Schiener Berg and western Untersee
FFH area "Schiener Berg and western Untersee"
In the Segete sub-area |
location | District of Konstanz , Baden-Württemberg , Germany | |
WDPA ID | 555522211 | |
Natura 2000 ID | DE-8319-341 | |
FFH area | 25.963 km² | |
Geographical location | 47 ° 40 ′ N , 8 ° 56 ′ E | |
Setup date | January 1, 2005 | |
administration | Regional council Freiburg | |
particularities | 5 sub-areas |
The Schiener Berg and western Untersee area is a protected area (SG number DE-8319-341) designated by the Freiburg Regional Council in accordance with Directive 92/43 / EEC (Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive) of January 1, 2005 Southeast of the German state of Baden-Württemberg .
The approximately 2,600 hectares (ha) large reserve " Schienerberg and Western submarine " is one of the natural area for Hegau . Its five sub-areas are located on Gemarkungen of Local Gaienhofen (259.6298 ha = 10%), moss (25.9629 ha = 1%) and Oehningen (1038.5194 ha = 40%) in the district of Konstanz , and an average height of 576 m ü. NHN .
The protected area is described as a "richly structured habitat with dominating wet grassland, vineyards and numerous sloping / limestone bogs , bank and shallow water zones on the Untersee as well as the Aachlauf with wetlands on the Höri peninsula , for a multitude of rare and sometimes highly endangered animal and plant species . It is a nationally significant breeding, resting, migration and wintering area for bird species in the wetlands as well as a diverse natural and cultural area of special character and beauty ”.
- Habitat classes (proportion of the total area)
N06 - inland waters, standing and flowing | 50% | |||
N10 - Moist and mesophilic grassland | 17% | |||
N15 - Other farmland | 8th % | |||
N16 - deciduous forest | 7% | |||
N19 - mixed forest | 5% | |||
N21 - non-forest areas with wooden plants, scrub, etc. | 13% | |||
- Habitat types (in hectares)
- 3130 - Nutrient-poor to moderately nutrient-rich still waters: 1
- 3140 - Lime-rich, nutrient-poor standing water with chandelier algae: 1,325.6
- 3150 - Natural nutrient-rich lakes: 1
- 3260 - Running waters with flooding aquatic vegetation: 1
- 6210 - Lime lean grassland: 4
- 6410 - Pipe grass meadow: 5.4
- 6430 - Moist perennial corridors: 1.1
- 6510 - Lean, lowland hay meadows : 95
- 7210 - Lime-rich swamps with Schneidried: 0.2
- 7220 - Tufa springs: 1
- 7230 - Lime-rich fen: 12.8
- 9130 - Woodruff-Buchenwald: 19.7
- 9180 - Gorge and slope mixed forest: 0.3
- 91E0 - floodplain forest: 19.1
Contiguous protected areas
The FFH area "Schiener Berg and western Untersee" includes the bird sanctuary " Untersee des Bodensee " (8220-401), the nature reserves " Stehlwiesen " (3,039), " Bodenseeufer (district Öhningen) " (3,058), " Moor am Oberbühlhof "(3,079)," Graues Ried "(3,099)," Hangried Schrännen "(3,181)," Segete "(3,182)," Kattenhorner Bühl "(3,222)," Hornspitze on the Höri "(3,235)," Bühler Moos " (3.238), " Bodenseeufer (Gmk. Gaienhofen, Horn, Gundholzen) " (3.582) and " Bodenseeufer (Gmk. Wangen, Hemmenhofen) " (3.583) as well as the landscape protection areas " Bodenseeufer " (3.35.003) and " Schienerberg " (3.35 .006) designated as contiguous protected areas.
Flora and fauna
According to Article 4 of Directive 2009/147 / EC and Annex II of Directive 92/43 / EEC, the following species are of particular importance for the assessment of the FFH area and are subject to appropriate protection:
- Lake Constance forget-me-nots ( Myosotis rehsteineri ), deciduous moss Drepanocladus vernicosus and marsh glossy herb ( Liparis loeselii )
- Yellow-bellied toad ( Bombina variegata ) and Northern crested newt ( Triturus cristatus )
- Helmet Azure Maiden ( Coenagrion mercuriale )
- European beaver ( Castor fiber ) and great mouse-eared mouse ( Myotis myotis )
- Bulged diaper snail ( Vertigo moulinsiana ) and narrow diaper snail ( Vertigo angustior )
See also
Web links
- Profile of the protected area at the State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg (LUBW)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Top25 Viewer [Top. Map 1: 25000 Baden-Württemberg (South)]
- ↑ height calculation in