m wide choir with a window each in the north and south walls, in the apse of which is the passage to the sacristy at the east end of the church. This is 2.40 m square on the inside and also has two windows. An 85 cm high crucifix from the end of the 19th century hangs here. The total length of the church is 16.50 m, the largest width (nave) 7 m. The nave and choir are separated by a prayer bench. The original church had no vestibule and no sacristy. A slate roof turret with a pyramid-shaped helmet rises above the entrance gable. The ship contains ten rows of modern benches that stand on oak parquet floors. The choir and sacristy have terrazzo floors. The chapel was renovated outside in 1989 and inside in 1990. To financially support the renovation in 1990, the cost of which was subsidized by the diocese of 155,000 DM with 70 percent, the village's volunteer fire brigade organized a large village festival on July 8, 1990. The bell for the chapel was cast in 1917 by the Mabilon bell foundry . It weighs 50 kg and has the tone c. It still rings on special occasions today.

The wooden altar comes from the granary of the Merzkirchen church and was restored in 1923. The substructure ("stipes") is block-shaped and has a three-part painted recessed field. On the altar block lies a candlestick bench with a pedestal in the middle for the wooden sculpture of the Virgin Mary, which is flanked by two kneeling candlestick angels. Mary is depicted as the Queen of Heaven with a crown and scepter, who carries the Christ child on her left hand. This statue and the chandelier angels also come from Merzkirchen. In front of the pedestal is the altar cross made of brass, partly silver-plated and tinned.

Next to the round choir portal on the north side there is an 87 cm high baroque Elisabeth sculpture made of wood, which was redesigned in 2010. Opposite it, on the south side of the portal, is a terracotta sculpture of Don Bosco of almost the same size , who places his hands on the shoulders of two children standing next to him.

Between the two northern nave windows there is a 1.38 m high memorial plaque on the outer wall for the fallen and missing of the two world wars, whose names are engraved on a black marble slab.

The chapel is dedicated to St. Isidore. Unfortunately it has not yet been possible to determine whether Isidorus of Chios or Isidore of Madrid or Isidor of Seville was meant. All three are saints.

More Attractions

Although the village is quite small, besides the chapel it has a few more or less remarkable features.

  • Crossroads:
    • Altar cross (1855) in the parcel In der Fuhrt ( Location → ) This altar cross is located west of the village at the foot of the slope and the edge of the forest north of the path to Helfant. The cubic base with the foundation year 1855 is set into the ground. A writing field on the base is raised 2 cm above it, it bears the foundation year 1855 and the name of the foundation family Bösen. The simple shaft cross stands on it, like the entire cross painted white. On the shaft relief is the headless Lamb of God, above a simple beam cross with a body made of porcelain. It could be a processional altar.
    • Hilligenskreuz (1681) in the Buchwald parcel on the field path to Helfant
    • (no name) (around 1870) Fragments in a fenced cattle pasture
    • (no name) (1868) Corridor Opp der Straß
    • (no name) (1859) Flur Opp der Straß ( location → ) This neo-Gothic stele, fallen from the base, without a terminating cross, stands on the former boundary of Körrig, at the intersection of the K 112 with the L 134. The stone plaque has the Symbols for faith, love, hope. The inscription is illegible.
  • Wegekapelle ( location → ): Modernized, privately owned chapel a few meters northwest of the church, built around 1900
  • Old ski jump on the Ihlknöpfchen ( location → )

See also


Web links

Commons : Rommelfangen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Official municipality directory 2006 ( Memento from December 22, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) (= State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate [Hrsg.]: Statistical volumes . Volume 393 ). Bad Ems March 2006, p. 187 (PDF; 2.6 MB). Info: An up-to-date directory ( 2016 ) is available, but in the section "Territorial changes - Territorial administrative reform" it does not give any population figures.