Black Forest cherry

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Original title Black Forest cherry
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1958
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Géza from Bolváry
script Gustav Kampendonk
production Kurt Ulrich
for Kurt Ulrich-Film GmbH
music Lothar Olias ,
Gerhard Winkler
camera Georg Bruckbauer
cut Ingrid Wacker

Schwarzwälder Kirsch is a German music and homeland film by Géza von Bolváry from 1958 .


Ebnet Castle served Uncle Arthur Altenberg as a manor

Angela Westmann has just passed her exams as a singer and is happy to be allowed to audition for a musical director on the advocacy of her teacher. Together with her friend, the rich but unmusical Jette Palm, she goes to auditions and has to hear through the open door how the world-famous operetta composer Peter Benrath and his lyricist Freddy Weller make fun of them. In the photo sent in, she has a terrible figure and bulging eyes - the director should just not hire her. And so Angela is already rejected by the secretary without having sung a single note. Peter and Freddy had what they don't know, not their photo in their hand.

After Angela's hopeful career came to an abrupt standstill, she wants to defend herself from Peter, but Freddy has already left for Glückstal, where a monument is to be inaugurated in Peter’s honor. Angela and Jette follow the two who cover the distance on the train. At one station, the men buy a bottle of Black Forest Kirsch and get increasingly drunk.

The poor singers Egon and Otto trundle through the villages on foot to earn a little money with their music. They steal the car of a couple in love in order to get to the next train station faster and there they intone a song by Peter Benrath. He gets off the train drunk with Freddy when he hears the wrong game between the two of them and shows how it's done correctly - the police appear and arrest Peter and Freddy as alleged car thieves, while Egon and Otto flee into the train. At the Glückstaler train station, Egon and Otto are now mistaken for Peter and Freddy and play along as they hope for a warm meal. Meanwhile, Peter and Freddy are locked in a stable and their pants are removed so that they cannot escape. Nevertheless, they break out the next morning and borrow the torn trousers of two scarecrows . On the street they promptly meet Angela and Jette, who want to go to Glückstal in their car and take the two "tramps" with them. They do not hide the fact that they find Peter and Freddy's music terrible.

After the short drive, the two men hike to Peter's rich uncle Arthur Altenberg, who lives on a manor not far from Glückstal, and receive real clothes from him. Angela and Jette have already met the uncle and have been invited by him. First, however, both travel to Glückstal. Egon and Otto have a good time there. Egon first flirts with the housekeeper Lorle, but quickly decides in favor of Angela. In turn, she thinks he's Peter and wants revenge on him. When she and Jette visit Arthur Altenberg, Peter and Freddy pretend to be estate managers and stablemen, knowing that women are not well-disposed towards their art. Although Arthur proposes to Angela, she falls in love with Peter. Jette, in turn, likes the clumsy Freddy and so they finally meet at the festival for the unveiling of the monument for Peter.

Egon asked Angela to sing one of his songs at the festival. He hopes the radio broadcast will give him and Otto popularity. Angela, in turn, takes revenge and lets the unmusical Jette sing the title, which is a source of amusement. Now Peter and Freddy uncover the hoax, but pass Egon and Otto off as good friends who will serve as material for a new musical. While Freddy confesses his love to Jette, Angela can now really sing a song by the real Peter in front of all the microphones and finally also has the leading role in the musical "Black Forest Cherry".


The interior photos took place in the Ufa-Atelier Berlin-Tempelhof. The locations for the outdoor shots were, among others, the Wiesental (including Schönau in the Black Forest , Schönenberg , Wieden and on the narrow-gauge Todtnauerli ), St. Peter , Titisee , Staufen im Breisgau and Ebnet Castle in Freiburg.

The premiere was on August 1, 1958 in the Karlsruhe camera .

Lothar Olias wrote the music using the song Der arme Musikant by Gerhard Winkler . The lyrics are from Bruno Balz and Peter Moesser. In the film, the following hits are sung by the following different interpreters:

  • Lothar Olias (music): There's only one time - sung by Wolfgang Neuss and Wolfgang Müller; Marianne Hold and Wolfgang Neuss; Edith Hancke
  • Gerhard Winkler (music): The poor musician - sung by Wolfgang Neuss and Wolfgang Müller; Boy Gobert
  • Lothar Olias (music): Schwarzwälder Kirsch - sung by Boy Gobert and Dietmar Schönherr; Marianne Hold


The lexicon of international films described the Black Forest Kirsch as a “moderate comedy with a folk look with pop and folk music”. The film-dienst saw in the film a “banal confusion game, in which humor and wit are in short supply, while slapstick is represented in abundance; also formally modest. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Schwarzwälder Kirsch on
  2. ^ Adolf Schmid: Ebnet in the Dreisamtal. Schillinger Verlag 1999, ISBN 3-89155-247-7
  3. Klaus Brüne (Ed.): Lexicon of International Films . Volume 7. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1990, p. 3359.
  4. Black Forest cherry. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used