Leader region Southern Waldviertel-Nibelungengau

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Leader region Southern Waldviertel-Nibelungengau

legal form society
Seat Ottenschlag , Austria
management Thomas Heindl
(Managing Director)
Dieter Holzer
Website www.leaderregion.at

Map of the leader region Südliches Waldviertel-Nibelungengau

The Leader Region Südliches Waldviertel-Nibelungengau is one of 86 Leader Regions in Austria and helps to support the LEADER program. In this leader region, 33 municipalities work together and develop and implement joint impulse projects for the development of the region. The participating communities cooperate in three strategic fields of action.


In 2001, 13 communities in the southern Waldviertel decided to join forces for the purpose of regional development. The reason was a sharply declining population and a drastic change in life in rural areas, as fewer and fewer people worked in agriculture. Furthermore, there was an increasing migration to the neighboring conurbations . The first goals were to join forces and jointly finance pilot projects. After the first activities, the municipalities became aware of various regional funding programs, and the first actions followed accordingly. These included the Stahlkraft Moor project , which can be traced back to natural moor deposits, as well as the collective call taxi and assisted living projects in the southern Waldviertel . The regional board of directors became aware of the LEADER program through the regional development work. After the application and approval as a leader region, the number of projects could be increased significantly in 2002 as a professional management was established.

The regional development strategy (LES) is of major importance. In this the development opportunities and potentials of the region are worked out. It was found that there are currently only three areas (strategic pillars) for the region with the available budget resources in which development enables the greatest possible synergy effects (creation of jobs, development of cooperation and use of regional resources ). The region is currently in the second structural fund period 2007–13, and strategic planning for the next period 2014–20 is already under way.

LEADER program

Leader is French and means something like development of rural regions. What is special about the LEADER program is that all decisions are made in the framework of the preparation and implementation in the so-called regional parliament (or local working group LAG ). This includes municipalities, entrepreneurs, stakeholders as well as farmers and foresters. The LAG votes on each planned project and checks whether it corresponds to the rural development strategy. After the decision has been made, the project is forwarded immediately to the responsible state office, which, after a positive review of the submitted documents, issues the funding agreement. Assuming a positive decision, the respective project can be co-financed by the LEADER program.

Strategic pillars

In more than 100 workshops in the region, the wishes and needs of the population were worked out and resources and potentials were ascertained. Through the rural development strategy, the results from the workshops and the scientific analyzes were summarized in fields of action. This enabled three strategic pillars to be defined, which are expected to have a positive impact in the region.

Strategic pillars - leader region Südliches Waldviertel-Nibelungengau

Agriculture, Tourism and Culture

The Waldviertel as a tourist destination is one of the most famous in Austria (6th place, 2012). Since authentic tourism is practiced in the region, the landscape plays a major role. This is shaped by agriculture. The regional agriculture also delivers its products to the tourist businesses. In connection with cultural offers, a balanced offer is created in the region.


Education opportunities in the immediate vicinity are a major incentive for people not to move. By creating cooperation in the education sector, the number of people leaving the region in the education sector can be reduced.

Economy / energy / wood

The topics of energy and wood are trend-setting and also create jobs in the region. U40 (youth) and gender mainstreaming were defined as overarching topics . Due to a better sustainability of the regional work (Leader projects) these extend over all three fields of action.

Member municipalities

Web links

Commons : Leaderregion Südliches Waldviertel-Nibelungengau  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. LEADER regions ( Memento of the original from July 15, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed March 6, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.leader-austria.at
  2. ^ Province of Lower Austria, LEADER 2007-2013 , accessed on March 6, 2012
  3. ↑ People who emigrate in the Waldviertel - contribution of the housing subsidy to prevent emigration. (PDF; 462 KB) In: fgw.at. Research Society for Living, Building and Planning (FGW), 2008, p. 2, paragraph 2 and p. 4 Fig. 2 , archived from the original on December 19, 2015 ; accessed on September 18, 2019 .
  4. a b c Local development strategy of the leader region southern Waldviertel - Nibelungengau (PDF; 2.1 MB), accessed on March 6, 2012
  5. Leader in Austria 2007-2013 ( Memento of the original from January 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed March 6, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.leader-austria.at
  6. Lebensministerium.at: LEADER , accessed on March 6, 2012
  7. Austrian Hotel Association : ÖHV destination study and map 2012 , accessed on March 6, 2012
  8. Leaderregion.at: The strategic pillars , accessed on February 29, 2012
  9. Leaderregion.at: The Leaderregion introduces itself , accessed on February 29, 2012