Red Burren

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Roter Burren nature reserve

IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

NSG Roter Burren 2010-05-24.JPG
location Germany , Baden-Wuerttemberg , Rems-Murr-Kreis , Plüderhausen
surface 4.7 hectares
Identifier 1053
WDPA ID 82447
Geographical location 48 ° 50 '  N , 9 ° 36'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 49 '56 "  N , 9 ° 36' 25"  E
Roter Burren (Baden-Württemberg)
Red Burren
Setup date 07/07/1975
administration Regional Council Stuttgart

The Roter Burren area is a nature reserve in the district of Plüderhausen in the Rems-Murr district in the Welzheimer Forest . "The protection purpose is the preservation of a plant site with a number of rare plants that is remarkably rich in species for the Keuperbergland ."


The Rote Burren ( Burren = hill, hilltop) is located in an exclave of the Plüderhäuser municipal area at about 400 meters above sea ​​level . Plüderhausen itself is about four kilometers south, Urbach about three kilometers southwest, the Welzheim district of Breitenfürst about three kilometers north-northeast of the area. The protected area covers 4.7 hectares.

The hill protrudes a few meters from the clearing island of the Plüderwiesenhof and forms a clear, wooded knoll . Unevenly thick layers of the parlor sandstone shape the subsoil of the area, which is only 350 meters long and 150 meters wide, the surface of which is wavy. Marly and sandy layers form alternately moist to alternately dry soils.


The deciduous and mixed forest, which covers most of the area, is dominated by red beech and light pine forest; Worth mentioning is the existence of the heat- loving service tree . Field hedges can be found at the edge of the forest. The real value of the protected area is made up of the sparse stands of pines with several types of orchids ( large two-leaf , white forest hyacinth , red forest bird , purple orchid, etc.). Typical species such as juniper , golden thistle and gentians are reminiscent of former sheep grazing in the area.

Maintenance measures

Regular maintenance measures by the maintenance team of the regional council and the Plüderhäuser Albverein group (clearing out the trees, mowing ) help to maintain the character of the area and the rare plants at this location.

See also


  • Regional Council Stuttgart (Ed.): The nature reserves in the Stuttgart administrative region. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-7995-5176-2 , pp. 622f.

Individual proof

  1. ^ Regional Council Stuttgart 2007, p. 622

Web links

Commons : Roter Burren nature reserve  - Collection of images, videos and audio files