Russian dialects

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Russian dialects.png

The Russian dialects are the territorial varieties of the Russian language . There are two large groups of these varieties, which in Russian dialectology are called Southern and Northern Russian Dialects. Central Russian dialects lie between these groups. South and North Russian are in Russian often than Naretschije ( наречие ), Central Russian, as a group of transitional dialects, as Gowor ( говор (but both words can be used as, dialect 'or' dialect 'Translate) refers).

The Russian dialects are divided into early and late dialects. The early dialects are the dialects that developed in the area of ​​"Greater Russia," for example the Grand Duchy of Moscow , up to the 15th century. The late dialects are the dialects that emerged in later times mainly in Siberia , the Volga region and the North Caucasus .


Early dialects ( диалекты раннего формирования )

Late dialects ( диалекты позднего формирования )


  • Софья Константиновна Пожарицкая: Русская диалектология . Академический Проект / Парадигма (Москва, 2005). ISBN 5-8291-0613-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Федеральная целевая программа Русский язык. Региональный центр НИТ ПетрГУ. - Территориально-диалектное членение русского языка.
  2. Захарова К. Ф., Орлова В. Г. Диалектное членение русского языка. - 2-е изд. - М .: Едиториал УРСС, 2004. - С. 166-167. - ISBN 5-354-00917-0
  3. Касаткин Л. Л. Русские диалекты. Карты // Русские. Монография Института этнологии и антропологии РАН. - М .: Наука, 1999. - С. 96.