Snot village

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Snot village
municipality of Püchersreuth
Coordinates: 49 ° 46 ′ 19 ″  N , 12 ° 12 ′ 38 ″  E
Height : 458 m above sea level NN
Residents : 25  (May 9, 2011)
Postal code : 92721
Area code : 09602

Rotzendorf is a district of Püchersreuth in the district of Neustadt an der Waldnaab in the Bavarian administrative district of Upper Palatinate .

Geographical location

Rotzendorf is 1 km east of the federal highway 15 and 350 m northwest of the Schlattein . It is located 3 km north-west of Püchersreuth and 4.5 km north-east of Neustadt an der Waldnaab .


Rotzendorf (also Rozendorf, Retzelstorf ) was named in the Bohemian Salbüchlein by Emperor Charles IV from the years 1366 to 1368 with an estate. At that time only one farm in Rotzendorf belonged to the Störnstein district . The other properties in Rotzendorf belonged to Bärnau and Windischeschenbach . In 1483 a mill in Rotzendorf was mentioned.

Elector Ottheinrich introduced the Protestant denomination in his principality by decree in 1542 . In the years 1548 to 1571, the rule of the Waldsassen monastery gradually passed into the state sovereignty of the Electorate of the Palatinate. In the context of the reorganization of the church system in the entire Upper Palatinate carried out by Ottheinrich in 1558, Wurz became a parish in the superintendent of Tirschenreuth . The parish of Wurz included the localities of Kotzenbach, Pfaffenreuth, Mitteldorf, Rotzendorf, Walpersreuth, Eppenreuth, Kahhof, Lamplmühle, Ernsthof , Stinkenbühl, Rotzenmühle, Wurmsgefäll, Geißenreuth. Your pastor was Michael Schiffendecker from Runneburg near Zwickau . The parish bar from 1572 recorded 2 farms in the Neustadt rule, 5 farms in Wildenau and 2 properties in Bärnau for Rotzendorf.

In 1619 Rotzendorf belonged to the Wildenau estate . Christoph Heinrich von Reitzenstein sold the Kronlehengut Wildenau together with Schirnbrunn, Wurmsgefäll, Wurz and Rotzendorf to his sister Rosina Barbara von Reitzenstein that year. Her husband Christof Karl von Reitzenstein was assigned to the Landsassengut Wildenau in 1630. In 1641, Störnstein -Neustadt was raised to the status of a princely county under Wenzel Eusebius von Lobkowicz . The rulership was divided into 4 quarters: Neustädter Viertel, Altenstädter Viertel, Denkreuther Viertel and Oberndorfer Viertel. Rotzendorf and two subjects belonged to the Oberndorf district.

Christof Karl von Reitzenstein was heavily indebted to Anton Freiherr von Burry, who took over Wildenau in 1643, after the death of Christof Karl in 1640. Burry sold Wildenau in 1653 to Christof Albrecht von Sazenhofen . 1658 were to royally in Rotzendorf 5 farmers to Wildenau and two farmers lobkowitzischen grundbar rule to Neustadt-Störnstein. During the Counter Reformation , Wurz became Catholic again, Ottheinrich's ecclesiastical division was abolished and the situation before the Reformation was restored. Waldsassen Abbey was returned to the Cistercians in 1669 . The parish of Wurz was now part of the Nabburg deanery .

Wildenau remained in the possession of the Sazenhofen family until they went out in 1782. In 1764 it was transferred to the Principality of Sulzbach . In 1764 and 1783 the Wildenau estate included a whole farmer, three half-farmers and a quarter estate in Rotzendorf. In 1800 Rotzendorf was incorporated into the Tirschenreuth District Court as part of Wildenau .

Since 1808, Eppenreuth was a municipality and tax district with the towns of Eppenreuth, Baumgarten (first mentioned in 1961), Mitteldorf, Rotzendorf, Rotzenmühle, Stinkenbühl, Walpersreuth. Eppenreuth initially belonged to the Tirschenreuth Regional Court and was reclassified to the Neustadt an der Waldnaab Regional Court in 1857. In 1978 the community of Eppenreuth and its districts were incorporated into the community of Püchersreuth.

Population development in Rotzendorf from 1819

year Residents building
1819 62 8th
1838 73 8th
1871 56 36
1885 73 10
1900 62 10
1913 50 8th
year Residents building
1925 63 10
1950 76 8th
1961 49 8th
1970 47 k. A.
1987 46 8th
2011 25th k. A.

Tourism and culture

Rotzendorf is located on the Ilsenbach Sculpture Trail. This is a circular hiking trail from Ilsenbach via St. Quirin, through the Schlatteintal to Rotzendorf. Along this path are works by the artists Günter Mauermann, Rüdiger Goedecke, Barbara Hierl, Astrid Kriechenbauer, Willi Hengge, Klaus Kuran, Klaus Neugirg, Karl-Hans Bergauer, Hans Burmeister.

In Rotzendorf there is the Federkiel estate, with an art café and a restaurant that offers free-range poultry from its own breeding. Various cultural events take place in this estate.

Individual evidence

  1. a b
  2. Rotzendorf near Bavaria Atlas . Retrieved October 1, 2019.
  3. Fritz Schnelbögl : The "so-called Salbuechlein Bohemian" Emperor Charles IV. 1973, p 78, 138. Download possible as pdf
  4. a b c d e f g h i j Historical Atlas of Bavaria: Altbayern series I issue 47: Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Weiden, pp. 32, 45, 117, 118, 123, 128, 264, 265, 266, 366 , 410, 429
  5. a b c d Historical Atlas of Bavaria: Altbayern Series I, Issue 21: Tirschenreuth, pp. 191, 260, 373
  6. ^ Heinrich Ascherl : History of the city and rule Neustadt ad Waldnaab. , Editor: Stadt Neustadt ad Waldnaab, 1982, p. 80
  8. Josepf Lipf (Editor): matrikel bishopric of Regensburg . Ed .: Diocese of Regensburg. Pustet, Regensburg 1838, p. 361 ( digitized version ).
  9. Kgl. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to districts, administrative districts, court districts and municipalities, including parish, school and post office affiliation ... with an alphabetical general register containing the population according to the results of the census of December 1, 1875 . Adolf Ackermann, Munich 1877, 2nd section (population figures from 1871, cattle figures from 1873), Sp. 905 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00052489-4 ( digitized ).
  10. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Localities directory of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to government districts, administrative districts, ... then with an alphabetical register of locations, including the property and the responsible administrative district for each location. LIV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1888, Section III, Sp. 853 ( digitized version ).
  11. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Directory of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with alphabetical register of places . LXV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1904, Section II, Sp. 884 ( digitized version ).
  12. ^ Diocese of Regensburg (ed.): Register of the Diocese of Regensburg . ed. i. A. Sr Excellency of the Most Revered Bishop Dr. Antonius von Henle from the Episcopal Ordinariate Regensburg. Regensburg 1916, p. 587 ( digitized version ).
  13. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Localities directory for the Free State of Bavaria according to the census of June 16, 1925 and the territorial status of January 1, 1928 . Issue 109 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1928, Section II, Sp. 892 ( digitized version ).
  14. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria - edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 . Issue 169 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1952, DNB  453660975 , Section II, Sp. 761 ( digitized version ).
  15. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official city directory for Bavaria, territorial status on October 1, 1964 with statistical information from the 1961 census . Issue 260 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1964, DNB  453660959 , Section II, Sp. 562 ( digitized version ).
  16. ^ Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria . Issue 335 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1973, DNB  740801384 , p. 130 ( digitized version ).
  17. Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): Official local directory for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 . Issue 450 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich November 1991, DNB  94240937X , p. 264 ( digitized version ).
  18. Sculpture Trail / Ilsenbach circular hiking trail at Retrieved October 1, 2019.
  19. ^ Sculpture path website from Ilsenbach. Retrieved October 1, 2019.
  20. Landgut Federkiel own website. Retrieved October 1, 2019.
  21. Rotzendorf at Onetz. Retrieved October 1, 2019.